In The Cinema, A Ghostly Spectator Was Filmed - Alternative View

In The Cinema, A Ghostly Spectator Was Filmed - Alternative View
In The Cinema, A Ghostly Spectator Was Filmed - Alternative View

Video: In The Cinema, A Ghostly Spectator Was Filmed - Alternative View

Video: In The Cinema, A Ghostly Spectator Was Filmed - Alternative View
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A user of the popular social and news resource "Reddit" under the pseudonym Tacolava shared a mysterious snapshot with the regulars of the site.

According to the author of the publication, he presumably managed to capture a ghost in an empty cinema hall on a smartphone camera. “We are waiting for the next session…” - this is how the photographer titled his post, implying, apparently, that he had to wait for the screening of the film in the company of a native from the other world.

The presented image shows an incomprehensible pale figure in one of the chairs. If you look closely, you can understand that she really looks like a seated person. Many commentators felt that the spirit of a certain deceased spectator, who often came here during his lifetime, bestowed upon the cinema. Just imagine: you are watching a movie (perhaps even a horror movie) in the darkness of the hall, and not far from you there is a whitish haze that has taken the shape of a person. Creepy, isn't it?


Skeptics, of course, are in no hurry to believe in such paranormalism. According to materialists, the fault is a reflection of light, a dirty spot on the camera lens, or an elementary Photoshop. Other doubters believe that this is a luminous installation installed in honor of the upcoming Halloween. Many movie theater owners in the West actually resort to such tricks as All Saints' Eve approaches, to amuse or even tickle their customers.

However, most of the resource users still believed in the ghost of the cinema. Moreover, some of them began to build their own assumptions on this score and even give the author of the picture belated advice, for example, try to sit in the place in the cinema that the ghost chose - it must be cold and evoke a certain thrill in the soul …

It is quite possible, but someone would have dared to take such a step, even of the most ardent materialists and skeptics?..

Daniil Myslinsky

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