UFO Hovers Over The Mysterious Lake Tahoe - Alternative View

UFO Hovers Over The Mysterious Lake Tahoe - Alternative View
UFO Hovers Over The Mysterious Lake Tahoe - Alternative View

Video: UFO Hovers Over The Mysterious Lake Tahoe - Alternative View

Video: UFO Hovers Over The Mysterious Lake Tahoe - Alternative View
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On May 22, 2016, the World UFO Network (MUFON) received a report from an eyewitness who on May 18 photographed a UFO hanging over Lake Tahoe, which is located on the border of the states of California and Nevada, USA.

“I just took a picture from my hotel room and was about to send it to a friend when I saw an object in the photo above the treetops,” an eyewitness said in his message.

"This UFO hangs low over Lake Tahoe," commented famous ufologist Scott K. Waring. “It almost blends into the line of trees, so it's no surprise that he didn't notice it right away. The deep and cold waters of the Tahoe are full of mysteries. This UFO most likely rose from the bottom of the lake."

“I remember that the famous oceanographer Jacques Cousteau once said that while diving deep in the Tahoe in the mid-70s, he encountered something terrifying. “The world is not ready for what is there,” he said. Cousteau never published photos or data from that dive, multiplying the secrets and legends of this lake. But I thought for a long time that he may have found an alien base deep under water, added the ufologist.