Curse Riddle - Alternative View

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Curse Riddle - Alternative View
Curse Riddle - Alternative View

Video: Curse Riddle - Alternative View

Video: Curse Riddle - Alternative View
Video: Can you solve the temple riddle? - Dennis E. Shasha 2024, July

Everyone has heard the word "curse", not everyone believes in it, but few would like to be cursed. This concept has existed as long as the human civilization itself and frightens even modern people of the 21st century, who possess high technologies and advanced technology.

What is curse

A curse is a negative message, most often in verbal form. This message is filled with negative energy and is usually addressed to a specific person. Sometimes things are cursed, then they bring harm, up to death, to their owners. Moreover, a person can send a charge of such energy even unconsciously, simply by experiencing strong negative emotions in relation to someone.

Scientists were also interested in the mystery of the curse - in order to study this phenomenon, studies were carried out. Seeds and seedlings of plants, in particular, wheat, were used as an experimental object. As a result, it became known that plants are very sensitive to what they are told. If the impact was made with negative words, the seeds lost their ability to germinate, and their genetic apparatus was disrupted, as if after exposure to a strong dose of radiation. Plants reacted to positive words exactly the opposite - they became more tenacious and strong, resistant to diseases. The result of this study amazed scientists and made them start taking words more carefully and seriously.

This experiment showed that all the legends about healing with words are real. The stories of how people with special powers could heal a patient with just words, without even touching him, have been confirmed.

Curses of the Ancients

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When talking about curses, stories often come to mind about curses imposed on treasures and ancient burials. The so-called curse of the pharaohs, which overtakes those who disturbed the peace of the ancient rulers of Egypt, became especially famous. It manifested itself in a series of accidents and deaths that befell everyone who was inside the pyramids and came into contact with ancient artifacts. Among the local population, it was believed that the ancient tombs were guarded not only by traps and traps designed for thieves, but also by powerful spells, as well as disembodied guards. The texts deciphered by experts also warned about this. English archaeologists, starting to study the only discovered tomb of Tutankhamun, only laughed at the fears of local residents. They were much more worried about the fact that they finally managed to find this burial,which was completely untouched by the marauders. But later they were not laughing when a series of tragic incidents began, affecting everyone who was involved in the opening of the pyramid. The first casualty was Lord Carnarvon, who sponsored and organized this expedition. He died just a few months after he visited the open tomb. According to one version, the lord died of blood poisoning after being bitten by a mosquito. Then a series of deaths of other members of the expedition followed. Moreover, the rock pursued everyone who was present at the opening of the burial. Further death overtook George Gould, Carnarvon's friend, who also participated in the opening of the tomb. After that, they started talking openly about the curse of the pharaohs, and panic began among collectors and owners of ancient artifacts. Meanwhile, mysterious deaths continued. Moreover,this happened not only with those who participated in the opening of the burial, but also with those who had something to do with this event.

As a result, within a decade and a half, death overtook almost all archaeologists who took part in the excavations. This only strengthened people's belief in the existence of an ancient curse. Skeptics have repeatedly attempted to explain all of these cases by reasons such as ancient infections. But people died from various reasons, from diseases and accidents, so it was wrong to blame the ancient bacteria.

There are other cases when, taking jewelry from burials or temples, people doomed themselves and even their descendants to many troubles. The story of the Hope diamond, stolen from an Indian temple by a French traveler, is known. According to legend, the deities were angry with this act and sent a curse on the owners of the stone. You may not believe this, but everyone who owned a diamond even for a short time died. Hope has become one of the more infamous stones, as no owner has escaped doom since then.

It would be wrong to think that only ancient artifacts carry curses. Often, becoming the owner of an antique, a person gets a lot of problems, ranging from feeling unwell and ending with a poltergeist.

There is a version that all objects have their own energy field, in which information, often negative, accumulates over time. Therefore, subsequent owners are faced with manifestations of the accumulated information. The curse imposed on an artifact is also information embedded in it and has a destructive effect on the one who will own it.

The existence of a curse is another mystery that excites the minds of people. Official science cannot yet explain this phenomenon and denies it, but many mysterious and gloomy cases cannot be a simple coincidence. Therefore, it is extremely dangerous to be frivolous about such things.