Apostle Of Love - Alternative View

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Apostle Of Love - Alternative View
Apostle Of Love - Alternative View

Video: Apostle Of Love - Alternative View

Video: Apostle Of Love - Alternative View
Video: Paul, Apostle of Christ Scene: Write It Down 2024, September

Once an elegant cart with a young couple drove out of the Kremlin. Mashenka Khlopova herself did not believe her happiness: of the many beauties claiming the title of the Russian tsarina, the tsar chose her as the bride. Young Mikhail Romanov solved all state issues together with the Zemsky Sobor, the boyars and his mother, but, choosing his betrothed, he showed will: he insisted that she be a childhood friend, the daughter of an ordinary and poor nobleman …


And now the happy groom was taking his bride for a walk. On the way, we looked into the Bronnaya Sloboda to choose a saber. And while Mikhail admired the weapon, his betrothed - almost a girl - was eating sugar candies on both cheeks. Yes, apparently, she was too fond of delicacies - her stomach ached, vomited …


This insignificant ailment of the tsar's bride immediately became known. Rumors spread: will Maria be able to bear children? Intrigues and intrigues did their job: the girl and her family were exiled to Tobolsk.

Monogamous by nature, the young tsar could not forget his bride: with his efforts, the Khlopovs were transferred closer and closer to Moscow. However, it was not possible to return Maria from exile. Meanwhile, the girl was languishing and fading from melancholy. While she was alive, Mikhail did not think about getting married. Maybe hoping for a miracle, he

presented the parish church of Bronnaya Sloboda with an icon of John the Theologian. This apostle is rightfully called the apostle of love: he owns the famous "God is love …" But after the death of Mary, the tsar still had to marry. The icon of the Apostle of Love to Mikhail Romanov did not help, but later it was here, near the Church of St. John the Theologian, in the vicinity

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Tverskoy Boulevard, there were many happy love stories.


At the end of the 18th century, a noble nobleman Ivan Nikolaevich

Rimsky-Korsakov built for himself a luxurious house on Tverskoy Boulevard (by the way, we can admire it today: No. 24-26). In his youth, thanks to his beauty and charm, this nobleman fell into the favorites of Catherine II for a couple of years and enriched himself immensely. He received his resignation due to the fact that he took away Stroganov's wife - Ekaterina Petrovna, according to the memoirs of contemporaries, a lady of extraordinary beauty and a lively mind. There was no question of legalizing the relationship - a woman who dared to leave her husband was deprived of all rights. But sometimes, despite the harsh laws, extramarital affairs happened, illegitimate children were born. Often they grew up in the families of their parents under the guise of pupils, they were provided materially and eventually endowed with a noble title. The surname of such a child was the "truncated" surname of the parents: Trubetskoy - Betskoy,Vorontsov - Rontsov … But sometimes the parents wanted to express their feelings by giving their children a “meaningful” surname. The children of Rimsky-Korsakov and Stroganova became known as the Ladomirskys. Such a surname for their offspring could only come up with parents living in peace and harmony. Happy, in a word …


In the 80s. XIX century. all of Moscow, from student to mayor, she repeated the joke that all respectable citizens walk along Tverskoy Boulevard, and only one person has the happiness of walking across it. It was no secret to anyone that we were talking about the Moscow Chief of Police Kozlov, who lived in a state-owned apartment in the Kologrivovs' house, and the dressmaker Mamontova, who lived in the house opposite, on the other side of the boulevard. What attracted the attention of a high-ranking general close to court circles, not a young dressmaker? Beauty, of course, but not only. She grew up in a prosperous family of Russified Germans, received a home education, was surrounded by governesses, and at the age of 18 married Mamontov, a famous merchant. Unfortunately, this Mamontov turned out to be a worthless businessman. Having spent most of his fortune in cards, he shot himself. Margarita at 25 osta

I was a widow with two daughters in her arms without any means of subsistence.

Spoiled from childhood and completely unprepared, it would seem, for an independent life, she nevertheless did not want to live on her mother's funds, learned to sew and cut, and then opened a small workshop. She soon became one of the most famous dressmakers in Moscow and was able to support her family. About the same time, Margarita met General Kozlov …

The happiest moments in the life of Alexander Pushkin and Natalia Goncharova are also associated with Tverskoy Boulevard. Here, at a ball in the Kologrivovs' house, the poet first saw the young beauty. And in the Church of the Great Ascension, located next to the boulevard, their wedding took place.


At the beginning of the 20th century, on Tverskoy Boulevard - in a rebuilt noble mansion next to the Church of St. John the Theologian - the Chamber Theater was opened, which very soon became famous thanks to innovative, in the spirit of the times. Director Tairov and his

beloved wife and actress Alisa Koonen. These people, bound by bonds of love and devotion to art, lived here for several decades, until the end of their days.

Not only Tverskoy Boulevard, but also the nearby lanes keep the memory of ardent and lasting love. So, Leontievsky is closely connected with the life of the great director Stanislavsky. Here, in house number 2a, lived the widow of a Moscow notary Perevoshchikova with her charming 22-year-old daughter Marusya, an active participant in the performances of the Society of Art and Literature and, undoubtedly, its best actress - this was the opinion of the audience and the leader himself

Society, 26-year-old Stanislavsky. The love of young people originated on the stage. Playing the roles of Ferdinand and Louise in Schiller's "Treachery and Love", as Konstantin Sergeevich later recalled, "we kissed too naturally." Two weeks after the momentous performance, Stanislavsky came to the house in Leontievsky Lane to propose a hand and heart. So Marusya, or rather, Maria Petrovna, became the wife and faithful companion of Konstantin Sergeevich. Let us remind you that the last 17 years of Stanislavsky's life have passed in the house number 6 on Leontievsky Lane, surrounded by universal reverence and love.


We have told only about a few love stories that took place in the vastness of Tverskoy Boulevard. But even these few episodes are enough to ask the question: why is it here, in this area, that happy alliances are made? Because there is a special aura here. After all, Tverskoy Boulevard and its surroundings, thanks to the church of St. John the Theologian located here, are under the auspices of the Apostle of Love. And if we take it on faith, we can only recommend that all Muscovites and guests of the capital walk more often along this beautiful street. Who knows, maybe the powerful genius of these places will try hard for you too …


Natalia BYKOVA


O great and incomprehensible God! Behold, we offer you Saint John, to whom You have vouchsafed unspeakable revelations, accept intercession about us, grant us the fulfillment of our petitions for Your glory, moreover, perfect us with spiritual perfection for pleasure, endless life in Your heavenly abodes! O Heavenly Father, who created the entire Master, Almighty King! Touch the grace of our hearts, so that, melting, like wax, they will pour out before You and the mortal spiritual creation will be created in Your honor and glory, and Your Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.