Psychotronic Weapons For Use On The Masses - Alternative View

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Psychotronic Weapons For Use On The Masses - Alternative View
Psychotronic Weapons For Use On The Masses - Alternative View

Video: Psychotronic Weapons For Use On The Masses - Alternative View

Video: Psychotronic Weapons For Use On The Masses - Alternative View
Video: Hunting and Tracking Rogue Radio Frequency Devices 2024, July

Today, people are playing an undeclared war of consciousness, which, due to the lack of information, many are still unaware of. Some countries have already been very successful in developing methods of influencing the consciousness and nervous system of people with the help of technical means - unfortunately, only in order to manipulate them for their own purposes.

Among the technologies used for this are short and ultra-short waves, on which television and radio broadcasting and mobile communications are carried out, as well as infrasonic waves and new developments, partially based on the experience and discoveries of the researcher N. Tesla, for example, HAARP - a project in Alaska, about which and the speech will go.

HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) translates as a high frequency generating program for the study of Aurora. Aurora refers to phenomena such as the aurora.

The core of the facility is the so-called ionospheric reflector, which, using radio waves, throws huge beams of energy into the ionosphere. Without going into technical details, we will mention that the military hopes to use this installation for espionage purposes. After the excitation of the ionosphere, the energy is radiated back - in the form of infrasound waves. The frequency of these waves ranges from 0.001 Hz to 40 kHz.

From a technical and scientific point of view, all this looks quite neutral, the possible influence of these frequencies on human consciousness is being kept secret. Officially, the interest in the resulting infrasonic waves is explained by the fact that they can be used to scan the earth's surface to search for minerals, saving on expensive equipment and laying adits.

In addition, they will make it possible to determine the location of submarines. However, it is silent about what the opponents of the HAARP project point out: infrasonic waves affect the vibrations emitted by the human brain and can unbalance the human psyche. The frequency of waves emitted by the human brain ranges from 0 to 30 Hz, that is, it is in the range of infrasonic waves.


Promotional video:

It is now known how to modulate infrasonic waves in order to achieve a predetermined and calculated effect on the human psyche. For example, acting at a distance, it is possible, at any given point in the world, to cause fear, depression, euphoria, or memory impairment and inability to concentrate in people.

As for the HAARP project, it is likely that all these are not just undesirable side effects, but quite purposeful use of the installation as a means to control the population of the Earth, and in particular Russia!

The suspicions of the world community that infrasound waves have been used for several decades to influence large populations on the scale of entire continents are becoming more and more justified. Obviously, with the help of a HAARP setup, such influence can become even more targeted and effective.

Here's what we managed to find on the topic of mass brainwashing turned out to be even more frightening than what was told in the ORT program "The Theory of Improbability".

So, you think the thought that just dawned on you is yours?

As already mentioned, psychotronic experiments on unsuspecting people have been conducted in secret for quite some time.

Psychotronic weapons can be electroshock and ultrasound, which are used to destroy memory and can also be lethal. Exposure to low-intensity infrasound (with frequencies below 16 Hz, usually inaudible to the ear) causes nausea, ringing in the ears, blurred vision, and unaccountable panic fear in the subjects. Sound of moderate intensity upsets the digestive organs and the brain, causing paralysis, general weakness, and sometimes blindness. Elastic powerful infrasound can damage and even completely stop the heart.

A psychotronic weapon can be such a simple device (homemade), like a microwave oven, with directional radiation, installed behind the wall of the room where the victim is located.

A victim of microwave terror develops symptoms such as asthma, headaches, memory loss, Alzheimer's disease, insomnia, depression, fatigue, loss of concentration, loss of appetite, heart and blood pressure problems, and cancer.

The psychotronic influence can be audio or video suggestion. When a repeatedly spoken text is superimposed on some pleasant melody for the object with a slowdown ten to fifteen times. Consciousness does not perceive the text, because after imposition it becomes completely invisible. And the subconscious mind catches and transmits information to the brain as its own. Also with the video. This method can be used not only in cinemas and on TV, but also, say, in stadiums, markets, in the subway, in a word, wherever there is a large crowd of people, forcing on a subconscious level to love or hate this or that candidate, or this or that idea …

And, finally, the most advanced psychotronic weapon is torsion weapon used for remote irradiation. It can not only affect a person's health, but also change his thoughts, character, inclinations, inspire him with what he should and should not do, what is good and what is bad, and even “recreate” a person, acting on the information system of his DNA … And at the same time, the person will not be able to critically comprehend the situation and will think that this is his own decision and his own thoughts.

In the 70s abroad, it was reported about the discovery of the so-called effect of radio audibility of low-power microwave radiation. “It consists in the fact that people who were in the powerful field of broadcasting stations began to hear“inner voices”, music or other sounds.

Such symptoms usually disappeared after the person left the radiation zone. However, if the subject was under strict supervision, control over him was carried out everywhere: at home, and at work, and in transport, and in the country.

Microwave radiation injects information directly into the brain. As a transmitting source of radiation from the generator, communications of residential building networks can be used: wiring for lighting, telephone and radio networks, water pipes, radio, TV, computer “In Russia, the peak of clandestine experiments on“broadcasts to the head”, apparently, fell on 1990- e years …

“I heard orders from someone else’s voice,” the subject said. - He was coming from somewhere inside, as if I were talking to myself. He repeated to me: “Raise your left hand! Right! I didn't want to follow the commands, but some kind of force literally forced me to do these exercises. And I suddenly started waving my arms, laughing, saying something. I didn’t control myself and internally seemed to be someone else. And only after turning off the computer, everything went away, except for a terrible fear …

Major General of the Reserve of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation Boris Ratnikov:

- Indeed, today the United States has microwave generators (documents can be seen here in PDF) of directional modulated radiation, which can cause the appearance of a "radio sound" in the human head. The effect itself is sometimes called the “voice of God”. Americans spend about $ 150 million annually on such research. According to my information, such developments have recently resumed in our country, too.

ABC News 7/8/2008 David Hambling - Microwave Ray Gun Controls Crowds with Noise reported work on a MEDUSA (Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio) device to disperse strikers with a microwave sound effect “loud” enough to cause discomfort or even incapacitation. Since the sound does not enter through the eardrums, the person cannot block it. The device can send verbal commands directly to the human brain.

The difference between MEDUSA and other devices is that it has a reconfigurable antenna and can send beams both to a single object and to a group of objects at the same time. Sierra Nevada said that the demonstration instance will be ready in a year and the device will be ready for use in 18 months.

A similar device has already been tried to break up a demonstration in Tbilisi on November 7, 2007. NTV journalists became interested when they saw on the video an unfamiliar device in the form of a diamond-shaped plate on a car, which scattered the crowd of demonstrators in different directions.

Thanks to the journalists, a military psychological device developed in the USSR and registered with the USSR State Committee for Inventions as the “Radiohypnosis” apparatus became known. This microwave generator and emitter of electromagnetic waves of a certain frequency and waveform could put an entire city to sleep from a distance of several tens of kilometers.

At the initiative of the United States, a special working group has been created within NATO to coordinate developments in this area in Great Britain, France, Germany and Denmark. The generators, created by the Frankfurt Institute of Chemical Technology (Germany), are designed to handle large crowds during riots.

According to military experts, the American army, using an unmanned aerial vehicle, is capable of stopping enemy amphibious assault ships several hundred meters from the shore using a microwave generator. The Stockholm International Peace Institute (SEPR1) estimates that US spending on developing and purchasing non-lethal weapons will exceed $ 1 billion over the next two years. Mind Control

“Colonel in reserve, senior officer of the first department of the fifth department of the committee for foreign economic relations that once existed under the KGB of the USSR, Vladimir NIKIFOROV:

- Previously, the beam of the radio irradiator from the Ostankino TV tower, up to ten centimeters wide, "pierced" everything for hundreds of kilometers, spinning like a cord. And he could influence the brains of thousands of people who, falling under him, did not understand what was happening to them. Now there are thousands of such equipment. For example, next to many suburban highways there are metal masts with beacons on the tops or pancake plates. Everyone considers them to be cellular installations. But in fact, these are psychogenerators that are able to instantly relax or even paralyze the exposed person at a distance. True, mass experiments are not yet carried out: the technology is not fully debugged."

These are (ELF towers) towers with a frequency of 3 to 30 Hz. This frequency is intended for communication with submarines submerged in depths, where electromagnetic waves of other frequencies do not reach; exploration of the ocean floor and bowels of the earth. They are not for cellular communication.

The American research station in Alaska HAARP (HAARP - High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is similar in principle of operation, based on a signal of a certain shape. Amplitude modulation of the carrier signal of these stations by low-frequency signals that coincide with the alpha-tetta rhythms of the human brain can affect the well-being and emotional state of the population of an entire country.

Officially, the complex of ionospheric research (HAARP) was built to study the nature of the ionosphere and the development of air and anti-missile defense systems. It is planned to use HAARP for detecting submarines and underground tomography of the planet's interior.

However, HAARP can be used so that sea and air navigation is completely disrupted in the selected area, radio communication and radar are blocked, the onboard electronic equipment of spacecraft, missiles, aircraft and ground systems is disabled. The use of all types of weapons and equipment may be discontinued in an arbitrarily delineated area; can … cause large-scale accidents in any electrical networks, on oil and gas pipelines.

The HAARP radiant energy can be used to manipulate the weather on a global scale, i.e. program floods, typhoons and tornadoes, even earthquakes in any region of the planet Earth. It can also be used as a psychotronic weapon, i.e. put whole communities to sleep or put residents in a state of such emotional excitement that they will resort to violence against each other. Direct the beam of the radio broadcast directly into the brains of people, so that they think they are hearing the voice of God, or whoever the presenter of this radio broadcast appears to be.

The consequences of using such weapons are:

1. Mass psychophysical illnesses up to "lethal" outcome

2. Creation of an obedient "mass" person by covert and violent manipulation of his consciousness and behavior

3. Environmental catastrophe of the planet due to irreversible genetic mutations and disorders at the genetic level

Someone is swearing in my head

Both HAARP and the towers are part of one big NASA project - Project Blue Beam. The project involves the creation on the basis of the existing technology of a three-dimensional color spatial holographic projection of a world holographic show on the theme of the appearance of the prophets with light three-dimensional projections in the sky on a gigantic scale with a demonstration in accordance with the main religious predisposition of the population of the manifestations of Christ, Mahomet, etc.

The goal is to create a massive illusion that God is talking to people. Further, by influencing the consciousness with wave radiation, everyone is brought to the idea of the need for one God as a common savior. Exposure in addition to visual should be accompanied by exposure to low-frequency ranges.

According to the prophecies of the Bible, we are rapidly approaching the New World Order - the rule of the Antichrist. The Bible says that his coming "will be with all power and signs and false wonders" (2 Thess. 2: 9)

That is why Jesus warned: “And they will say to you, 'behold, here [Christ],' or: 'over there,' - do not go, and do not pursue” (Luke 17:23). “For false Christs and false prophets will rise and give great signs and wonders to deceive, if it is possible, even the elect. So I told you in advance. And so, if they say to you: "Behold, He is in the wilderness," do not go out; “Behold, He is in secret rooms” - do not believe; For just as lightning comes from the east and is visible even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man”(Mat.24: 24-27).

It would be very wise not to go and not look at the Antichrist, since hardly anyone will be able to preserve their “I” after this meeting.

To protect against psychotronic effects, you can make a simple device. I remember very much amused by this frame from the film "Signs", but it turns out there is a sense in such camouflage.

Better seen here. Simply, the foil is folded into layers (the shiny side up and the inner layer at the head should also be the shiny side to the head), then a cone is made from the rectangle, and the entire foil is carefully pressed against the head to avoid any cracks. Then everything is fixed with adhesive tape. This cap can be under a hat, scarf or wig.


The helmet of the warrior of Russia comments are unnecessary …


PS for the sane:

Explanatory Dictionary of the Blasphemer:

PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPON is a weapon of mass destruction. Bioenergy generator, with the help of which the creatures carry out zombification of a certain part of the population. For this, any electric heating device, TV, computer, radio network, telephone, electric lighting are used. There are devices that can affect a person at any distance, even from space satellites. The consequence of such an impact may be the imposition of a certain worldview and political orientation, loss of health and life.

PSYCHOTROPIC WEAPON is a weapon of mass destruction. It includes: harmful drugs, unbalanced and refined foods, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, drugs, etc.

About HAARP (as a climatic weapon) long before him: The Skanda Purana contains many descriptions of the most incredible weapon capable of causing tremendous atmospheric and geological cataclysms: “Then Vishnu … took out the Raudra weapon, under the influence of which everything becomes invisible”; “Jambha [the leader of the Daitya army] has fired an extremely terrible weapon called Maushala. From this, the entire universe was filled with terrible threshers. All the cities of the Gandharvas were defeated by them … The armies of the gods burst into flames along with the elephants and chariots … When his weapons were repulsed, the great daitya … released Varuna's weapons that could suppress the flames. Following this, the sky was filled with clouds, shining zigzags of lightning, and the earth was covered with hailstones … The universe was filled with streams of rain … Seeing that the weapon of Agnea was suppressed and repulsed, Indra launched the incomparable weapon of Vayavya. After that, the clouds were dispersed. As soon as the accumulations of clouds were dispersed by the force of Vayavya's weapons, the sky became devoid of haze and became like a blue lotus petal.

About psychotronic weapons in Mahabharata (about the death of the flying city of Hiranyapura): Matali brought Arjuna in a celestial chariot to Hiranyapura. Seeing him, the Danavs began to fly out of there in their heavenly chariots (isn't it - this plot remarkably resembles episodes from the Star Wars films!). Then Arjuna “with a powerful avalanche of weapons … blocked this formidable stream. He made them in awe, plowing the battlefield with a chariot, and … the Danavs began to smite each other."

The Indian Vedas mention such types of weapons as:

Moha is a weapon that leads to loss of consciousness;

Tvashchar is a means that creates chaos in the ranks of the enemy;

Murchchadhana - one of the five arrows of Kandarpa, leading to a disconnection of perception;

Mayadhara is a great illusion

Mali is a weapon that holds or binds.

Mahamaya is a great magical illusion or weapon of lies.

Modana is an intoxicating weapon.

Vidyadhara - weapons that delight belong to the Vidyadharas

Vilapana is a weapon of remorse

Vinidra - a weapon that induces drowsiness

Dharmapasha is a weapon that can bind the enemy

Kandarpa is a weapon that arouses sexual desire, named after the god of love, Kandarpa

Nandana is a joyful weapon used by the Vidyadharas.

Nirashya is a weapon that takes away courage.

Prashvapana is a sleep-inducing weapon.

Rakshasa - a weapon of demons that destroys luck, courage or the life of the enemy

Saumanasa is a weapon that affects the mind.

Swapana - a weapon that puts you to sleep