Incredible Bikes From The 1990s - Alternative View

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Incredible Bikes From The 1990s - Alternative View
Incredible Bikes From The 1990s - Alternative View

Video: Incredible Bikes From The 1990s - Alternative View

Video: Incredible Bikes From The 1990s - Alternative View
Video: Best Bikes Of The 1990's 2024, September

Someone remembered the 1990s for the abundance of small traders like stalls and shuttles, for others for the rampant banditry, for others for the religious revival. Another characteristic feature of that time was the appearance of many publications on ufological and other anomalous topics, which at first did not shy away from publishing completely crazy fables, where, for example, great writers or top officials of the state could easily appear.

Drinking humanoids

So, once in the magazine "Miracles and Adventures" an article was published by a certain Alexander Varakin, which contained the story of hardly anyone known poet-imagist P., who allegedly once drank with Sergei Yesenin and green "cosmites". This imagist visited Yesenin in Moscow shortly before his death. The owner, in high spirits, greeted P. at the doorway and, affectionately calling him “pig,” invited him to the table. While undressing, the guest heard strange sounds, similar to Morse code, coming from the room.

Entering the room, P. was shocked to see at the table, together with Yesenin, two small greenish creatures, similar to people. A third man of the same height, the size of a ten-year-old boy, was lying on the floor in the corner of the room, covered with a blanket. On the table were vodka and some kind of reddish liquid that seemed to smell like gasoline. There were also many different snacks and some incomprehensible jelly-like pieces with transparent silvery paper underneath. The little people drank this particular odorous liquid and ate their jelly.

- Sit down, old man! - Sergei Alexandrovich invited the guest on a stool with a broad gesture. And he added: - Don't be afraid, it's not you, but I'm drunk to hell. Nice guys!

P. cautiously walked to the table. None of the "devils" showed the slightest interest in the guest. They communicated with each other in Morse code. After drinking a glass of vodka and eating a fatty and tasty roach, the guest got used to it and began to study strange creatures. In our understanding, they were freaks: an exorbitantly large head on a puny little body, a bulging forehead, an almost complete absence of nose and mouth, and huge cat eyes. In short, the real Roswell. The expression on their faces was the same. Only the eyes with vertical slits-pupils seemed to be pulsating - perhaps this is how the little men expressed emotions, reinforcing the contraction of the pupils with their bird sounds.

Promotional video:

Exit through the window

Yesenin from time to time broke away from the conversation with P. and switched to those two who had not yet fallen under the table. The guest did not immediately guess that Yesenin was responding to their mental messages. In general, the little men never opened their mouths, transmitting thoughts telepathically.

- These are the things, brother, - said Yesenin. - The third day we walk. It's time to hit the muzzle, but they don't understand a damn thing.

The guest talked with the poet about his gloomy provincial affairs, gave him a small selection of poems and listened to a complaint about the hopeless life of Yesenin himself. The poet presented his photograph to the guest. Like goodbye. Suddenly a man in black, elegantly dressed in the fashion of the 1920s, appeared at the door from the hallway, without knocking or ringing.

His shirt dazzled with whiteness, the strict tie betrayed in him not just a lover of dressing up with a needle, but a gentleman. He beckoned Yesenin with his finger, and he, like a boy, jumped up and ran away. P. heard the front door slam. Turning to the green creatures that exuded an unfamiliar smell, P. suddenly saw that they were sleeping.

Suddenly Yesenin entered the room swiftly, holding his famous cane in his hands. The poet, without uttering a word, began to beat the "cosmites" with it. Only ragged breathing indicated that he was straining, his face remained impassive. There was no conflict between the creatures and the poet, so Sergey Alexandrovich probably followed the advice of the mysterious guest in black.

The little people squealed and clinked so that P. felt pain in his ears. They began to run around the table, and Yesenin chased after them. The third one woke up and began to run too. So they fled for about five minutes, and then one of them, a taller sprout, made a gesture with a four-fingered hand, and the whole trio fled, making sounds resembling crying. They slipped out the window!

This is what struck the imagist, who once told this extremely mysterious incident to his grandson.

Mysterious disappearance

A seemingly respectable writer Igor Bunich gave very strange information about Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, gleaned from the archives of the Simbirsk province, not in some magazine or newspaper, but in a book called "In the Center of Devilry".

Allegedly, from 14 to 18 August 1873, mysterious phenomena occurred near Simbirsk: fireballs descended from the sky and left behind burnt circles on the ground. And it was on August 14, on the day of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos in the afternoon, their three-year-old son Volodya disappeared from the Ulyanovs' court, who played under the supervision of his seven-year-old brother. When the policemen examined the garden together with the Deputy Prosecutor Klyukin, no traces of the violent abduction were found.

Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin as a child (left)


Two weeks later, peasants from one of the surrounding villages, returning from haymaking, found the boy sitting on the side of the road about 30 versts from the city. The child was taken to the police station, where his parents and a doctor were summoned. After examination, the doctor established that during the two-week absence the child was eating and resting normally.

However, he was surprised that the boy did not react in any way to the police, or to him, or to his parents. A letter from a doctor who examined Volodya Ulyanov after being abducted by aliens has survived. Following the writer, we will trace the continuation of history along it.

“… I had to examine this boy quite often before, by the way, very painful, and we established good contact with him, which is possible between a doctor and a three-year-old child. Now it seemed that he was seeing for the first time both me and his parents. He sat quietly, looking somewhere into space, not paying any attention to the sobbing mother, who showered him with kisses. I checked some of his reflexes, and I was struck by their strange lethargy … When the passions subsided, and they wanted to send the boy home with his happy parents, he suddenly, clearly and not at all childishly uttered a phrase that made everyone shudder not so much from its content, how much from some ominous tone in which she pronounced: “In 75 years Israel will be reborn!” (Israel was reborn in May 1948, exactly 75 years later. - It is essential that you understand …"

“God! Or it seemed to me, but I got the impression that the Lord really spoke through the mouth of this baby … The child remained in a state of some prostration for some time, he had to recall his own name and the names of all his relatives. He completely forgot how to walk, he developed a strange imbalance of head weight to body weight. He constantly fell, banging his head, and, mind you, after that phrase, V hardly said a word to anyone. I was summoned to this house every day, I did what I could, trying to find out what happened to the child in two weeks of his absence, and to learn the nature of his illness. Although is it a disease? Perhaps, as the people say, grace has descended on the boy?


Somehow we stayed together in the nursery. I was counting his pulse, measuring his temperature, etc., when suddenly he turned to me in such a way that I trembled with horror: “Doctor! he said, slightly tracing the letter "r". "Do you understand what this means?" - "What?" - I exclaimed in horror from this adult voice. "It is important," the child continued, "so that you understand everything!" Overcoming the urge to rush out of the room, I glanced at the boy. His breathing was even. He seemed to be asleep. But the voice continued to pour from his mouth.

“If we take into account,” said the boy, “that for such an amount you have to support a family, then such a fee cannot but be called beggarly.” Then, after a short pause, he added: "The Crimean War showed the rottenness and powerlessness of serf Russia, and the Russo-Japanese War was a complete military collapse of the autocracy."

"What kind of Russian-Japanese war ?!" - trembling, I thought, feeling the hair moving on my head. I cannot even describe the horror that gripped me at that moment. Perhaps they lost our nerves, but it seemed to me that a terrible catastrophe was approaching all of us from this crib, which would cover not only our city, but the whole of Russia, even the whole world, destroying it in streams of blood.

I was so shocked that I, at the doctor's office, had the thought of killing this werewolf child. But then the unexpected happened again. The boy suddenly opened his eyes … and cried. He cried and called his mother, as befits a three-year-old child. Crying, he got up in the crib and held out his little hands to me, and blond curls scattered over his shoulders. Since then, everything went into a rut, only he learned to walk with great difficulty, often falling and stuffing bumps on his head. All is well, but I cannot forget the feeling of an impending global catastrophe that seized me then in the nursery.

How could this child survive during his two-week wanderings, who kidnapped him and who spoke through him: God, the devil, or himself? But I almost certainly believe that there will also be a war with Japan, which, apparently, we will lose with the same bang as the Crimean one, and that Israel will be reborn in 75 years, and this, as you know, according to the Bible, must happen just before the end of the world …"