The Horror Movie "The Curse Of The Nun" Is Probably Based On A Real Case - Alternative View

The Horror Movie "The Curse Of The Nun" Is Probably Based On A Real Case - Alternative View
The Horror Movie "The Curse Of The Nun" Is Probably Based On A Real Case - Alternative View

Video: The Horror Movie "The Curse Of The Nun" Is Probably Based On A Real Case - Alternative View

Video: The Horror Movie
Video: THE NUN is Terrible (and other awful movies about nuns) 2024, July

Recently the world premiere of the new Hollywood horror film "The Nun" took place.

About the plot in a certain monastery in the wilderness of Romania, a young nun commits suicide. To investigate the incident, a priest and a novice come from the Vatican, and soon they are faced with an evil force that took the form of a dead nun.

This is, of course, pure fiction, but as the researcher of anomalous phenomena Tony Spera says, the plot of the film is very similar to a real case.

A scene from The Curse of the Nun
A scene from The Curse of the Nun

A scene from The Curse of the Nun.

Spera is the son-in-law of 1970s famed anomalous experts Ed and Lorraine Warren of New England, whose recordings have inspired horror films such as The Curse of Annabelle, The Conjuring 2 and The Amityville Horror.

According to the Warrens, they have investigated more than 10,000 cases during their careers and the fact that they were among the first researchers of the Amityville ghost phenomenon.


In the mid-70s, the Warrens made a trip to the abandoned Borley Church in Essex (UK), about which terrible legends have been circulating for many years. It is said that at night the bells ring by themselves here. a headless ghost of a monk, as well as a nun (with a head) walk around the territory, and strange inscriptions regularly appear on the walls.

Promotional video:


There is an old photograph of a ghost taken in the background of the Borly church cemetery. It is difficult to say who this ghost represents, possibly the very nun, since his head is visible. The date of the picture, unfortunately, is not indicated anywhere, but it apparently was not taken by the Warrens, but much earlier,


By the way, the priest's house next to the church burned down in 1939 and now only the walls remain. And before the fire, the priest's house had the reputation of being the most haunted place in England.


A specially invited photographer traveled with the Warrens to shoot with a 35mm camera with infrared film. In the pictures he took inside the church, one could see incomprehensible spots and strange silhouettes.

There is a legend why this place is paranormal. Allegedly, many centuries ago, a young nun was immured alive within the walls of the church. The girl was caught having an affair with one of the monks.

As soon as Ed and Lorraine entered the church around midnight, Lorraine said, "I can sense this nun's presence here." Later, the photographer was able to partially capture the silhouette of a nun walking down the corridor.


Another Borley shot taken by the Warren photographer. It shows that next to the real human figure on the right is something translucent and whitish.


According to Tony Sper, this picture is of the same ghostly nun Borley and in his opinion the Hollywood writers definitely used some of the Warrens' research for their film.

According to a spokesman for Warner Bros., which produced the film, the writers and director of the film have not commented on Spera's words.

Now Lorraine Warren is 91 years old and for health reasons she could not visit the cinema.
