The Heirs Of Prince Kiy - Alternative View

The Heirs Of Prince Kiy - Alternative View
The Heirs Of Prince Kiy - Alternative View

Video: The Heirs Of Prince Kiy - Alternative View

Video: The Heirs Of Prince Kiy - Alternative View
Video: The Prince Who Brought Down The Ottoman Empire | More Than Enemies | Real Royalty with Foxy Games 2024, September

According to the Book of Veles, Lebedyan reigned in Kiev for 20 years (460–480), but it is not said whether he directly inherited Kyi or another prince. Lebedyan is also called Slave. According to A. A. Kuru Lebedyan is the son of Kiy. In Byzantine sources, Constantine Porphyrogenitus mentions the governor Lebedyan and the country of Lebedia, which was located in the northern Black Sea region. After Lebedyan, his son Verenz Vlik (480-500) from Velikograd reigned, perhaps this city was in Moravia. Verenza was succeeded by his son Serezhn (500-510), who reigned for 10 years. These three princes ruled for 50 years. They suffered a lot of dashing in the fight against the enemies of the Goths, the Huns. The last of the Kievites in Kiev was ruled by Prince Svyatoyar (presumably 510–543). He was elected to the veche by the united Borusia and Ruskolan. Then Radogosch Sventoyarich ruled on the Danube (? - 597), he was succeeded by brother Pirogosch, who reigned south of the Danube and brother Mosk (597).-?), Who united the clans of the Slavs and founded, according to the Veles book, Moscow in the same year. He laid the “small town” on Shvivaya Gorka, at the mouth of Yavuza, which grew and later became the capital of Muscovite Rus.

It is known that the Rus went to the Caspian in the 500s. S. Fogelson informs about it in the manuscript "History of the Khazars", about 1950.

A. A. Kur expressed the opinion that after Kiy, God-prince probably reigned, he fell a victim of a Gothic attack. Apparently, the protection of the prince was insufficient. Under Kiy this would not have happened, Kiy closely followed the guard service. God-prince weakened it and fell victim to the Goths, who crucified him and 70 governors. But someone, replacing God, stood up against the Goths and knocked them out of the Kiev Land. Prince Bozha is called in history the "Antsky prince". But the Antes are Slavic Russians. Therefore, to call the prince an ant is all the same as Kiev. The ants had a generic structure, fortified "grads", but the capital did not seem to exist. This means that Kiev was in the South-Ant land, i.e. in Kievskaya. It is no longer possible to call Kiev antsky. We can include everything to the north of the Kiev Land to the Ant limits. Then there will be no confusion.

Antam managed to emerge victorious in the battle with the invaders, defend their identity and remain masters in their territory - the south and southeast of the Russian Plain. Another group of Western Slovenes was partially driven out by aggressive Germanic tribes, partially destroyed or enslaved, and nationally depersonalized. The surviving part moved to the east, to the future Kiev state. They founded the city of Lyubets. The Polish tribes Vyatichi and Radimichi merged with Russia.

According to F. L. Moroshkin, in the Middle Ages, apart from our Kievan Russia, there were: 1. Germanic Russia in Pomerania, Western Poland, Prussia and on the shores of the German Sea from the mouth of the Elbe to the Rhine and the northern limits of present-day France. 2. Russia Moravian by the direction of Russian chronicles and the statute of the English king William the Conqueror in the 11th century, who calls it Regnum Rutorum. Z. Russia Podunaiskaya, in the land of Ravrakov or the Black Forest, inhabited by blond ruthenes even during the time of the Roman poet Lucian. 4. Rus Adriatic, where the land of Raguzin is now. According to Yu. I. Venelin, in 480g. most of Italy was owned by the Zazlene Slavs. Otokar ruled there or, as they mistakenly write, Odoakar. During excavations in the catacombs of St. Peter in Salzburg in 1897. found a plate with the inscription: "Year of the Lord 477. Prince of Ruthenov (Rus) Odoakar, Gepids, Goths, Ungars (Hungarians) and Heruli,raging against the Church of God, blessed Maximus with his 50 companions who were saving in this cave, because of the confession of faith, were thrown off a cliff, and the Norik province was devastated with sword and fire. " 0doakar is mentioned in the Universal as a Roksolan prince, whom Metropolitan Pyotr Mohyla knew about when he called the Orthodox Church of Kiev the “Roksolan Church”.

With the suppression of the Kiya dynasty, after 520. The Kiev state broke up into separate tribes that became independent. But soon they united into a new union or power - the Antsky Union of Russian Tribes or, as prof. V. O. Klyuchevsky, Volyn Union of Tribes.

At 602. the Avars attacked the Russian Lands. After a long struggle, they defeated the Eastern Slavs - the Dulebs. In Byzantine sources there is no information that the Antes were under the Avar yoke. They defended or regained their independence.

The Western Slavs were partially conquered by the Avars. The merchant Samo, who traded with the Franks, lived in Prague. He organized an uprising against the Avars, liberated the Czech Republic and created the Samo principality. Then he helped Volhynia throw off the Avar yoke, sending his governors there. Later, the Volyn governors moved to other Slavic lands, throwing off the Avar yoke everywhere. The Russian prince Mezhemir defeated the Avars and freed the Dulebs.

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In 626. under the Emperor Heraclius, the Avars attacked Constantinople. The Russian fleet also took part in the raid under the name of the Scythians (K. I. Zaitsev, “Kievan Rus, Harbin, 1942). At this time, only the Greeks and Slavs were seafarers. The Rus have served in the Byzantine navy since ancient times. The Normans never attacked Constantinople. The Slavs in general played a huge role in Byzantium and Rome, they created the material well-being of these empires, and not only made up the legions of Rome and Byzantium, but also gave emperors, commanders, and politicians. According to Gensley, the Russians who served in the Imperial Guard played a decisive role in the assassination of Theoktis, the favorite and powerful minister of Empress Theodora, mother of Mikhail III. Shortly after the murder, Mikhail III overthrew the guardianship of his mother in 856.

In the Tiflis manuscript under 626. refers to the siege of Constantinople. During the reign of Heraclius, some Slavic tribes were conquered by the Avars, but the rest conducted independent actions. It is possible that Constantinople was besieged not by Kievan Rus, but by Carpathian, which was formed after the nomads drove Rus from the Black Sea. Kievan Rus at this time began to acquire a leading role.

The "Tale of Bygone Years" says that under Heraclius around 623. the Ugrians appeared, a large tribe, they drove the Volokhs away and went to Khozroi, the king of Persia. The Ugrians passed by Kiev under Oleg.

In 644. Arab writer at-Tabari writes about the ruler of Derbent Shahriar “I am between two enemies: one is the Khazars, and the other is the Rus, who are enemies to the whole world, especially to the Arabs, and no one knows how to fight with them, except for the local people. We will keep the Rus so that they do not leave their country."

In the Veles book and in the Life of St. Stefan Surozhsky”the name of Bravlin is mentioned, it is not mentioned in the annals. There were two Novgorod princes Bravlin - a grandfather and a grandson. About the grandson is said in the early Byzantine life of Stephen of Sourozh. According to S. A. Lesny's calculations, these events date back to 775. Prince Bravlin from Novgorod (not the one on Volkhov, but the Crimean Neopolis of the Greeks in the area of present-day Simferopol) attacked the southern shores of Crimea and plundered them. The Life says: “In 775. the great Russian army from Novgorod with the prince Bravlin, “zelo strong”. He captured the entire coastal strip of the Crimea between Korsun (Chersonesos) and Kerch and took Sudak by attack. The Rus at that time were called Tavro-Scythians. The Life describes that for the plundering of the grave of St. Stephen's prince was punished with illness, but when he gave his word to return the loot, the illness passed, and his entourage,struck by the power of the Christian faith, they were baptized and withdrew to their own borders.

The Normanists linked the name of Brawlin to the Battle of Bravalla in Sweden in a completely illogical way, but this is a simple consonance of words. In fact, Prince Bravlin has nothing in common not only with Sweden, but even with the north of ancient Russia. Velesov's book indicates that Bravlin was Slavic in origin and outwardly was "brave", ie. colored, painted, which is still held in the Ukrainian language, The Life tells about the time of the reign of Bravlin's grandson, who still rules. This is the third knee after grandfather Bravlin. Conventionally, the reign of each tribe lasts 25 years. Consequently, 75 years have passed between Bravlin and his great-grandson, but the great-grandson still reigns at the time of writing, which means you need to add another 25 years. It turns out that this tablet was written about 885, that is, in pre-Oleg time, immediately before his reign in Kiev. It must be rememberedthat there was no centralized state in the south yet. And Velesov's book is a chronicle not of the Kiev, but of the Novgorod tribe. Bravlin did not belong to the princes of Kiev. Life directly calls him Novgorod. Neapolis in the Crimea was undoubtedly called Novgorod in Russian at that time. From the passage we learn that during the time of Bravlin, the Russians moved north, but his great-grandson called on him to reclaim his land, that is, to attack the Greeks in the Black Sea region. Bravlin probably reigned in one of the southernmost principalities of Russia, somewhere near the northern coast of the Black Sea.that during the time of Bravlin, the Rus withdrew to the north, but his great-grandson called on him to reclaim his land, that is, to attack the Greeks in the Black Sea region. Bravlin probably reigned in one of the southernmost principalities of Russia, somewhere near the northern coast of the Black Sea.that during the time of Bravlin, the Rus withdrew to the north, but his great-grandson called on him to reclaim his land, that is, to attack the Greeks in the Black Sea region. Bravlin probably reigned in one of the southernmost principalities of Russia, somewhere near the northern coast of the Black Sea.

There are documents confirming the existence in 787. Tmutarakan principality. In 1891. a list of bishoprics subordinate to Constantinople was published. This document dates back to no later than the 7th Ecumenical Council, i.e. to 787. The Tmutarakan bishopric is also mentioned there. Byzantine Patriarch Photius sent a message in 867. on the occasion of the adoption of Christianity by Rus, we are talking about Kievan Rus.

In 820. in the life of St. George of Amastridsky speaks of the invasion of "barbarians" - Russia to Amastrida on the southern coast of the Black Sea.

The latest archaeological data have confirmed the continuous existence of Kiev, starting with a settlement in the II century. BC, and in the 1st century. AD there were already three large settlements, and as a fortified city Kiev existed since 130, as recorded in the Original Kiev Chronicle, stolen by Boleslav the Brave and taken to Poland. This chronicle was read by the historian M. Stryikovsky. At the end of the 5th century. AD Prince Kiy enclosed the city with powerful stone walls and erected his palace-fortress.

In 790–800, the invasion of the Khazars began. They captured by cunning Vyatichi, Radimichi, Northerners, Polyans. First, they sent merchants, set up warehouses and trading posts, set up guards at them, then set up guards on the paths between them. At first, they did not interfere in the internal life of the Russians, and sometimes even defended them. Soon, under the pretext of protecting the trading posts, the management increased the security. The governors set up their own administration. Tens of years later, it turned out that everything belonged to the Khazar Jews, and nothing could be done without their will. By this time, weapons were taken from the population, and every capable military leader was exterminated. A people without leaders could not organize resistance. Then cruel exploitation began. At first, ordinary Russians did not understand that the Khazar Jews wanted to establish slavery on his land, and although the voivode or boyar understood, he could not convince a simple Rus,that the Jews were taking over him. A simple Russian reasoned as follows: tribute must be paid to both the boyar and the Jew, and the Jew at first requires less boyar or less than his Russian voivode. Let the elder be a Khazar Jew, in whom the tribute is less, and the order is greater. When the Jew began to rob the Rus intolerably, it was too late. The boyar or the governor was no longer there, he either died at the hands of the Jews, or fled to the north (see History of Eastern Jewry, S. Vogelson, Brussels, 1947-1950). The yoke, cunningly and imperceptibly arranged by the Khazar Jews, into which the Rus of the Azov region, parts of the Donetsk region and even Kiev fell, was so strong that the Rus did not hope to free themselves, as stated in the legend of the Mecklenburg Oborite Slavs.than your Russian voivode. Let the elder be a Khazar Jew, in whom the tribute is less, and the order is greater. When the Jew began to rob the Rus intolerably, it was too late. The boyar or the governor was no longer there, he either died at the hands of the Jews, or fled to the north (see History of Eastern Jewry, S. Vogelson, Brussels, 1947-1950). The yoke, cunningly and imperceptibly arranged by the Khazar Jews, into which the Rus of the Azov region, parts of the Donetsk region and even Kiev fell, was so strong that the Rus did not hope to free themselves, as stated in the legend of the Mecklenburg Oborite Slavs.than your Russian voivode. Let the elder be a Khazar Jew, in whom the tribute is less, and the order is greater. When the Jew began to rob the Rus intolerably, it was too late. The boyar or the governor was no longer there, he either died at the hands of the Jews, or fled to the north (see History of Eastern Jewry, S. Vogelson, Brussels, 1947-1950). The yoke, cunningly and imperceptibly arranged by the Khazar Jews, into which the Rus of the Azov region, parts of the Donetsk region and even Kiev fell, was so strong that the Rus did not hope to free themselves, as stated in the legend of the Mecklenburg Oborite Slavs.1947-1950). The yoke, cunningly and imperceptibly arranged by the Khazar Jews, into which the Rus of the Azov region, parts of the Donetsk region and even Kiev fell, was so strong that the Rus did not hope to free themselves, as stated in the legend of the Mecklenburg Oborite Slavs.1947-1950). The yoke, cunningly and imperceptibly arranged by the Khazar Jews, into which the Rus of the Azov region, parts of the Donetsk region and even Kiev fell, was so strong that the Rus did not hope to free themselves, as stated in the legend of the Mecklenburg Oborite Slavs.

In present-day Baluchistan, previously called Gedrossia, or more correctly Geto-Russia, there lived apostates from the Vedic worldview and the Slavic-Aryan way of life of the Arahazi (Ari-Khazi), that is, the Aryan-Khazars, “Khazar” is a common name meaning “apostate”. Christians replaced it with the word "trash", and among the Germans it was preserved in the word "heretic" with the full meaning of the ancient Slavic-Aryan sense. The fact that the apostates from the Rus were called Khazars is evident from the names preserved in the annals, meaning the Khazar-Rus (“Khazi” and “Khazari”). Nastor called them Russian Kozars.

In the Russian regions, there are words with the root "Khazar": in the Arkhangelsk khaz or kaz (obscene, unclean, filthy), in the Perm region - hoa (filthy, unclean), in the Vologda region - a mistress (fighter, bully), in Voronezh - hazit (do not like others do).

To 803. Jews completely seized power in Khazaria, the khagan was imprisoned and once a year taken out to the square to show the people that he was ruling the country. In 834. the Greeks built the Sarkel fortress to the Jews to protect them from the eastern enemies of the Magyars and Kievan Rus. Jewry, so strong in Khazaria, was brought to Kiev and caused a struggle between Christians and Jews, who sought to seize all material values and acquisitions from Christians.

In 737. an Arab commander, then a caliph, Mevran ibn-Muhammad from the Umeimid clan made a campaign from Syria to the Transcaucasus, took Seminder, then the city of Bely and expelled the Khazars. Then Mevran raided the Slavs who lived in the Khazar lands, captured 20,000 people and settled them in Khakit (Kakheti).

Askold and Dir in 862. The glades were freed from the Khazar yoke, the northerners and Radimichs were freed by Prince Oleg in 883, and the Vyatichi Svyatoslav the Brave in 964.

Oleg Vinogradov