New Psychotronic Weapons Of The USA - Program To Control Religious Thoughts - Alternative View

New Psychotronic Weapons Of The USA - Program To Control Religious Thoughts - Alternative View
New Psychotronic Weapons Of The USA - Program To Control Religious Thoughts - Alternative View

Video: New Psychotronic Weapons Of The USA - Program To Control Religious Thoughts - Alternative View

Video: New Psychotronic Weapons Of The USA - Program To Control Religious Thoughts - Alternative View
Video: Hunting and Tracking Rogue Radio Frequency Devices 2024, July

Is the American government really developing a new psychotronic weapon, namely a program to govern views on religion?

This information came from the person who worked on the program, and he says that it exists, and wants you to know - this is definitely going on. The first step towards the truth is to be informed.

If I told you that the Department of Defense used taxpayer dollars to study how people with religious beliefs can be influenced and controlled, would you really be surprised? Or would you think I was a conspirator? Do you care if I say that this program was aimed at the management of Muslim fundamentalists? What about conservative Christians?

How did the development of psychotronic weapons for religious control begin?

In 2012, the Arizona State University Center for Strategic Communication, or CSC, received a $ 6.1 million research grant from the Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA (wikipedia). According to the ASUʼs website, the goal of the project is to "study the neuroscience of narrative understanding, validate narrative theories, and explore the relationship between storytelling and belief."

Psychotronic weapons In fact, the CSC program is aimed at creating such texts or stories that, using effective methods of communication, in particular video, will control the minds of certain groups of people, and, ultimately, will be able to do this through hypnotic influence. The goal of the program is to win in the fight against Muslim extremism. And this is very interesting.

According to documents that came to us, this project combines the ability to penetrate the network of three mutually communicating theoretical foundations. In short, the goal of a psychotronic control program is to counter religious thinking and change religious ideas because of their role in the "extremist regime." The whistleblowers of this program have been working on it for several years and wished to remain anonymous.

- What were you told about psychotronic weapons when you started working on them?

Promotional video:

“Yeah, I thought it wasn't all that serious. I was told that these were attempts to figure out which parts of the brain are affected by narrative, ideological beliefs. Just understand for academic purposes. So we looked at narrative neural connections, which are mainly about how a person goes into an idea, how he understands it … Like when you read a good book, it really captures you. At its core, the software attempts to map the brain to determine which parts of the brain allow you to accept the idea presented to you. This is called narrative theory.

Such cartography will lead to a fuller understanding of the influence of the idea on memory, emotions, identification and beliefs, which, in turn, influence the decision to engage in political violence, violent groups, ideologically or financially support such groups. As you can see, the project focuses on the belief that the reason is for Muslims in the Middle East who are prone to religious violence, not because they really need it, but because they believe local or religious ideas and stories.

- Local and religious ideas - is it when the brain automatically accepts these stories because they were taught to us from childhood?

- Yes, that is right. We call these guiding ideas. So, here in America it is "from rags to riches", where everything is based on the fact that if you work hard, you can become successful and make a lot of money. In the Middle East, the example of the Pharaoh is always used. This leading idea is found in the Quran, where this corrupt leader appears to be really bad for society. And they use the example of Sadat, who killed him and said: "I killed Pharaoh, I killed Pharaoh!" And it is assumed that he relied on the leading Muslim idea.

So how does the program change this? There is a lot of technical stuff here, but there are three main phases.

Phase 1. Create a map of the Narrative Network of Understanding using a set of symbols designed from the perspective of two different religious cultures.

Phase 2. Test the hypotheses generated in Phase 1 by adding two manipulations of narrative validity and narrative transportation.

Phase 3. Explore the possibilities of literal destruction of the Narrative Network of Understanding through transcranial magnetic stimulation.

- Phase 3 actually describes the process of mind control with the help of psychotronic weapons, in this case, magnetic. I noticed that her documentation is not very good enough to talk about it, because no one knows if we will ever get to that. But when you actually read what Phase 3 is, it's a little bit surprising because it mentions transcranial magnetic stimulation. And this is not something like science fiction, this is what they really cooked up. So this is a real technique and has been used in the past, right?

- Yes, it started in the field of psychiatry - when people are depressed, certain parts of the brain do not function normally. So they created this technology, which is, by and large, a large magnet that is placed in the brain and turns off this wrong part of the brain. This would help people get rid of depression for a period of several weeks to a month, and they would come back for this method. This technology has been discussed for about ten to fifteen years.

- So we are talking about high-tech psychotronic weapons in the form of propaganda?

- High technology and approved propaganda, yes. That is, if they could turn off the part of the brain that will rid you of the leading idea, which will make you disbelieve in specific statements, they would validate their propaganda. If they turn off part X, then they know that propaganda will work, and the person will believe it, no matter what is said to him. So why are they doing this? Because, despite all the US work in the Middle East, there are no results.

“Despite American persistence and the objective truth of American messages to local populations in the Middle East, there are frequent deviations that illustrate the narrative paradigm at work. The well-documented gap between American conversations and actions is noted by some as a lack of narrative conviction in all US actions. Likewise, the stories of US aid are as plausible as the Christians who, since the 11th century, have tried to destroy and rule everything there. And how do you fix it?


- How are you going to lead the simple viewing of a movie or video to a behavior change effect? After all, if you do this, it will be a very powerful brain hacking technology.

- True, they believe that perhaps it is the extremist statements and videos of al-Qaeda that force people to commit, for example, terrorist attacks. In this way, they are trying to make sure that by looking at the video that part of the brain that is consistent with your culture or leading idea will be removed, and this, hopefully, will force you not to commit extremist acts.

In general, you should know - this program boils down to one central idea. If people do not draw conclusions, the American government wants to force them to do so. Remember that the United States, despite providing humanitarian aid, is viewed as an invader in the Middle East. According to research, this is the result of a leading idea, not reality. The United States is portrayed as invaders in countries where we have a standing army and dozens of military bases, or that the United

States pay Afghan drug lords or regional warlords in Iraq, or that we constantly bomb strikes in Yemen, Pakistan, and Somalia, or fund dictators until they are overthrown, and then start funding rebels until they become dictators. None of this has anything to do with the real US view of Muslims in the Middle East, because everyone forgets the fact that the US is providing humanitarian aid.

The next step is to manage ideas when needed, using magnetic stimulation to get people to think about the US the way we want them to. (well, how does this differ from slavery - anvictori note). After all, aren't Muslim extremists dangerous? Or extremist Christians? The only problem is how to define the extremist. Who will decide whether religious beliefs are inherently dangerous? And if we believe that the government has the right to control the thinking of extremists, then will they not have the power to decide for all of us what and how we think?