Satanic Show Business. Why Do The Stars Sell Their Souls To The Devil? - Alternative View

Satanic Show Business. Why Do The Stars Sell Their Souls To The Devil? - Alternative View
Satanic Show Business. Why Do The Stars Sell Their Souls To The Devil? - Alternative View

Video: Satanic Show Business. Why Do The Stars Sell Their Souls To The Devil? - Alternative View

Video: Satanic Show Business. Why Do The Stars Sell Their Souls To The Devil? - Alternative View
Video: Christian Bale Thanks Satan After Winning Golden Globe 2024, July

If you face the Masonic temple with the inscription MASONIK TEMPLE (Masonic temple), and lift your head up, we will see the inscription STUDIO MTV. Today the devil has become the Great Architect for the Masons. Members of the secret society put his ideas into practice. World stars of pop shows delve into the secrets of Freemasonry and are easily recruited by them.

There are many different secret organizations: "Brotherhood of the Serpent", "Brotherhood of the Dragon", "Illuminati", "Freemasons". Historians are still trying to figure out which of them came from which. But they only get more confused.

Music has always inspired people. Each new famous popular artist becomes an icon and idol of the whole life for many people. Imitation is the instincts of the Animal nature in man. You cannot get rid of them, you just need to use them correctly. For example, when it becomes fashionable and popular in society to do good, to selflessly help people, to serve free of charge for the good of society, to have such qualities as honesty, responsibility, conscientiousness, in general, to be a real Human, many will pick it up as a result of the same imitation. Which will certainly have a positive effect on the whole society as a whole.

But what are the stars promoting today? In their videos, on the stages, there is debauchery, the inscriptions "EVIL" (Evil), and their art demonstrates murder, violence, drugs, booze … We are inspired as if they are the standard for people to live with the same base immoral views. We do not notice even half of the "weapons" that they use to introduce people to evil.

Rihanna: "It's nice to be bad, I won't change for anything."

John Lennon sings in the song "Bring on the Lucie": "We are prisoners with our hands up … so we shout: Free the people … 666 is your name!"

Twins: I need someone for one night right now. We can remain friends if …”.

Jean Dary: "Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll are all your body needs!"

Promotional video:

"Ramstime": "Go into the yard and kill!"

Jenefer Lopez: “This is a new generation of fun people. Raise the booze up."

Nicole Scherzinger: “I have poison-poison-poison. I will make you love me"

Eminem: “Become what you have become with this fame. My soul is possessed by this devil."

Madonna: “I don't care. And I don't give a damn if I go to hell, and I don't care if I go to hell. I don't care what you say."

Many famous songs, including those of the Madonna, when played backwards on the record, open the ear to the phrase of the worship of Satan.

At the 2009 MTV VIDEO MUSIC AVARDS, Jack Black says from the stage: “Who wants to pray to the devil with me? Take the hand of the one who is near. Come on, Leighton (to the host). Dear, dark lord Satan! I hope you're all right. I just wanted to say hello and ask for continued success in the music industry for today's nominees. " Amazingly, everyone in the audience stood up and did it! AC / DC's song “I'm on the highway to hell” sounded at the opening of the 2015 Grammy Awards. Surprisingly, the whole audience stood up to sing these words and this devilish performance ended with a light triangle, the sign of the Masons. And the lead singer of the band "Red Hot Chili Peppers" Anthony Kiedis at the MTV ceremony thanked none other than Satan: "First of all, I would like to thank Satan …".

Agent Ted Gunderson stated in an interview: “I worked as a senior special agent for the FBI branch in Los Angeles for 27 and a half years. I qualified in court as an expert on satanic ritual perversion. I have information that most of the world's famous actors and singers are involved in this kind of activity. And the artists themselves admit this, everything is obvious.

Rapper M. Beale says, "There is so much corruption in the music industry, so many things going on behind the scenes, it's actually very wild … I know some personally and they really had a connection and dealt with devils."

John Lennon confessed: “I know that the Beatles will have such success, which no other rock and roll musician, no other band had, because for this success I sold my soul to the devil”.

Dave Chappell was the most successful comedian in the country. Then he mysteriously disappeared. From his interview: “You don't know what happens when art collides with business interests. Just prepare your heart to break. Why is Mariah Carey making a $ 100 million deal and still stripping at TRL? What is happening in Hollywood, many do not know …"

Katy Perry says: “… that's how I got to know the music industry. I swear I wanted to be like E. Grant in music, but it didn't work, then I sold my soul to the devil."


Kanye West was an ordinary performer, there are thousands. Over time, his career took off. His speech from the stage: “I sold my soul to the devil. I know it was a lousy deal, but at least he came with gifts …"

A. Johnson (Mob Deep): “The Illuminati are real. Jay Z (one of the most famous rappers on earth and a member of the official brotherhood of Freemasons) knows the truth, but he chose the side of evil to be accepted in the business world."

Many people mention the Devil as a kind of force that takes possession of their personality. Many suffer. But why? Selling your soul to the devil or other otherworldly creature is quite simple - you just need to go beyond the permissible moral framework (violence for the sake of money, betrayal, fraud, etc.)

John Frusciante, Grammy Award winner, confessed: “Creatures of a higher level of intelligence controlled what I did. One thing is very clear to me that the music does not come from me."

Beyoncé: “… I can try, but it doesn't work. I can sing a lot of notes and do everything else, but when I am alone, it doesn't work. And I remember, before one performance, I raised my hands, and this was the first time when I felt like something entered me ….

Nicki Minaj: “He lives inside me and he says what I don't want to say. I think it came about as a result of rage. He threatens to beat people up, he is cruel. I ask him to leave, but he cannot, he is here for a reason ….

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