An Intelligence And AI Company For Profiling Americans And The US Leadership - Alternative View

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An Intelligence And AI Company For Profiling Americans And The US Leadership - Alternative View
An Intelligence And AI Company For Profiling Americans And The US Leadership - Alternative View

Video: An Intelligence And AI Company For Profiling Americans And The US Leadership - Alternative View

Video: An Intelligence And AI Company For Profiling Americans And The US Leadership - Alternative View
Video: American Leadership in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (#CNAS2019) 2024, September

An Israeli government contractor founded by a former Israeli spy has partnered with one U. S. state to announce a series of new partnerships with other states and U. S. health care providers to monitor civilian health and use AI developed by the Interaction Design Foundation. an organization that publishes online open access educational materials with the stated goal of “democratizing education by providing world-class educational materials free of charge to anyone, anywhere”) to monitor Americans for coronavirus infection and inform the US government of restrictive policies.

A company affiliated with Israel's military intelligence unit, Unit 8200, recently partnered with the state of Rhode Island to use an artificial intelligence system developed in tandem with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to identify potentially infected Americans and / or “at risk of contracting the coronavirus, and then informing government agencies about their “risk profile”. Once the flag is set, government health officials can direct these people, as well as those around them, to undergo compulsory testing, treatment and / or apply more restrictive measures against them.

The organization plans to announce a series of new partnerships with a number of other US states, as well as with major US hospital systems and healthcare providers, according to a spokesman for Israel's Diagnostic Robotics. The first such announcement was made on June 30 in connection with a new partnership agreement between the firm and the Mayo Clinic (a non-profit organization, one of the largest private medical and research centers in the world), which will soon implement the Diagnostic Robotics platform, which will "predict the risk of hospitalization of patients." … Negotiations were also underway with Vice President Mike Pence to implement such a platform across the country from April.

Their creeping expansion into the U. S. strategy for responding to the coronavirus threat, as elsewhere, has been directly supported by Start-Up Nation Central, funded by controversial hedge fund manager Paul Singer and working directly with Israel's Israeli government intelligence initiative. aimed at creating a situation in which the United States will depend on technology developed by the Israeli military or intelligence community as a means of preventing the adoption of policies that support the nonviolent movement Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (literally boycotts, divested and sanctions; global political campaign and social movement,calling for economic and political pressure on Israel to stop the actions described by the campaign organizers as violations of international law) at the state and local levels. The initiative also serves the dual purpose of securing Israel's political influence and positioning itself as a global "cyber power", which has often been cited as a political goal of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Since March, the Israeli state has been using AI-powered software from Diagnostic Robotics to “risk profiling” the coronavirus threat, in the form of Israel's National COVID-19 Monitoring System, a key component of Orwell's burgeoning national health surveillance system. The system, which was also originally partnered with Clalit Health Insurance Fund, the largest provider of healthcare in Israel, now includes "daily nationwide monitoring of coronavirus symptoms in the population." Of course, these "coronavirus-related symptoms" include general symptoms such as headaches, coughs, abdominal pains, weakness and confusion, which can indicate a huge number of minor illnesses, allergic reactions or other conditions.completely unrelated to the coronavirus.

The Diagnostic Robotics platform, in particular, collects information from individuals through an online questionnaire, but also has access to national and private health databases through partnerships with Clalit, as well as all four Israeli health management organizations, all national health service delivery authorities Israel's ministry of health. This data is then combined and analyzed to estimate the “likelihood of infection” for a particular person, and then cross-checked against “millions of others,” according to company co-founder and Unit 8200 alumnus Kira Radinsky.

Once this mass of data is aggregated and analyzed using an AI-powered algorithm, the company's platform used in Israel and elsewhere creates a “personalized AI-powered Covid-19 threat risk profile” for individuals and delivers this individual information and any danger alerts to health officials by providing the Ministry of Health with a map of coronavirus hotspots that the government then uses to identify communities for testing and more stringent isolation measures. Forbes notes that Israel's use of the Diagnostic Robotics platform allowed it "to quickly identify and close contaminated areas … within just one day of identifying symptomatic patients." Internal research,conducted by the company itself claims that the platform's predictive accuracy is 73%, but their research has not been independently verified.

Israel's Ministry of Health, led by Yoel Edelstein, recently announced that the Diagnostic Robotics "predictive" platform will be used more actively to inform the government for decision-making, as he, Netanyahu, and other Israeli ministers recently announced that the "second wave" of coronavirus in Israel is already palpable, and more restrictive measures need to be taken and increased use of existing and new “digital solutions.” Former Israeli health officials and other critics have argued, however, that there is no “second wave” given the government’s test does not discriminate between active and inactive cases of coronavirus. Others still argue that the proposed measures are completely unnecessary, given the fact thatthat fewer than 40 serious cases of coronavirus have been detected throughout the country and only 22 patients with coronavirus are on ventilators. Notably, the timing of this renewed push for stricter restrictions and expansion of AI-driven Orwellian health surveillance directly coincides with the upcoming initiative of Israeli government plans to annex large swathes of the West Bank, Palestinian territory. These actions are expected to cause unrest not only in occupied Palestine, but also in parts of Israel, as well as internationally, due to its flagrant illegality and far-reaching consequences.that the timing of this renewed push for tighter restrictions and the expansion of AI-driven Orwellian "health" surveillance directly coincides with the upcoming initiative of Israeli government plans to annex large swatches of the West Bank, Palestinian territory. These actions are expected to cause unrest not only in occupied Palestine, but also in parts of Israel, as well as internationally, due to its flagrant illegality and far-reaching consequences.that the timing of this renewed push for tighter restrictions and the expansion of AI-driven Orwellian "health" surveillance directly coincides with the upcoming initiative of Israeli government plans to annex large swatches of the West Bank, Palestinian territory. These actions are expected to cause unrest not only in occupied Palestine, but also in parts of Israel, as well as internationally, due to its flagrant illegality and far-reaching consequences.but also in some parts of Israel, as well as internationally, because of its flagrant illegality and far-reaching consequences.but also in some parts of Israel, as well as internationally, because of its flagrant illegality and far-reaching consequences.

Promotional video:

Predicted hotspots

Following extensive media and advocacy campaigns by Israeli organizations about Israel's use of its platforms, Diagnostic Robotics' senior management announced on April 10 that their predictive health surveillance technology will soon be deployed worldwide, particularly in the United States, Western Europe and Asia. to “help the authorities”. “A strong partnership [between Diagnostic Robotics and the Israeli government] will ensure that our solution is available to as many patients as possible and to various government agencies in the United States, Europe and Asia,” CEO Yonathan Amir told The Jerusalem Post. published in English and French; it is the largest published in English in the country). Amir also told The Jerusalem Post that the company has already discussed with the White House task force on the coronavirus situation, "with the assistance of US Vice President Mike Pence," the prospects for using the company's software nationwide.

Less than two weeks after the release of this statement, Rhode Island authorities announced that the State Department of Health will work with Diagnostic Robotics to create a website called Rhode Island Covid-19 Self-Monitoring, which will collect health information from residents of the state., and use its "predictive" capabilities. “We're incredibly excited to be partnering with Diagnostic Robotics," Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo said during the website announcement on April 22. Diagnostic Robotics is a leader in innovative technologies to ensure people get the care they need when they need it, including during a pandemic. COVID-19 By educating people on how to protect themselves, when to seek help and when to test, we are helping to slow the spread of COVID-19.supporting our healthcare system and saving lives."

However, reports on the initiative, as well as Raimondo's statement, which was rarely covered by local and national US news media, noted that the site "also uses predictive technology to recognize possible outbreaks before they occur." This functionality will combine data from the site with "medical databases" that the state health department has access to. Analysis of this data, such as "likely" future coronavirus patients and potential future hotspots, is then passed on to the health department state. This information is intended to inform health department officials who are deciding in which areas of the state to tighten restrictive measures, increase testing, and / or authorize treatment or soon as the vaccine becomes available.

The information collected by the site itself includes the "risk factors" of the individual, whether they have any of the characteristic symptoms, as well as additional demographic and medical background information. The user's IP address and device information are also captured. While the official purpose of the site created by Diagnostic Robotics is to provide guidance on the need for an individual to seek medical attention or undergo a coronavirus test, the terms of use note that the site is not intended to be used as a "diagnostic tool" and "does not diagnose and / or provides professional medical advice.”However, it also states that Diagnostic Robotics“has the right (including moral rights) to use, copy, store, reproduce and process your information,as well as create derivative products on its basis and from intellectual property rights created as a result of the use of your information, without any additional action, agreement, notification or compensation to you or any other person. " These terms also state that the company “is not responsible for any disclosure or publication of the data specified in the questionnaire, or data entered by you into the system, by any other party due to any malfunction or defect in the system or after the transmission of information to compliance with the company's privacy policy. "These terms also state that the company “is not responsible for any disclosure or publication of the data specified in the questionnaire, or data entered by you into the system, by any other party due to any malfunction or defect in the system or after the transmission of information to compliance with the company's privacy policy. "These terms also state that the company “is not responsible for any disclosure or publication of the data specified in the questionnaire, or data entered by you into the system, by any other party due to any malfunction or defect in the system or after the transmission of information to compliance with the company's privacy policy."

Importantly, Rhode Island's partnership with Diagnostic Robotics is just the first sign of the company's intentions to rapidly expand its presence in the U. S. leading healthcare providers and some of the top hospital systems in the US, "adding that" big announcements will be made in the coming days. " In addition, the company began hiring employees for various leadership positions for the New York office shortly after Kabatsnik announced upcoming announcements of a series of new US partnerships. These job listings state,that Diagnostic Robotics is planning large-scale and “rapid” expansion in the US and calls the US its “strategic market”.

Lure and replace

Diagnostic Robotics' privacy policy, used in partnership with Rhode Island, allows Diagnostic Robotics to use the information obtained through that partnership “de-identified” in two other coronavirus programs that involve major US technology companies, healthcare technologies and / or elements of government. US security.

The first of these initiatives, COVID 360, was created by Diagnostic Robotics in partnership with two other companies: Salesforce, a cloud software corporation closely associated with Oracle, whose CEO / founder was mentored by Colin Powell, and Deloitte Global, one of the largest in the world. consulting firms with a history of hiring former CIA officers. Diagnostic Robotics CEO described COVID 360 as “a complete solution for people at risk of COVID-19 and those with symptoms of the virus.” Salesforce Senior Vice President Bob Vanstralen clarifies that the platform is “a free, complete solution the fight against coronavirus for patients and citizens at risk ",and it is "developed by Deloitte Israel based on the artificial intelligence triage and clinical prediction platform of Salesforce Health-Cloud and Diagnostics Robotics."

However, the official COVID 360 video notes that “government agencies or persons providing treatment and care services” using the system will send a message to a person potentially at risk of the coronavirus threat that they have been detected “in close proximity to a potentially positive case of coronavirus infection”. The message, as shown in the video, then requires the recipient to follow the link in the message and register in the COVID 360 system. After registration, an employee of a government agency determines who should be sent for mandatory coronavirus testing and / or treatment, based on government-developed coronavirus protocols. According to Michal Kabacnik, representative of Diagnostic Robotics,The COVID 360 system is currently in use in the Indian state of Odisha, home to about 50 million people.

The second initiative, of which Diagnostic Robotics is a part, has far more than three contributors behind COVID 360. This initiative is called the Covid-19 Health Coalition. It includes tech giants and government / intelligence organizations such as Microsoft, Amazon, Palantir, Leidos, and Google, as well as a number of US National Laboratories, the US Civil Corps and the CIA's venture capital arm, In-Q-Tel. It also includes a number of US hospital systems, US universities (including the head of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and medical information and technology service providers, as well as the pharmaceutical company Pfizer (an American pharmaceutical company, one of the largest in the world) and the Mayo Clinic. earlier,Mayo Clinic's partnership with Diagnostic Robotics was announced last Tuesday.

The coalition claims to represent "a private sector response that brings together healthcare organizations, technology firms, nonprofits, academia, and startups" to "help protect the US population" and "provide real-time insights to improve Clinical Results”to help the government make decisions related to the coronavirus. Their website notes that "coalition members openly share plans, coordinate their joint work where possible, identify best practices, communicate widely and openly, and openly share responsibilities and opportunities." It is noteworthy that the coalition deliberately directs its joint efforts in order to influence policy regarding "healthy groups of the population", "people,at risk of contracting Covid-19”and“health care systems”.

According to press releases posted on the coalition's website, the coalition "represents a vast source of data, experience, capabilities and knowledge and will complement the actions of the federal, state and local governments." Since its formation earlier this year, the coalition has released several resources, including the Covid-19 Decision Support Dashboard, a tool for government officials and business leaders to determine when to “reopen” or restrict housing and businesses. This tool was developed based on data provided by members of the coalition, including Diagnostic Robotics.

Diagnostic Robotics Roots in Israel's Special Operations Spy Technology

Diagnostic Robotics was founded in 2017 by Kira Radinksy, Dr. Moshe Shaham and Yonathan Amir, all of whom formally met by affiliation (visiting professor / alumnus, professor and alumnus respectively) at the Technion University of Israel. The company was originally intended to help emergency hospitals measure, analyze, and predict patient flow using AI, ostensibly allowing the emergency department to prepare ahead of time, allowing them to manage patient flow and prioritize other responsibilities.

When modifying the platform, according to company spokesman Mikhail Kabatsnik, Amir's idea was allegedly to expand the platform for its use in the fight against the coronavirus crisis, making it “a universal tool for fighting the disease, a comprehensive centralized solution for the treatment of Covid- 19 ". He also added that" the changes were originally made based on the recommendations of the US Centers for Disease Control and taking into account data from Italy and South Korea."

The company then contacted Israel's Ministry of Health and made further changes to provide the Israeli government with a “platform to match.” Many of the tools used were courtesy of the Israel Defense Forces, which, according to company co-founder Radinsky, “made our algorithms part of a larger operating system. which was supposed to reach the level of uninterrupted operation in less than 2 weeks. "The resulting" operating system "was the national Israeli monitoring system for COVID-19, which is currently used throughout Israel and most of the occupied Palestine. This same system, as mentioned earlier, underlies the model for the Rhode Island system and those to be implemented in other states,whose partnership with Diagnostic Robotics is to be announced shortly.

Radinsky's involvement with the founding of Diagnostic Robotics and her current role as chairman and chief technology officer of the company deserves special attention. Her career began in the Israeli military intelligence unit, Unit 8200, often referred to as the Israeli equivalent of the United States National Security Agency (NSA), which is well known for its operations. to hack and monitor Palestine, and overseas around the world, including the United States. During her time in Unit 8200, she was recruited into an even more secret and notorious unit, Unit 81, in which she participated in “special operations.

Unit 81, for example, was described by its supporters as a "intelligence toy factory," whose "toys" included rock-disguised landmines and other military weapons, as well as mass surveillance (ie, "electronic intelligence"). Coronavirus Crisis The Israeli Defense Ministry instructed Division 81 to create "software for hospitals that can store and analyze patient data, track infections, test results, provide hospitals with data so that they can understand what they are dealing with and how to optimally organize the solution of everyday tasks." software that is remarkably similar in description to a platform that was subsequently created by Ridinsky Diagnostic Robotics with the assistance of an unspecified Israeli military unit.

Radinski was quickly recruited by Microsoft after leaving Division 8200 and Division 81 to "lead Microsoft's strategic incubation programs," including creating algorithms for predicting disease outbreaks as well as civil unrest and protest. She then created her own company, SalesPredict. in which other graduates of Division 8200 worked. Her company was then acquired by eBay, owned by controversial billionaire Pierre Omidyar. Radinsky subsequently became eBay's director of data science and chief scientist for the company's Israel subsidiary. A month after taking on this lucrative position on eBay, Radinski became a member of the advisory board of HSBC Bank, one of the most famous money laundering banks in the world with close ties to drug cartels.especially in Mexico and Colombia. Less than a year after joining HSBC, Radinski became a member of the Israeli government's board of directors for securities, working closely with the country's finance ministry and the Knesset. In recent years, the Treasury and the Knesset have been criticized for "tacit approval" of the widespread use of forex and binary options fraudulent schemes in the Israeli financial industry. After becoming CTO of Diagnostic Robotics, she left the Israel Securities Market, but continues to maintain her position on the advisory board of HSBC. In recent years, the Treasury and the Knesset have been criticized for "tacit approval" of the widespread use of forex and binary options fraudulent schemes in the Israeli financial industry. After becoming CTO of Diagnostic Robotics, she left the Israel Securities Market, but continues to maintain her position on the advisory board of HSBC. In recent years, the Treasury and the Knesset have been criticized for "tacit approval" of the widespread use of forex and binary options fraudulent schemes in the Israeli financial industry. After becoming CTO of Diagnostic Robotics, she left the Israel Securities Market, but continues to maintain her position on the advisory board of HSBC.

Radinsky's close ties to the world of Israeli and global finance are likely to be the factor behind Diagnostic Robotics' ability to secure $ 24 million in funding last November, the same month the US government warned Israel of an imminent global coronavirus pandemic. Since then, the company's lead investors have been Accelmed Growth Partners and Mivtach Shamir Holdings.

Accelmed Growth Partners is a venture capital firm founded and headed by Dr. Uri Geiger, a former Israeli Air Force officer whose career in the private sector began at the notorious law firm Sullivan and Cromwell, best known as the former law firm of the first CIA director, Allen Dulles, who reigns in the communications and intelligence services.

MivtachShamirHoldings is a venture capital firm whose CEO and major shareholder is Meir Shamir, a longtime head of the Taglit program (Birthright Israel). Taglit is one of the more prominent "ethno-philanthropic" endeavors of MegaGroup, an organized crime organization co-founded by Leslie Wexner and Charles Bronfman in 1991. The organization is most directly involved in the Jeffrey Epstein scandal and Israeli spy scandals in general. Taglit was created by MegaGroup members Charles Bronfman and Michael Steinhardt three years after MegaGroup was founded, and its main donors are the Bronfmans, Steinhards, the Israeli government and Sheldon Adelson.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Israel's Technology Industry

One of the earliest supporters of Diagnostic Robotics and its coronavirus-related initiatives is Start-Up Nation Central (SUNC; literally National Startup Center). SUNC was founded in 2012 with the financial support of billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Singer. a fervent Zionist who also funds the neoconservative think tank American Enterprise Institute (AEI), the Islamophobic and militarist research center Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, the Republican Jewish Coalition, and also funded the now defunct Foreign Policy Initiative, which is the successor to the Project for a new American century.

Singer funded the creation of the organization with the help of his longtime associate, former adviser Mitt Romney and neo-conservative activist Dan Senora, whose sister Wendy Singer is currently the CEO of SUNC. She previously served as the head of the Israeli office of the US-Israel Public Affairs Committee for a long time. The current CEO of SUNC is Eugene Kandel, Chief Economic Advisor to Netanyahu from 2009 to 2015. The creation of SUNC was motivated by a focus on integrating Israeli startups, in particular technology startups created by former Division 8200 alumni, into foreign and, in particular, American companies as a means of influencing the nonviolent movement Boycott, Divest and Sanctions, movement,which fights for the rights of Palestinians and an end to Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine. SUNC has been named "by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Israel's Technology Industry".

The creation of SUNC was also directly linked to Benjamin Netanyahu's "deliberate policy" of former members of Israel's "military and intelligence units … teamed up with local partners and foreign partners" to make it nearly impossible for large corporations and foreign governments to ignore Israel, and also to ensure that Israel becomes the dominant cyber-power in the world. Singer is a longtime supporter and sponsor of Netanyahu and his ruling Likud party. The same year that SUNC was created and this "deliberate" policy of Netanyahu, Israeli intelligence, which is directly subordinate to the prime minister's cabinet, began to pursue a policy in which military intelligence and intelligence operations that had previously functioned "at home" (ie. e. as part of Division 8200,Mossad, etc.) have been spun off into private companies, in particular, startups.

For example, a report on this policy published by Israeli Calcalist Tech interviewed dozens of Israeli military, intelligence and government officials, and noted that “since 2012, cyber and intelligence projects that were previously carried out internally by the Israeli military and major Israeli intelligence organizations, are transferred to companies that in some cases were created precisely for the purpose of this continuity”. The article also says that since 2012, Israeli intelligence and military intelligence agencies began to outsource "activities that were previously carried out in-house, with an emphasis on software and cyber technology."

Since the policy was introduced, the line between the tech startup industry and its intelligence apparatus has become increasingly blurred, with former Mossad and Shabak directors serving as advisors and board members to numerous Israeli startups. In addition, many of the CEOs and founders of these startups are graduates of Division 8200 or other intelligence agencies, with some - such as Cybereason CEO Lior Div - openly admit that their work in these "private" companies is direct a continuation of their previous work in Israel's National Security Service.

Unsurprisingly, Diagnostic Robotics - a company that has partnered with the Israeli Defense and Health Ministries and was created by a Division 8200 alumnus - fits the profile of an Israeli firm whose overseas expansion is heavily promoted by SUNC, which is featured on the SUNC website. Indeed, SUNC's Wendy Singer recently wrote an article for Forbes praising the predictive health surveillance tool, and in a joint interview with Radinsky, the Times of Israel talked about Israeli startups and technologies that will be used to combat the alleged “second wave coronavirus in the country.

In addition, Diagnostic Robotics is one of the companies promoted by the CoronaTech program through the joint efforts of SUNC and HealthIL (a joint venture between the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Social Equality and Minorities of Israel). In addition, the CoronaTech website is operated by Wix, a website building company set up by a former Division 8200 alumnus. CoronaTech's stated goal is “to be the central gateway to identifying cutting-edge Israeli innovations and best practices” for healthcare providers, governments and other organizations”.

Informal use, guaranteed results

The Diagnostic Robotics co-founder's connections with Israeli intelligence, the company's backing by a venture capital firm affiliated with the Mega Group, and its close partnerships with the Israeli government, the military, and the SUNC are all troubling about their coronavirus-focused system to monitor the population as in Israel and the United States, for the time being. However, their partnerships with Rhode Island and Mayo Clinic, and those to be announced in the coming days and weeks, are particularly troubling given their aggressive history of espionage. Israel against the United States, which continued for decades, largely through software backdoors, hacks and other electronic penetration.

Many of these reconnaissance operations, which most often involve Unit 8200, SUNC and the Israeli government, also appear to have an additional purpose. This is not only restricting the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions movement, or securing Israel's position as a global "cyber power", but also progress in creating what I have called a "bi-national police state." In the era of the coronavirus, this agenda has grown by leaps and bounds. Examples include how Israeli spyware tech firms are building New York State's smart cities, dominating America's 911 emergency call system, and offering “remote government” management tools to federal and state bodies. All this after months have passed since the coronavirus crisis began in earnest.

Many of these Israeli espionage tech companies also include members of the US government and intelligence community as board members or prominent advisers, including: former Homeland Security chiefs Michael Chertoff and Kirstien Nielsen; former CIA Chief Information Security Officer Robert Bigman; and former member of the US Joint Special Operations Command Jeff Hancock; and many others. Together, the US and Israeli national security agencies are relentlessly building an Orwellian nightmare in both countries, a nightmare that is closer to reality than ever before under the guise of "health care" and the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

Diagnostic Robotics' efforts to predict and monitor entire populations with AI are a powerful tool that can be used for many purposes that have little to do with public health. Like contact tracing software, initially justified by the pandemic, it has since been used to locate and track protesters. Diagnostic Robotics' predictive analytics and hot spot maps can be used for the same purposes. Given the track record of both the US and Israel's national security agencies, such an "unofficial" use of these "digital solutions" for a pandemic is not only theoretically possible, but guaranteed.

"Question everything, draw your own conclusions"
