Cemetery In The Garden - Alternative View

Cemetery In The Garden - Alternative View
Cemetery In The Garden - Alternative View

Video: Cemetery In The Garden - Alternative View

Video: Cemetery In The Garden - Alternative View
Video: CEMETERY DOLLS - Ravens in the Pieris Garden 2024, July

We arrived in Chernigov, even before all this political turmoil, but the first signs of chauvinism in Ukraine were clearly already visible. There the wife has a mother, a father and all relatives, all of them had to be visited one by one. Here's a new visit on the outskirts of Chernigov. True, not far from this place, literally across the road, my wife and I were already in the cathedral. Unlike my wife, I am not a fan of all sorts of mummies in churches. But I was struck by Theodosius of Chernigov. No, this is really worthy of surprise - I am telling you this as a "psychic", as it is customary to call such people now. A psychic is a special sensitivity, and nothing more. But from birth nature has endowed me with something more than "sensitivity." The ability to adopt the power of other psychics and any "undead" whose bioenergetics touched me. This helped me to overcome the "Black Invisibility" and show many evil spirits a big "poppy seed". It was only after the third cancer patient that I learned how dangerous it is for an “extrasexual” to come into contact with the “scourge of God”. Actually I've taken on 8 types of cancer and I'm alive and well. True, and I got it to the fullest, but the "war" and the hospital did not go! I am not writing this for the sake of advertising, but so that you understand what really surprised me, not a trifle. My wife and I went into the temple, and there three mummies lie, supposedly "Holy Elders" incorruptible. More precisely, I would classify only two as mummies - real dried papyri. But when I looked at Theodosius of Chernigov, I was taken to heart: the impression was that he had just been put in a coffin. I thought about my strategy and pretended to be a pilgrim: I bent over the coffin, squinted my eyes at the nun that was sitting in Theodosius's head,and touched the skin on the back of the hand of Theodosius. The skin is like skin, almost like mine, soft and almost not even cold. On imitation leather not a hike and on parchment too. This means that bacteria on the skin work and do not allow the skin to dry out and protect it from putrefactive bacteria. I did not notice any cadaveric spots on the open hands and face. In general, this Theodosius of Chernigov puzzled me not weakly. I bought a brochure at the exit about St. Theodosius of Chernigov and it turned out that the Ufa Buddhist is a "boy" in comparison with Theodosius, he is only 70 years old in the "bosit" position. The man Theodosius lived in Chernigov even before the baptism of Rus by Vladimir Yasno Solnyshko. This is now the view of the majority in the school created on the history of Russia: Vladimir wanted to be baptized and drove the entire population of Kiev into the Dnieper and baptized him in one fell swoop, some with a club, some with a cross,from the Slavic worship of Perun, Veles, Svarog and the mother of all of them, the goddess Glory, the Mother of God and the Queen of Heaven, to Christianity. Only by carefully reading … translating the ancient Slavic chronicles, one can see that "Christians who were baptized before, did not participate in this universal baptism and stood in crowds or walked along the shore, watching the scene of the baptism of the Kievites." Where, for more than a thousand years, Theodosius from Chernigov lay in the damp earth, more precisely in a coffin. And only under Soviet rule, when the territory of the monastery cemetery was needed for building the city, the body was found incorruptible (well, not relics - I tell you this) Theodosius from Chernigov.they did not participate in this general baptism, and in crowds they stood or walked along the bank, watching the scene of the baptism of the Kievites. " Where, for more than a thousand years, Theodosius from Chernigov lay in the damp earth, more precisely in a coffin. And only under Soviet rule, when the territory of the monastery cemetery was needed for building the city, the body was found incorruptible (well, not relics - I'm telling you) Theodosius from Chernigov.they did not participate in this general baptism, and in crowds they stood or walked along the bank, watching the scene of the baptism of the Kievites. " Where, for more than a thousand years, Theodosius from Chernigov lay in the damp earth, more precisely in a coffin. And only under Soviet rule, when the territory of the monastery cemetery was needed for building the city, the body was found incorruptible (well, not relics - I tell you this) Theodosius from Chernigov.

My wife and I left the church and went to the center of Chernigov. And as soon as I caught up with the last masonry of the metal fence that surrounds the monastery and the Trinity Church, I hear a clear question in my head: "Why didn't you bow to me?" You guys as you want - alive and dead, but this is pride - a great sin, to demand to worship you. I personally, I cannot stand such an attitude and the Bible says: "I am your God, worship Me alone!" True, when I was translating the Church-Slavonic text of the Bible, I translated this phrase as: "I am God you, worship the One Me!" It was not possible to surprise me with a voice in my head when others didn’t hear it, it wasn’t possible to talk to me like that, so I simply answered him mentally: “I worship the One God!” And went my own way. But when my wife dragged me to the "Transfer of the relics of Theodosius of Chernigov" I went. They carried him out in the sun, completely open, except for the cover on the body. The face and hands were not covered with anything. There is evidence of this - the video that I made. While the procession was moving towards the central square of Chernigov, and this is an hour of walking at a leisurely pace. The sun was replaced by "mushroom rain", then again by the sun. Theodosius endures all these "mockery" of his body with the resilience of a living. Which for me serves as proof that on the skin his living bacteria protect the skin from rain, the sun and pilgrims "saliva", it has already been proven that a kiss is the dirtiest action of exchanging bacteria through saliva, which is not yet a weak alkali. From my experience as a worker, I can say that if electrolyte gets on the skin or clothing, abundant saliva on this place,neutralizes acid. The matter will turn white, but the threads will not fall apart.

So across the street from the Trinity Church we came to visit my wife's relatives, and they told me that sometimes their dishes in the wardrobe begin to rattle, although there are no trams or heavy equipment nearby, so there can be no vibration. I went down from the second floor, where the wardrobe stood, to the first floor, then from the corridor to the basement. The basement is not frail, such a hand could be safely raised with a height of 180 cm. The energy of the phonil is 30 centimeters above the basement floor. I had to go outside and look around in the yard. The bioenergy from underground was huge, it was easy to identify the lungs, stomach, liver, but the head was cut off during the construction of the foundation of the house. I was even taken aback: what to do now? Have your wife's relatives buried someone recently? But he immediately questioned: the house is old, and the head,apparently separated by a foundation wall during construction.

“You have a corpse lying here,” I say, “only where the head should be - the wall of the foundation of the house.”

“So here was the monastery cemetery before. Here and there, even with us, the hills were visible. And what should we do now?"

“Here are the dimensions for you, - I outline the place with a stick, - transplant this garden with flowers here so as not to walk on it. And where you remember the former mounds, do the same. You can make beds there or flower beds. The main thing! don't walk on them. By the way, the temple is nearby, order a memorial service for the repose, if you wish."

Only one thing I regret a little: I had to tell the monastery, to dig up the machines. Apparently, they could have acquired one more relics. The bioenergetics of the entrails was felt as in a living body … but everything is the will of the Lord.

Pavel Shasherin

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