The Ghost Of The English Courtier Walter Raleigh Got Into The Photo - Alternative View

The Ghost Of The English Courtier Walter Raleigh Got Into The Photo - Alternative View
The Ghost Of The English Courtier Walter Raleigh Got Into The Photo - Alternative View

Video: The Ghost Of The English Courtier Walter Raleigh Got Into The Photo - Alternative View

Video: The Ghost Of The English Courtier Walter Raleigh Got Into The Photo - Alternative View
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A resident of the small seaside town of Kingsueara in the English county of Devon took an amazing picture the other day. Thirty-two-year-old aspiring photographer Nathan Scott believes that the ghost of Sir Walter Raleigh, an English courtier, historian, civil servant and poet, who lived from 1552 to 1618, fell into the lens of his camera. At the same time, Internet users are not exactly sure what it really can be.

According to the Briton, he recently walked along an empty embankment and decided to take some pictures. Returning home, he began to examine the photographs received and unexpectedly discovered on one of them a mysterious silhouette, similar to the flattened figure of an elderly man with lush hair. Nathan immediately remembered Walter Raleigh, who at one time visited this area and spoke flatteringly about it in his work.

Scott hastened to share the mysterious image with the regulars of the World Wide Web, but not all commentators believed that the picture shows a real ghost. “It can be seen that the photo is panoramic. Moving objects can get very distorted when you take photos like this,”writes one skeptic. “This is clearly a shooting defect. A passer-by got into the frame, and his figure was blurred,”says another doubter.


However, the majority of users nevertheless agreed that this is really a phantom, although it may not be a medieval courtier, as the author claims. Commentators remind that England is rightfully considered a country inhabited by ghosts, and there is nothing surprising in the fact that one guest from another world ended up in Kingsweare and even took a picture of a local photographer.

A few words about the English courtier, whose spirit wanders across England

Sir Walter Raleigh was a remarkable person. He became famous for his daring attacks on Spanish ships, for which Queen Elizabeth I knighted him. It is believed that this English courtier, being the colonizer of North America, was the first to bring tobacco and potatoes to England. At one time, he was looking for the mythical South American country of El Dorado with fabulous treasures. In addition, Raleigh was a good friend of William Shakespeare and other top British poets of his era.

In 1603, the throne was taken by James I Stuart, who had an undisguised dislike for Raleigh. The new monarch fabricated a treason case against the court and imprisoned Walter for fifteen years. In 1618, the knight's head was cut off. Perhaps this injustice has become the reason for numerous rumors that the restless spirit of an aristocrat wanders around England and seeks retribution.

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