The Truth About Psychotronic Weapons - Alternative View

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The Truth About Psychotronic Weapons - Alternative View
The Truth About Psychotronic Weapons - Alternative View

Video: The Truth About Psychotronic Weapons - Alternative View

Video: The Truth About Psychotronic Weapons - Alternative View
Video: Hunting and Tracking Rogue Radio Frequency Devices 2024, July

At the very end of this April, the Internet spread to the whole world the news about the use of psychotronic weapons by one of the warring parties in Ukraine. Soon this “roast duck” began to be brought to the table of the world man in the street by the engaged press.

With all the fact that no psychotronic generators and similar kunshtuk were used in the "square" neither by secret units of the SBU, nor by supporters of federalization, in this case we can talk about the use of psychotronic weapons by propagandists.


For, as the reader will soon see, the said weapon is, in fact, a "smashing emptiness", the mere rumors about the use of which are enough to drive people with an unstable state of mind crazy.

The "radio sleep" of the mind gives rise to monsters

First of all, let's understand the terminology. What are psychotronic weapons? These are the means of influencing the enemy's psyche - personal (with the use of psychics) and hardware (with the use of technical means), - correcting his behavior in the way that is necessary for the side that used this weapon.

Is there such a weapon? Yes, there is. The development of the appropriate hardware (including the notorious "psychogenerators") was carried out in the USSR and Russia by many military, special and scientific departments, including the mysterious "military unit 10003" (the expert analytical department of the General Staff).

Promotional video:

As for the United States, few people know the following circumstance: the outstanding overseas intelligence officer Joseph McMonigle received the Order of the Legion of Honor (the most prestigious award for achievements in intelligence in peacetime) for his successful completion - to quote the award diploma - “more than 200 combat missions and identification of more than 150 essential elements of information”, carried out with the use of psychotronic special means.

Here, it would seem, is the time to tell the readers unknown details about the "Radioson" psychotronic installation (in the scheme of which a microwave frequency generator was used). Or amaze you with information about the development in the USSR of psychotronic combat space platforms, acting at certain frequencies on the cities and areas of the "most prospective enemy" and causing panic among the hostile population (sleep, a state of prostration, apathy). But besides, both the first and the second are by no means an invention, let's say something that disappoints the fans of sensations.


By the end of the 1980s, the USA and the USSR came to the conclusion that the development of psychotronic weapons was unprofitable in terms of the ratio of "financial costs - the achieved result". In 90% of cases, investments in relevant projects were not justified. And only in 10% of cases the side (!) Results of such work turned out to be worthy of being handed over to "subcontractors" (for example, the creators of radiobiological weapons).

Therefore, to put it simply, nine out of ten studies in this field were frozen. It is to these “dead-end branches” that numerous revelations of prominent participants in the mentioned studies are devoted.

The king is dead. Long live the king

In the late 1980s, psychologists, who until that time had collaborated with the creators of psychotronic weapons "on the sidelines", made, without exaggeration, the most important discovery: in order to achieve the effect of an individual or collective change in the state of consciousness (ASC), this weapon itself did not required - enough mass spread of rumors that it was used.

Let us remember: in 1991, there were mass rumors that “psychogenerators” were used against the participants in the well-known August events, and the statistics of the psychiatric hospital. Alekseeva (former Kashchenko) registered a massive, hitherto unprecedented influx of "zombies" at the beginning of autumn. This is not to mention the hordes of "zombies" who roamed the streets of our cities in those days, besieging the editorial offices with how they were "processed", and so on.

In 1993, already in the wake of the October events, the monitoring of the effectiveness of the "smashing emptiness" was repeated. Not only did the press relish the alleged possession of portable "psycho-generators" at "Alpha". So also very well-known politicians began to admit "reservations" that these generators were - albeit not on a massive scale - used. Only in our days it became known that the anti-terror group did not have any "psychotronic blasters" during the days of the dispersal of parliament. Before the start of the assault on the White House, the KGB really dealt with a certain inventor who proposed to arm the Alpha with the “crowd calmer” he had created.

The truth, however, is that the inventor himself was, as they say, "a first draft zombie of the 1991 model." For he offered nothing more than … a powerful laser designed to cut objects. Of course, this "technotronic tranquilizer" was not used. But the statistics again registered an increase in the number of "zombified" citizens who entered both psychiatric clinics and police departments: in connection with the commission of unmotivated crimes, including murders.

Vampire Technique

Now let's assess the potential affected area - I emphasize: not with a psychotronic weapon, but only by exaggerating the rumor about the use of such. According to the WHO, about 20% of the world's population suffers from latent mental illnesses to one degree or another. According to the same organization, approximately 400 million people have a labile (i.e. unstable) psyche. All this is the clientele of the "smashing emptiness".


Perhaps the reader will be interested in the fact that in narrow special circles, the "use" of psychotronic weapons without the use of it is called "vampire technique." Something similar was used by medieval Japanese ninja warriors. If they were to take a certain settlement, often sent scouts spread rumors among its inhabitants about vampires allegedly appearing in the vicinity, who, they say, kidnap and kill people.

To actualize this rumor, ninja kidnapped people, killed them, left characteristic marks of "vampire teeth" on the bodies of victims, and at night threw corpses into the most crowded places of the village. Soon - as is now the case with psychotronic weapons - everyone "knew for certain" what was required. When shadow warriors in robes and vampire make-up attacked the village, the garrison - no matter how numerous - fled in fear, not to mention the civilians.

Actually, the same is the purpose of using psychotronic weapons: to deprive the enemy contingent of the will to resist and wreak havoc among the enemy's civilian population.

Instead of a conclusion

Perhaps the readers who are constantly learning from various sources all the new "sensations" about the effectiveness of psychotronic weapons, it is still not clear why both in the United States and in Russia the overwhelming majority of research on it has now actually been discontinued. In order to dot all the "i" s, I will give an example.

In a certain country, a psychotronic generator was tested, with the help of which it was planned to influence the pilot of a combat aircraft. The generator turned out to be working. Although the pilot did not notice the mental changes as planned, he had an increase in the number of leukocytes in his blood and subsequently developed leukocytosis.

The experts' conclusion was that if the flight had lasted longer, the target of the impact would have been fully achieved. Success? Or at least partial success? At first glance, yes. And now imagine that such a generator, even if brought to imaginary perfection, was used in combat conditions. Who will vouch for how the "zombie" enemy pilot will behave?


Will it be a "success" if he bombed instead of, say, a disguised command post across a peaceful city? The answer is obvious. So why do we need such an expensive exotic, which, by the definition of the technologies used, cannot be one hundred percent reliable? What is it for, if there are a thousand-fold proven regular and much cheaper air defense systems?

By the way, all that has been said is also true with regard to another ambitious goal that was recently set by the special services for the creators of psychotronic weapons: to develop hardware for "reprogramming the psyche of the leaders of hostile states in the right direction." Times are rapidly changing, and today, in this direction, another "psychotronic weapon" is much more effective (as well as cost-effective and more reliable): bribery of namerek and compromising evidence on them.