In The Sky Over "Vnukovo" The Plane Almost Collided With A UFO - Alternative View

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In The Sky Over "Vnukovo" The Plane Almost Collided With A UFO - Alternative View
In The Sky Over "Vnukovo" The Plane Almost Collided With A UFO - Alternative View

Video: In The Sky Over "Vnukovo" The Plane Almost Collided With A UFO - Alternative View

Video: In The Sky Over
Video: Во Внукове столкнулись самолеты - Москва 24 2024, July

At the Vnukovo airport, one of the planes almost collided with a UFO while approaching. At least, this information was reported by one of the pilots to the controller. Oleg Zaitsev, a photojournalist of MK in Nizhny Novgorod, personally heard these negotiations.

The fact is that on one of the American sites for radio amateurs (, online negotiations are broadcast at several airports in the world. It is often visited by both professionals and aviation fans.

So my head is all right

On the evening of May 26, Oleg went to this portal, chose Vnukovo and, in the presence of witnesses, heard a dialogue, which he remembered almost literally. (Further in the decoding P - pilot, D - dispatcher.)

P. - We observed the passage of an object here. Who flies here, I don’t understand?

D. - What object? Repeat.

P. - We have just parted ways with some object, it passed exactly across our course. We were forced to slow down and dispersed literally 50 meters away.

Promotional video:

D. - I don't see anything on the radar.

P. - I repeat, we visually observed a rounded object.

D. - How did he look?

P. - A rounded object, 10-12 meters, maybe more, shimmered with colored lights and were visible on it … The windows were not windows, but something shone in general.

“Then another voice entered the conversation,” recalls Oleg. - Apparently, the shift supervisor at the dispatchers intervened. He briefly interviewed the aircraft commander about the object, the commander replied in the same way.

Unfortunately, our photo correspondent did not record these negotiations, but the dispatchers should keep them.

However, the press secretary of the Vnukovo airport, Maria Sharavina, said that such information was not received by her organization. Even the airport learns about the sensational laser hooliganism indirectly, from the relevant authorities, to which pilots and dispatchers apply.

Meanwhile, the press secretary of the Moscow automated air traffic control Elvira Khamko reassured us: they say, the negotiations should be recorded. But a little later she clarified: they can pick up and listen to any recording of the negotiations only by order of the Federal Air Transport Agency.

The fact that pilots from time to time meet UFOs on their way is often discussed on their forums. But they try not to inform the dispatchers about it. According to the pilot of the Mi-8 helicopter Oleg Kiselev, the reason for the "silence" is simple: such a message immediately brings a shadow of mistrust on the pilot. He is subjected to checks and suspended from flights - for a while, and if doctors suspect something, then forever. Are there many people who believe in UFOs?

Personally, a few years ago, I saw a disc-shaped unidentified object, which shimmered with lights, on the approach to the Sheremetyevo airport,”says Oleg Kiselev. - I was then the co-pilot of the Yak-40 aircraft. And not like the dispatcher - he didn't even talk about it to the commander of the aircraft. The fact is that he is very emotional, and you need to fly the plane in a calm state. And when we almost flew this object, the commander exclaimed: "Eh you, look, what is this !?" Only then did my heart relieve myself: it means that everything is fine with my head.

UFOs often interfere with aircraft landing

The well-known Russian ufologist Boris Shurinov explained that UFOs are often found precisely within airfields - it seems like "aliens" are watching the movements of human aircraft.

“There were even cases when the landing had to be postponed,” says Boris Apollonovich. - That is, the plane circled over the airfield until the unidentified object was removed. The last such incident took place near Barnaul, but I can't immediately say what year. So there is nothing, in fact, surprising in this "Vnukovo" incident. In such cases, I always recall the phrase of the famous French ufologist Velasco: "In our space there are objects that cannot be controlled by civil and military authorities and demonstrate technology that surpasses everything known on Earth."

Egor Vereshchagin
