Is There A UFO Base In India? - Alternative View

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Is There A UFO Base In India? - Alternative View
Is There A UFO Base In India? - Alternative View

Video: Is There A UFO Base In India? - Alternative View

Video: Is There A UFO Base In India? - Alternative View
Video: Meet India’s UFO Hunters 2024, June

We are somehow used to the news of possible cooperation between earthlings and alien civilizations coming from the United States. However, for some time now, facts began to appear that testify to the fact that India is also cooperating with the aliens.


In the last four months of 2004, residents of Himachal Pradesh, an Indian region in the foothills of the Himalayas, were alarmed by the massive UFO sightings over local inaccessible glaciers. Their constant presence has also puzzled military circles on both sides of the India-China border. Photographs of huge cylinders glowing with a crimson light appeared in the press, giving the glaciers a frankly ominous look against the background of the night sky.

During the day, these cylinders, hundreds of meters long, hung over the tops of the mountains in a horizontal or vertical

position, reflecting sun glare. Sometimes, as if out of the ground, large triangular UFOs took off into the sky, accompanied by small disks. In some cases, alien ships descended into the foothills, sweeping at high speed over villages.

In a matter of seconds, they soared to the tops of the glaciers. Indian geologists argued that over the past year and a half in this area, on an area of about 100 square kilometers, not only the activity of UFOs has increased, but also there have been many cases of observation of strange creatures. There was an opinion that the aliens are creating or developing their next underground base in this inaccessible area of the Himalayas.

A bright white humanoid object captured on a mountainside in the Himachal Pradesh and Kashmir region in 2004. The object, according to eyewitnesses, moved for about 40 minutes, and then flew up and disappeared.

Promotional video:


A strange object on the side of a mountain in the Jammu and Kashmir region, filmed in 2012


This was also confirmed by Indian helicopter pilots who were patrolling the area. Without climbing high, the pilots walked around this area, knowing that there was an invisible border, followed by the failure of navigation instruments, and possibly the engine. The pilots listened intently to the broadcast. The appearance of radio interference is a clear sign of approaching the danger zone where the aliens have settled.

Defense officials said: “There are many signs that a large underground base is being built high in the mountains. We are monitoring the presence of these objects, they are indeed UFOs. In the interests of security, that's all that can be said."

The Chinese side was no less worried. Observing the high activity of flying saucers and the Indian Air Force on the adjacent side, the Chinese command moved a brigade of Type 80 tanks to the border. However, at the border, their advance was stopped by a large lake, which had never been in the area before.

The Indian press expressed great concern over the concentration of Chinese tanks on the border and the fact that "… recently an artificial lake was created on the territory of China, west of Jad, close to the border, in connection with which there was a threat of flooding of the Indian border region."

It is interesting, noted the famous ufologist Vladimir Azhazha, that both the Indian and Chinese sides refused to investigate the incident with the mysterious lake. Perhaps because it was soon discovered that his no less mysterious disappearance. The press also said that the lake was formed as a result of the fact that one of the glaciers was melted by aliens.

Images of mysterious creatures recently found on the wall of an Indian cave



The New Delhi newspaper wrote: “According to rumors circulating in scientific circles, in particular those specializing in space exploration, the aliens really created a base in the Himalayas, similar to a fortress. Their intentions are unknown."

The newspaper drew attention to the essential difference between Indian democracy and American democracy, which for decades allegedly hides its far-reaching contacts with aliens from the American people and the whole world.

The debate in the Indian government, initiated by the opposition, may end primarily with a psychological shock to the world community, which one day learns that since the 50s of the last century to the present day there has been an unspoken agreement between the countries that are members of the UN Security Council (USA, USSR / Russia, Great Britain, France, China), on non-disclosure at the state level of information about the presence of UFOs and aliens on Earth and in near-Earth space.

New Delhi also wrote that India, not being a member of the Security Council and not being bound by obligations, can open to its citizens everything that is known about the activities of aliens, and not only in the Himalayas.

According to political observers, India is so open and democratic that it will be difficult for the government to keep a secret for a long time with an eye on the Security Council, which, incidentally, is considering accepting India as a member of the Council.

In this situation, the Indian government is in a very difficult position. On the one hand, the principle of democracy, on the other, the likelihood of shock and panic among its own population from the long-awaited truth about UFOs, on the third, the future in the UN Security Council.

In addition, India is interested in economic cooperation with Europe and the United States. In connection with the discussion of the events in the Himalayas, not only in the circles of the Indian public, but also in the military-political spheres, the press believed that India could be silenced by raising the question of its nuclear program.

After a while, the whole country had the opportunity to watch on the news program how huge UFOs fly over mountain peaks, accompanied by Indian Air Force fighters. Albeit at a respectful distance. In the heated discussions of what he saw, two versions prevailed. According to one of them, the Air Force planes defended UFOs during their flight in the border area with China.


According to another, more likely one, the aliens do not need any protection, they simply demonstrated their strength by allowing the aircraft to keep their distance for their own safety. This sensation was fueled by military officials and some politicians, acknowledging the fact of India's recent contact with aliens.

According to sources close to the government, a heated debate unfolded there on the issue of India's status in the world community. In particular, Indian Foreign Minister Mr. Natwar Sing said that there was no need for India to become a nuclear power.

Media analysts saw the statement as an acknowledgment that, compared to alien power and technology, any nuclear weapon is worthless. If India were not a nuclear power, perhaps the ufological problem of today could be removed, as they say, without noise and dust.


Analysts close to the Indian military and political circles believe that the main events are taking place in the high mountain valley of Ladakh, located at an altitude of more than 3,000 meters. It is surrounded by the highest ranges of the Himalayas - it is difficult to find a better place to create a base, so well hidden from the prying eyes.

In fact, flying saucers have been observed here for a long time.


Old-timers tell a chilling story about how, at the end of World War II, a disk landed near the Lamayuru monastery, from which mysterious dwarfs emerged. They kept the curious away from them and paralyzed some of them with beams from the tubes they held in their hands.

And today, it is in the Ladakh valley that frequent UFO landings take place and there is a high activity of special units of the Indian army. The highest ranks of the army and air force issued a statement that, for security reasons, all areas of the foothills on the approaches to the valley were blocked for an indefinite period. When they talk about the official contact of the Indian side with the aliens, they first of all mean the Ladakh valley.

According to the India Daily, government sources believe India is on the verge of becoming super tech. Long-term contact with aliens will allow getting from them the technology of anti-gravity aerospace vehicles and means of global control of near-earth space. These real opportunities will place India in the ranks of the 21st century superpowers.

There are historians in India who are sure that at the time of the Mahabharata, the Indians already possessed high technologies. This, for example, is well described in the Vimanika Shastra, a multivolume manual for the creation and maintenance of aircraft called vimanas. This manual was written centuries ago in Sanskrit.

Enthusiasts are sure that the history of cooperation with aliens may repeat itself. Moreover, recently some researchers, studying images of the Google Earth program, discovered unusual structures in the Himalayas. They are located just on the border of India and China.

From the appearance of the structures, it can be unambiguously concluded that they are clearly of artificial origin. The most realistic version seems to many that this is nothing more than a mysterious alien base, which is so carefully guarded from the eyes of strangers by both India and China.