From The Archives Of Observations - Alternative View

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From The Archives Of Observations - Alternative View
From The Archives Of Observations - Alternative View

Video: From The Archives Of Observations - Alternative View

Video: From The Archives Of Observations - Alternative View
Video: Research Methods: Naturalistic Observation, Systematic Observation, Case Study, and Archives 2024, September

Argentina, Aug 12, 1968

At her home on the outskirts of Mercedes, a woman heard a strange buzzing sound and her dogs began to bark. Looking out the window, she saw a brightly lit object that stood in front of her house. Small balls of light flew out of it and hovered on the treetops. Suddenly one of the balls flew up to the house, and the other descended to the ground and a figure emerged from it, very reminiscent of a man dressed in shiny silver clothing. After a while they flew away, but traces remained at the landing site.

In 1983, around 10 pm

A small group of workers were returning to their village near the Hwange Nature Reserve, Zimbabwe. They walked along a wide path and suddenly noticed a bright luminous object in the sky. They stopped to watch. This object began to descend and landed on the side of the road. The hard workers hid behind the trees. It was now clearly visible that the object was disc-shaped and silvery in color. He stood on four supports. A bow opened from below and went down the stairs.

Two men with fair skin and shiny clothes. They did not touch the ground, but glided as if there was an air cushion between the sole and the ground. The hard workers, frightened, rushed to the forest with all their might. They did not see how the object was rising.

Morning, 1983 in Port Campbell, Australia

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Kate W. decided to go to one of the wild beaches across the cliff. When she climbed up, she saw the beach and a grayish UFO standing there. It was oval with a white rim around the perimeter. The dome was metallic blue gray. A ladder hatch was opened below this object. A man dressed in a blue suit stood in the sand by the stairs. He was blond and looked directly at her. He turned and climbed the steps, and then smiled at her once more before entering the ship. She hastened to descend from the cliff to the beach, but the UFO has already soared up and disappeared behind the mountains. In the sand, she found prints from the landing of this ship.

Near Brasilia, August 1968

At night, a group of people, led by General Alfredo MI, settled on the Wilson de Silva plantation, not far from the capital. Several UFOs have been seen and photographed over the plantation. After five months of observation and, as predicted by de Silva, who was in telepathic communication with the aliens, the brightly lit disk descended to a designated location on his domain. The aircraft hovers over 4 feet off the ground. The observers managed to photograph him.

When de Silva walked away from their group towards the object, he saw an opening in it and a man emerging. He was wearing a blue jumpsuit with a wide belt. He was invited to go inside the facility. Upon returning back, de Silva said that he could not remember anything, except for one message:

“We are a friendly civilization, you should not be afraid of us. But we are worried about your atomic experiments, they cause an imbalance in the world."

In the city of The Hague, Netherlands in the spring of 1984

L. Smits was in his bedroom when he was awakened by a bright light that suddenly illuminated the room.

He noticed two bright figures standing by the window. They were about 2 meters tall, with very pale skin, glowing blue eyes, and shoulder-length blond hair. The aliens wore shiny suits. On the chest area they had marks resembling a triangle rounded at the top. The creatures communicated telepathically. They told about the catastrophes that will happen to humanity in the future. They explained that humans are their direct descendants. Before leaving, they promised to return.

July 1987, late at night in Lagis, Brazil

Local resident Jessica saw flashing lights outside the window. Suddenly a loud metallic voice spoke to her, She was seized by fear. She ran to the kitchen, opened the window and began calling for help. In the courtyard of her house, she saw a silvery disc-shaped ship.

She ran to her room, where she ran into a tall man with blond hair and perfect features. He kindly asked her not to be afraid and to be calm. He was wearing a tight-fitting gray suit with a metallic sheen that covered most of his body. The stranger said that she had already been on their ship earlier, only her memory was erased. He telepathically showed Jessica those moments.

It was a huge cigar-shaped mother ship, with many people like him on board. There she underwent several physical examinations and examinations. Her blood, tissue, hair were taken. There was so much space inside the ship that it seemed like a small planet. Aliens told her that humanity is of unearthly origin.

Tecolotlan, Mexico

S.: - My uncle, who lives in the small town of Tecolotlan, Mexico, told me the story of encounters with unusual creatures. This story really interested me, and I took it seriously.

In this part of Mexico, most of the inhabitants do not have the Internet or television, so his story could not be influenced by science fiction films and information on the Internet.

He told me that it happened in 1997. He was walking towards his house when he saw a red light. He thought, "What is this, a police car?" He was very surprised to see that it was a disc-shaped ship hovering above the ground. The ship was emitting a reddish orange light. My uncle was shocked and did not even think to run away.

The airship flew to the mountains in the area of that city and landed. The creatures came out of it and went towards the houses. There were many witnesses, about ten. According to their stories, the aliens were very tall, more than 2 meters tall, with blonde hair. Outwardly they looked very much like people. They were dressed in tight-fitting silver clothes.

They walked through the village without any fear to a certain house. There lived a woman. They went to the door and knocked. She said that she would not open for them, as she was afraid and asked to leave. They stood and left, promising to return again. The next day, she reported to the police, where she told the story. The police believed her and gave her a video camera in case they came back again. The camera was installed on the roof of her house.

A few days later, the aliens returned again, but they seemed to know about the camera. The camera fell off the roof and crashed before the aircraft landed again. According to my uncle, that woman still spoke to them.

September 1, 1984, Takamatsu, Japan

A young girl Nao and her friends rode bicycles near the rice fields. Suddenly they saw a large, round, luminous object in the sky above the rice field. She stopped at the fence and stared at the object, it did not even occur to her to call her friends. A shiny oval object was approaching, and she could see the lights moving around the perimeter of the base. It was a very beautiful sight.

It was shaped like a large, flattened bell. When he hovered over a field of rice, the plants swayed as if in the wind. The dome had four windows. The hull color gradually changed from orange to white. Suddenly, the face of a child, a boy, appeared from the windows at the bottom. He looked and smiled at her with his snow-white teeth. The girl was amazed.

The boy's hair was white, and his face was round and also white. He had big blue eyes, a small nose and ears. Nao said she couldn't see the bottom of the figure, but his shirt seemed to be gray and a little shiny.

Further, the object swept over the roof of the house and disappeared. Her friends also saw a UFO flying over the house.

In the city of Nicoccia, Argentina, February 4, 1988

Amelia G. witnessed a UFO. She woke up in the middle of the night with anxiety. Outside the window she saw two tall, human-like figures with blond hair and silver overalls. They walked around her yard, as if looking for something. After a while they left.

The next morning, Amelia was surprised to see a circular UFO track on her neighbor's territory. Several other people became eyewitnesses of the UFO that evening. Amelia described those creatures as human-like with straight blond hair, about 2 meters tall. She also reported that the hands of her watch stopped at 2:15 that night. Amelia also reported on the oddities that happened to her earlier. She vaguely remembers how she visited the board of the alien ship, how she communicated with its pilots. Amelia says that the communication was telepathic and she was given a lot of information …

G. Canewellas, August 8, 1968

Miguel B. was sleeping in his house when he suddenly woke up surrounded by bright light coming from outside. Going out into the street, he was very surprised to see a huge disk-shaped object standing in a nearby field. This object had a dome at the top, giving off a reddish light.

He looked at it in disbelief. Suddenly a hatch opened at the bottom of the ship and a ladder descended. Soon a very tall man came out from there, probably more than 2 meters tall. He was wearing a shiny, metallic-colored suit that fitted snugly against his body. At that time, a loud buzzing sound was emitted from the object. The huge man walked towards the eyewitness, who was numb in horror. The alien stopped, then turned back and entered the object. The ship climbed vertically upward and disappeared from sight at high speed.

June 1986, France

Somewhere at 23 o'clock, two men walked with a dog near the local river channel Marne. Suddenly a very tall man was noticed on the shore, more than 2.5 meters tall. The dog began to bark and rush forward. The creature looked like a human, with long blonde hair and a light uniform, white boots and a wide belt. It stood quietly by the river, just like a statue. Noticing the people, he quickly moved to the right. It seemed that the sole of his boots did not touch the ground, but hovered 10 cm above it. Very quickly, the alien disappeared from sight.

In 1981, in the city of Caleta Olivia, Argentina

Late in the evening, Louis N. and his friends on the beach watched a large, dark object emerge from the sea. The apparatus was dark and round. He landed in front of witnesses on the beach. Suddenly people heard a distinct voice inviting them inside.

After they entered, they saw a large circular room, brightly lit from all directions, but the source of light was not visible.

There were several tall humanoids, about 2 meters in height, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, dressed in tight-fitting white suits. Among them were both men and women. Some of them sat in front of large screens on the walls. On these screens, stars were visible, and on the other, how this ship moves from planet Earth to the Moon.

They flew to the Moon in a very short time and were able to see its shadow side. The aliens communicated using telepathy. They informed people that they would now fly towards the Sun. Eyewitnesses claim that when they flew up to the sun, through the screen it seemed almost black in color.

When they returned back to Earth, Louis began to walk freely around the room, and went to one of the control panels, his hand reached out to him. He was immediately noticed and asked to sit down. They returned to Earth, to the beach at Caleta Olivia. Witnesses claim that some kind of device was implanted into their brain to track and communicate with aliens. The implant is located behind the right ear.

June 7, 1974 Lake George

In the evening, two elderly farmers witnessed an unidentified flying object. In the evening sky, they noticed a particularly bright star, which began to increase and it was soon clear that it was a small spacecraft. It was egg-shaped and gave off a white glow. Supports extended from the apparatus, and it landed.

Three men came out of it, about three meters tall. They wore luminous silver suits that covered the entire body up to the neck. Their faces didn't seem to express any emotion. The farmers tried to get out of that place as soon as possible.

Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais August 28, 1963

Three boys were standing in the backyard of their home in the Saint Famil area of Belo Horizonte when they noticed a large luminous sphere descending towards them. One of the passengers on the sphere was a tall, slender man, about 2 meters tall, dressed in a tight-fitting gray suit, like scuba divers. He had a helmet on his head …

Alexania, Brasilia December 27, 1967

Wilsoe Placido, a Brazilian, was one of five UFO and alien eyewitnesses. According to his description, they looked like people: white-haired, with porcelain-white skin, wearing tight, shiny suits. They took soil and some plants …

Sao Paulo 25 August 1968

Maria Jose Sintra, an employee at the Seraphim Ferreira hospital, on the way home, saw an oval-shaped UFO hovering a meter above the field. He was dumbfounded by what he saw. A beautiful woman with fair skin came out of the UFO, she wore a silver jumpsuit, with holes in the cuffs and at the neck.

Santa Maria, State of Rio Grande do Sul March 16, 1954

Ruben Helving: I saw a flying object in the shape of an inverted saucer over the field. She landed and two men emerged from there, slender, 1.80 meters in height with blond hair in gray tailored suits. He also saw that, accompanied by one of the blondes, there were two dark-skinned women with long dark hair and dark slanted eyes. They were dressed in tight-fitting suits with no seams.

Port Alegre, State of Rio Grande do Sul, November 10, 1954

A local resident allegedly saw two strange creatures emerging from a disc-shaped apparatus about 5 meters in diameter. They looked human-like, with long blond hair, and wore tight-fitting silver jumpsuits.

State of Rio Grande do Sul, December 9, 1954

The farmer saw three tall humanoids. He describes them as follows: "broad-shouldered, with white pale faces and slanting eyes, fair-haired", they stood near two aircraft, enveloped in light. He immediately realized that these were representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization.

Mojave Desert, California

An eyewitness rode his bicycle past the Mojave Desert in the evening. He heard a noise and someone shouts "flying saucer!" As he climbed up to see what was there, he noticed a flying object at the bottom of the mountain, about 100 yards away. The object had rounded edges and four legs. At the bottom, a hatch was opened, which still served as a ladder. The lower part of the object was illuminated with beige light, while a yellowish light was emitted from within the object.

An eyewitness noticed three figures nearby. They were three men, 20 years old, with blond hair. They were dressed in gray, silver suits. One of them seemed to notice him. A few minutes later, people returned inside the object, the door opened, and it began to fly up easily and without much noise. He climbed 40 feet and stopped. The bottom glow changed to a blue-red shimmer. The object instantly jerked to the side and disappeared.

Bauru, Sao Paulo, 23 July 1947

Brazilian surveyor Jose Higgins witnessed a huge disc, about 45 meters wide, whitish gray in color, with four metal supports. Three creatures, about 2.2 meters tall, emerged from the aircraft. They were dressed in silver fitted suits. They had large eyes, a high forehead, and blonde hair.

San Sebastian, on the southern coast of Brazil June 15, 1957

Professor João Freitas de Guimaraes, lawyer and professor, singled out two tall men (about 2 meters tall). With shoulder-length blond hair, white complexion and blue eyes that expressed wisdom and understanding. They wore form-fitting suits, with cutouts at the neck, wrists and ankles. Professor Guimaraes also saw an aircraft parked nearby.

Fazenda Bela Aliança, Pirassununga, February 6, 1969

Jose Antonio F. saw a strange flying machine in one of the pastures, on his ranch. Three tall humanoids walked around the lethal object, wearing shiny, tight suits. They seemed to him to be engaged in the repair of the apparatus. He also noticed that they wore wide belts with several buttons in the middle.

In 1980 in the suburb of San Juan, Puerto Rico

Local resident Nancy Alvarado was driving home late at night when she heard a voice in her head “Don't be afraid! Stop the car. She pulled over to the side of the road. Two figures did not approach from the field. One was dressed in white, the other in a dark green skin-tight suit. Both looked human. Nancy felt calm, there was no fear.

A man in a white suit walked up to the car and looked at her with his big, bright eyes. A man in green came up. They seemed to be floating above the ground, rather than stepping on it. After looking at her and going around the car, they moved further in the direction of the neighboring wooded area.

Nancy's car started working again and she quickly drove home, told everything to her father. Together they returned to that place and with a lantern looked for those men, but they did not find anyone.

Toronto Ontario, Canada, May 4, 1932

At night, 150 miles from the city, the farmer witnessed a UFO, a bright oval cloud descended to the ground, he could see it well, there were like notches at the edges, a bright ray burst out of the bottom.

From this light, a figure appeared on Earth. It was a young man with blond hair and a gray overalls. He had glowing blue eyes, about 2 meters tall.

He smiled at the man and told his future destiny, where he would work and live. All of his prophecies have come true.

Finland, May 5, 1972

Aarno Heinonen was at home when he heard a strange noise, and then a woman's voice told him to go alone to a certain deserted place. He did so, and ran into an "alien woman" about 8 feet tall, with blond hair, a light suit that seemed to be glowing, and the same silver-colored shoes. A glowing ball hung nearby in the sky.

She greeted him. And a little dialogue took place between them. She said that all people on Earth have a different origin, that we came from the other side of the "Milky Way". She also told him that she was 180 years old, although she looked very young.

A year later, Aarno again heard a female voice guiding him. At the same place, he had a 5-minute conversation with the same woman he met on May 5. He noticed that her teeth were twice as wide as those of a normal person. Her nose was sharp and she had large blue eyes. As before, she wore a silver suit. As he left, he saw a huge ship descending, about 300 feet off the ground, silvery, with no lights or windows, about 20 feet in diameter.

1951 Khalidon S. A

The woman walked around her ranch with the dog and examined the cattle. Suddenly she noticed an unusual object on the field, on 4 supports. There were three figures near the apparatus. Looks like normal people. They had glowing white faces with blue eyes. They were dressed in a tight-fitting silver suit with a hood, and silver boots. She approached them and asked what they were doing here. The aliens reported that they had an emergency landing and offered to go inside the facility. The woman willingly and curiously went to the ship.

There was a telepathic conversation between them, in which they said that their mission was to protect humanity from global catastrophes, the invasion of other intelligent civilizations, but not to interfere in its development.

After their ship departed, there were noticeable traces of its landing on the field.

January 14, 1969, Childers

The married couple woke up from the furious barking of their dogs, and heard a strange sound, like a swarm of wasps.

They went outside and saw an object that looked like a "sombrero" 30 meters from their house, emitting a bright glow. Three men emerged from this apparatus, who were much taller than an ordinary person. A violet-yellow glow emanated from their suits. They collected some plants and sugarcane, which they then sucked into the ship through a transparent pipe. After 10 minutes, the aliens entered their ship, which took off and disappeared into the horizon.

One day in June 1923, near Mount Erie, Illinois

Norman Massie, 15, went out to retrieve the horse from the pasture. As he led his horses through the gate, he noticed a strange object in a nearby field with lights around its perimeter. He was about 500 meters away from him. I noticed several people under the transparent dome of the object. He described them as fair-haired and tall. One of the men was sitting on a chair, while the others approached him. According to an eyewitness, the object was metal and stood on four supports. It had a dome on top with holes. The dome was transparent. Then the object went up and hovered, the legs rose into it, then it fired to the side at high speed and disappeared.