The Navigation Camera Of The "Curiosity" Rover Has Caught A UFO - Alternative View

The Navigation Camera Of The "Curiosity" Rover Has Caught A UFO - Alternative View
The Navigation Camera Of The "Curiosity" Rover Has Caught A UFO - Alternative View

Video: The Navigation Camera Of The "Curiosity" Rover Has Caught A UFO - Alternative View

Video: The Navigation Camera Of The
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A strange anomaly was found in the freshest photograph from Mars. A black-and-white image taken on January 20, 2017 by the Curiosity rover's navigation camera at the foot of Mount Sharpe shows a black UFO (see video below).

Indeed, in the photograph showing one, it is clearly visible that against a light gray background of one of the mountain ranges at a low altitude above the surface of Mars, a dark disc-shaped object is flying, similar to a classic flying saucer, which can often be seen on Earth.

When you zoom in, you can see that a convex element protrudes from the center of the lower part of the UFO, similar to the cockpit from which extraterrestrial explorers of Mars are observing the Earth's rover.

Although this object, which resembles a bird that spread its wings, may well turn out to be an alien drone.

The flying saucer was discovered by a ufologist known on YouTube as Streetcap1, who constantly monitors unusual anomalies in pictures or videos taken by spacecraft and displayed on the NASA website.

Thanks to his painstaking work, the ufologist received an invitation to participate in a documentary film about the planet Mars, which is currently being filmed by Russian documentary filmmakers of the REN TV channel. The film is expected to air in February 2017.

Voronina Svetlana
