Contact In The City Of Ontario - Alternative View

Contact In The City Of Ontario - Alternative View
Contact In The City Of Ontario - Alternative View

Video: Contact In The City Of Ontario - Alternative View

Video: Contact In The City Of Ontario - Alternative View
Video: Don’t Move to Toronto | 5 Cheap Cities Near Toronto With Tech/IT Jobs Cheap Rent & Affordable Homes 2024, September

In the evening, 15-year-old David felt an indefinable urge to leave his home and go to the Niagara Falls area, as if at someone's command, he packed up and went there.

He doesn't remember exactly how he got to the right place. It was dark all around. Suddenly the whole area around was lit up with a bright, blinding light. The light came from above, just above the trees. He looked at the source of the light; it was a large, smooth dish emitting a bluish-white light. The saucer was about 30 feet in diameter (the height of a nine-story building). She hung motionless in the trees. He immediately realized that it was a ship of some kind of extraterrestrial civilization.

David decided to take advantage of the situation and shouted: “Who? What, what do you want?"

Then the most unexpected thing happened. A loud resonating voice spoke from the flying saucer: “Don't be afraid, we won't harm you. We'll be back tomorrow to visit you.”After a few moments, the saucer began to move northeast, gaining altitude, and quickly rushed away in a burst of speed. Then he hitchhiked home, his parents were terrified of his absence.

The next night, when everyone had gone to bed, David felt something strange, as if someone was watching him. He went to the window in his room and shouted "Who is there … are you from a flying saucer?" Then telepathically, another voice replied, “Don't be afraid, prepare yourself. “Suddenly he seemed to have sunk into the darkness, lost consciousness. I woke up inside an alien ship.


Looking around, he could see that he was standing in a circular room. Along the perimeter were dashboards made of bluish white metal. David stepped toward a man about 7 feet tall with blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. He was wearing a blue tight-fitting suit. The stranger also went to him and said:

“We brought you here because there are many important things that will happen on Earth in the future. These can be either negative or positive changes, it all depends on humanity and its relationship to neighbors and the environment."

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When the alien said this, images appeared on the big screen. David saw Rio de Janeiro at night. Suddenly a strong earthquake began, panic, fire. He saw a huge, powerful wave going a thousand feet high, and how many cities were at the bottom of the ocean.

The newcomer said: "This is just an example of what will happen in your future …" Then he showed him his ship, led him through the rest of the compartments, entered the command center, where there were high chairs, panels and screens on which pulsed different colors.

When it was time to go back, the plate hung over the roof of his house. He was taken to a large transparent pipe, stood in it, a strange yellowish glow surrounded him, then blue, red colors began to flicker. Later he found himself in his room.