Denver Airport And The Conspiracy Theory - Alternative View

Denver Airport And The Conspiracy Theory - Alternative View
Denver Airport And The Conspiracy Theory - Alternative View

Video: Denver Airport And The Conspiracy Theory - Alternative View

Video: Denver Airport And The Conspiracy Theory - Alternative View
Video: United – Denver International Airport Conspiracy Theories 2024, September

Denver International Airport (DEN) is one of the iconic places in the theory of a secret world government, a new world order and all that.

A few bizarre facts about the design and construction process of DIA (Denver International Airport) lead some people to believe that this airport is a key element of the conspiracy theory.

Until 1995, Denver had another airport, Stapleton. It was close enough to downtown and to the town of Aurora, and residents often condemned the airport and the city authorities for substantial money as compensation for the noise. In 1989, the then mayor of Denver, Frederico Peña, convinced federal officials to allocate money to build a new airport. The opening of the new airport was scheduled for October 1993.

Due to poor planning, numerous changes to United Airlines requirements, workers' strikes, and a malfunctioning of a new, fully automated baggage sorting system, the new Mayor of Wellington Webb pushed the opening date several times. Ultimately, the airport opened on February 28, 1995, 16 months later than planned. On the evening of February 27, a string of vehicles (tankers, luggage trucks, rental car rental cars) moved from Stapleton to DIA. The final cost of the facility was $ 4.8 billion, 2 billion more than the planned budget. 11,000 employees worked on the airport construction.

So what's so mysterious about this airport?

The airport terminal is covered with tents, which, at first glance, symbolize the Rocky Mountains. But this is only at first glance.

There is a version that where the airport is now there used to be an Indian cemetery. And the Indians were very much against building anything. We managed to reach an agreement with them by adding to the project these very tents, which in fact symbolize Indian wigwams.


Promotional video:

Curiously, these tents are made of fiberglass coated with Teflon and have very low thermal conductivity. That is, you can hide a lot of people at the airport without fear that someone will notice something on the thermal imager. I met a lot of remarks that it would not be possible to look there with a radar, however, fiberglass and Teflon, it seems, transmit radio waves.

Further. Many conspiracy theorists believe that the secret world government is made up of people (or beings) who are very smart on the one hand and very cynical on the other. Therefore, firstly, no one knows about this government. Secondly, it is able to plan and do scary global and globally scary things. And thirdly (see cynicism), it leaves the signs and symbols of its activities all around, just like a football fan - the name and logo of its favorite team.


That is why, apparently, the airport looks very much like a swastika from above. Officially, such a scheme is the most convenient for traffic management and reduces the dependence of takeoffs and landings on the weather.

Another noticeable detail is two very strange, in some ways even shocking, paintings. Each of them is divided into two parts. Officially, the general idea that these paintings convey is the struggle of humanity with all sorts of terrible troubles, like genocide. Conspiracy theorists see this as a prophecy about the embodiment of the idea of the "golden billion" through the genocide of the lion's share of the world's population. Like, these pictures are such a mockery of the rulers of the world over stupid people.

The first is called In Peace and Harmony with Nature.

At the bottom of the first part of the picture, three dead girls are depicted in coffins. Black woman on the left, Indian woman in the center. The dead girl on the right holds a bible and a yellow six-pointed star. Conspiracy theory apologists believe that these are three nationalities or some kind of meta-ideas that are planned to be destroyed. An important note - theorists believe that poison gas will be widely used for genocide. That is why the dead have no traces of violent death, and the city in the distance is depicted in a pinkish-purple haze. This is allegedly because he was under gas or biological attack.


In addition, in the center of the picture is a girl holding a piece of stone. It is said to be a tablet from the Mayan calendar, symbolizing the end of civilization. Why is not clear. There is no indication that she means exactly that. Some assaholics on YouTube point to its similarity to the map of Russia. I don’t remember, however, in a good or bad sense for Russia.

The official version of the contents of the first part of the picture - wars, conquests and genocide killed and made people of different nations suffer.

On the right side of the painting "In Peace and Harmony with Nature" there are no corpses, and the swarthy boy in the center gathered around him children from different countries of the world to enjoy the tree of life.


Everyone is dancing and singing, alive and well, the genocide-war is over.

The second picture is The Children of the World Dream of Peace.

According to the author of the picture, it should be viewed from right to left. A terrible soldier in a gas mask, with a saber and a machine gun, destroys houses, leaving children homeless.


In the lower right corner is a sheet of paper containing a poem by Hama Herchenberg (Ama Erkenberg?), A Jewish girl who died on December 18, 1943 in Auschwitz.

I once was a little child

who longed for other worlds.

But I am no more a child

for I have known fear.

I have learned to hate …

How tragic, then, is youth

which lives with enemies, with gallows ropes.

Yet, I still believe

I only sleep today.

That I'll wake up

a child again, and start to

laugh and play."

I translate as best I can, don't shoot the pianist:

Once, I was a small child

wishing for another world

but I'm not a child anymore

because I knew fear

I learned to hate …

How terrible youth is after that, live with enemies

with gallows

But I still believe

I'm only dreaming

And that I will wake up one day

And I'll start laughing and playing

The second part, on the left - kind children brutally soaked a terrible soldier and a German boy (by the way, I did not understand, from what it is clear that he is German?) Forges a plow from a soldier's saber.


It is curious that if you look at the picture from left to right, you can see a German boy forging a sword to a gray soldier, after which he woke up and went to break buildings with this sword. But this is my speculation.

The general idea that assaholics see in this entire series of paintings is the reduction of the human population through genocidal wars and the construction of a new life on the rubble of the old. Another interesting place is the last stone of the terminal with a time capsule, laid by the Freemasons. The capsule should be opened in 2094.


A certain New World Airport Commission is mentioned at the bottom of the stone. Conspiracy theorists rub their hands gleefully at the words "New World." It is said that such a commission never existed. In fact, this organization organized the airport opening ceremony. Well, and a few more things that are often mentioned in the conspiracy theory around the Denver airport.

1) Despite the fact that Denver is one of the flattest cities in the United States, during the construction of the airport, an amount of land equal to a third of that removed during the construction of the Panama Canal was removed. Which leads some to believe that there are huge unused spaces under the airport. Workers carrying luggage are said to report that the tunnels they travel through are capable of allowing full-size trucks to pass through without problems. In addition, from somewhere there is information that at first some strange five buildings were built, which were then recognized as "built in error" and instead of being demolished they were covered with earth.

To this they add the gigantic area occupied by the airport, and from all this it is concluded that under the Denver airport there is not a secret military base, not a secret concentration camp, not a giant refuge. A separate branch of conspiracy studies is studying secret American underground military bases.

2) One of the reasons for the construction of the new airport was the impossibility of expanding Stapleton. However, the new airport has fewer gates than Stapleton.

True, first of all, the expansion was understood primarily as an increase in the length of the runway, and secondly, there are plans to build two more concourses in DIA, in addition to the three already existing.

3) There are rumors that the powers that be, in particular the British royal family, are buying real estate near the airport incognito.

There is no documentary evidence of this, of course.

4) One of the slabs bears the designation Au Ag (that is, gold-silver). Some assaholics say that they mean AUstralian AntiGen, a terrible megavirus that will poison people in the DIA dungeons. Generally speaking, the Australian antigen, firstly, is not a virus, but an antigen against the hepatitis B virus, which, in turn, causes death in only 5-10% of cases.

5) Another slab says DZIT DIT GAII. Some see it as something German. In fact, in Navajo language it means "White Mountain". Also on the floor you can find the Sisnaajini inscription. Sisnaajini also means "White Mountain", the name given to that particular Mount Blanca. (yes, Colorado has its own Mont Blanc:)

6) Statues of gargoyles sitting in a suitcase are installed in the baggage claim area. It looks creepy, but gargoyles have been installed in Catholic churches since ancient times. Gargoyles are believed to guard the building from devils or something like that. It is clearly signed at the airport that the gargoyles are planted for the safety of luggage.

Konstantin Shramchevsky
