Meeting With Aliens On The Shore - Alternative View

Meeting With Aliens On The Shore - Alternative View
Meeting With Aliens On The Shore - Alternative View

Video: Meeting With Aliens On The Shore - Alternative View

Video: Meeting With Aliens On The Shore - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, September

On August 27, 1957, a highly respected citizen of Santos (Brazil), law professor and writer Guimaraes told on television a story that happened to him in May of this year.

Arriving in San Sebastiano, he went for a walk to the beach and admire the sea. Suddenly he saw a stream of water pouring out of the ocean and decided it was a whale. But then he saw that some streamlined vehicle was moving towards the shore. He had three ball-shaped landing legs and one of them crashed into the sand. The device was 20 m in diameter, 6 m in height and had a metallic sheen. Around its hull were large circular windows made of glass-like material. At the top of the object was a small dome that emitted a reddish light.

Two human beings with a height of 1.8 m with long white hair, pure white skin and light blue eyes jumped out of the apparatus. They were in tight-fitting aluminized suits with no seams, tightly sealed at the neck and wrists and legs.

The professor asked them in Spanish, French, English, and Italian - "is their car damaged?", But did not receive an answer and then suddenly felt that he was being invited to enter the apparatus. He was sure that the aliens were treating him telepathically, although they could talk. He felt an irresistible urge to see how this apparatus looks inside. All three climbed the stairs to the apparatus, inside which was the third member of the crew. Then the ladder was removed and the door was closed. In the center of the ship, Guimaraes saw a vertical round pipe, around which there was a kind of sofa upholstered with something like leather. Only the strong smell and the cool temperature were unpleasant.

When lifting the apparatus, a buzzing sound was first heard, which then disappeared. Guymaraes determined that they passed the earth's atmosphere in about 10 seconds.

Through the windows, he saw a black sky above the ground, on which the stars were very clearly visible. During the flight, which lasted 30-40 minutes, the professor asked the crew members where they had come from, and so on. Guimaraes came to the conclusion that the crews of these objects are observing the development of mankind on Earth and want to warn us against the impending danger.