A Very Interesting UFO Was Shot By An American From The State Of Montana - Alternative View

A Very Interesting UFO Was Shot By An American From The State Of Montana - Alternative View
A Very Interesting UFO Was Shot By An American From The State Of Montana - Alternative View

Video: A Very Interesting UFO Was Shot By An American From The State Of Montana - Alternative View

Video: A Very Interesting UFO Was Shot By An American From The State Of Montana - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, September

Remarkable in this information is not only the unidentified flying object itself, which was filmed the day before yesterday by a resident of the American city of Billings (Montana), but even what happened near Yellowstone National Park, which attracts aliens with its formidable supervolcano, which is about to explode.

The American that day, around noon, left the sports field where he was playing basketball, when suddenly … his attention was attracted by some strange glitter in the blue sky. The man immediately thought of a UFO, and therefore hastily took out his smartphone and began to shoot, while simultaneously observing the object, which, continuing to gleam in the sun with its clearly metal surface, was moving away from the park towards the airport.

And although I immediately thought about UFOs, the American wrote to the MUFON employees, where he sent the video material, at first glance the object looked like a bunch of silvery balls, but when I looked closely, I saw that it glitters in the sun with its faces, as it rotates around its axis, while The UFO was moving clearly in a straight line. This unidentified object clearly did not resemble a drone, airplane or helicopter. And even more so - on a bird …

MUFON specialists highly appreciated the received video, determining its authenticity and even uniqueness. It is alarming, they write, that more and more UFOs have been spinning around the Yellowstone supervolcano lately, and they are very diverse and no longer hide from human eyes even during the day, which is confirmed by the video footage received from a resident of the city of Billings. Is the volcano waking up after all?..