Doctors Are Going To "reassemble" The Head Of A Girl With A Rare Disease - Alternative View

Doctors Are Going To "reassemble" The Head Of A Girl With A Rare Disease - Alternative View
Doctors Are Going To "reassemble" The Head Of A Girl With A Rare Disease - Alternative View

Video: Doctors Are Going To "reassemble" The Head Of A Girl With A Rare Disease - Alternative View

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Surgeons from British Birmingham are going to reassemble, like a mosaic, the head of 20-month-old Ruby Merlin, who was born with a rare disease.

The girl was born with numerous tumors, bursting blood vessels in the eye area, as well as holes and a fissure in the skull, according to Mirror.

Doctors could not diagnose the baby for a long time. Finally, after Ruby underwent several operations, doctors established that the girl had Fishman syndrome, a serious and complex disease of the nervous system. Over the past half century, no more than 60 cases of this disease have been recorded.

In addition to numerous tumors throughout the body and deformed joints, the little British woman suffers from lipoma, numerous wen in the spinal cord.

The girl's mother says that Ruby is special and she will love her daughter no matter what. Formally, the girl was diagnosed with blindness, although she sees one eye. While waiting for the operation on the skull, the baby goes to a nursery and is already trying to socialize.
