Aliens Not Only Pay Visits To People, But Also Openly Steal Earthly Resources For Their Own Purposes - Alternative View

Aliens Not Only Pay Visits To People, But Also Openly Steal Earthly Resources For Their Own Purposes - Alternative View
Aliens Not Only Pay Visits To People, But Also Openly Steal Earthly Resources For Their Own Purposes - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Not Only Pay Visits To People, But Also Openly Steal Earthly Resources For Their Own Purposes - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Not Only Pay Visits To People, But Also Openly Steal Earthly Resources For Their Own Purposes - Alternative View
Video: Why Alien Life Would be our Doom - The Great Filter 2024, September

After analyzing the latest events on our planet, researchers and scientists have come to the conclusion that aliens are not only visiting people. They openly steal earthly resources for their own purposes, but why they need it - no one can say.

Experts have compiled a list of the most ambitious extraterrestrial thefts, where electricity came first. In 2000, witnesses from Pennsylvania reported the appearance of a UFO in the form of a disk, which in the evening decided to inspect the vicinity of the nuclear power plant located in Limerick. This is not an isolated case of objects appearing above terrestrial structures, because analogs have been repeatedly seen above Russian structures. But what attracts newcomers to technologies that seem to them to be structures of ancient times against the background of personal development. So far, scientists assume that guests are trying to protect nuclear facilities from human stupidity, so that some people simply do not blow it up together with the inhabitants. But the skeptics turned out to be right, declaring about the impudent theft of creatures who are not even shy about demonstrating their criminal talents in front of people.

Texas residents were shocked to notice a 30-meter, triangle-shaped UFO that quickly darted between the lines of wires and touched its edges of the supports. He took the necessary energy, accompanied by lightning strikes. Then similar objects began to appear under water, which confirms the event associated with the Kursk tragedy. Some sources of information wrote about the collision of a submarine with an extraterrestrial ship that has nothing to do with the Americans. Previously, ufologists thought that he was just trying to get to his base, but now these actions are associated with the theft of an important resource. The Caribbean leads in the number of devices that rise into the sky in front of amazed residents, after which the plates begin to take away the liquid, acting without a single sound. From their bottom comes a huge ray of greenish light,which sucks up the necessary resources at high speed. Fishermen, contemplating such a sight, tried to approach the UFO, which quickly rushed off towards the forest. An identical glow was then seen on the ocean floor, after which there was a great crash, and humanoid technology burst out of the water.

There are also opinions that extraterrestrial guests are engaged in the study of other values of our planet. They regularly visit the territories of the Urals, the Caucasus and the Far East, along with other mountainous areas, in order to find valuable metals, oil or gas there. But they are also interested in biological raw materials, because many cases of abduction of people and animals have been recorded. After that, the corpses of individuals are found with traces of surgical intervention without important organs. This also applies to the bodies of people who have become victims of aliens, since their remains are completely bled. Recent studies have shown that they want pure hemoglobin in addition to the rest of the blood. Therefore, the pumping out of liquid is in liters, which, after processing, are capable of supporting the life of individuals.

Recently, the media reported on an eerie find in Florida when a couple of Americans decided to look for large eagles, but instead stumbled upon the carcasses of dead boars. They were so mutilated that they caused horror in appearance, and there were no traces of blood nearby, characteristic of skinning in some places. The animals were gutted with the precision of a jeweler, after which they were simply thrown away next to each other. People published materials on the networks, and also expressed the opinion that humanoids could have done this, because their ships were often seen over the territory.


Materials are used for genetic experiments and the creation of clones or hybrids, and therefore UFOs are often seen near clinics, where there is a chance to find the necessary resources. This refers to the theft of plants, after which mysterious circles are left in the fields along with pictograms. However, a logical question can be asked, how do humanoids manage to deliver all the components to their ships? It turned out that they use the properties of a solid beam that can penetrate any obstacle. Such assistants can knock a person down and take him to the ship, as well as pull the victim out of a car or building. The aliens themselves move along them to other devices, and the witnesses of the events saw how animals rise there. Moscow scientist Kainash expressed the opinion that such technologies will be available to mankind in the future. He was able to explain some of the specifics of extraterrestrial technology,in which engines, in addition to power and reliability, operate on ecological raw materials.

Therefore, UFOs come to Earth to charge themselves in various ways, after which they convert the found substances into the desired fuel. In the 80s, an Australian farmer nearly suffered a heart attack after this space miracle took 32 tons of water from a tank at night in a short time. Hydrogen is especially appreciated by aliens who use the element in nuclear reactors, but their design is still unknown to earthlings. Even the collapse of an object in Lake Baikal did not allow scientists to find the necessary element, safely hidden in the body. It cannot be opened in the usual way, so it remains only to wait until the mysteries of the inhabitants of the Universe are discovered and the robbery of our planet becomes large-scale.

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