Saint Slavik And His Prophecies - Alternative View

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Saint Slavik And His Prophecies - Alternative View
Saint Slavik And His Prophecies - Alternative View

Video: Saint Slavik And His Prophecies - Alternative View

Video: Saint Slavik And His Prophecies - Alternative View
Video: LAST TIME - Signs of the End 2024, October

“Times will be worse than under Stalin. Russia will begin to split up. China will go to war with us. 11-year-old Slavik from Chebarkul died back in 1993, but his memory is alive: hundreds of thousands of Orthodox Christians go to worship his grave, and the boy's prophecies have become a new Russian eschatology.

Foolishness and hysteria were essentially the only legal form of social and political participation in the life of the state for the Russian people throughout its existence. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that this participation took such exotic forms - all other attempts to “reach out” to the top, to convey the “truth” to the people naturally ended in hard labor or exile, and during the “thaws” with slightly more humane educational measures, for example, mental hospitals or house arrest. In general, as they said twenty years ago, "what to take from a fool, except for his analyzes." At the same time, a very significant amount of information uttered by these "dissent" fell on the future of Russia. Such allegorical futurology was (and often remains today) the safest way of "dissidence".

The last most revered holy fool in Russia was Slava Krasheninnikov, an 11-year-old boy from the small town of Chebarkul in the Chelyabinsk region who died in 1993.

"Saint Slavik", as his multi-million army of admirers calls him, was born into a family of a Soviet soldier. True, by Soviet standards, their family was not the most ordinary. Slavik's mother was one of the Old Believers of the Pomor accord, exiled to the Urals, his father's grandfather was a laureate of the Stalin Prize, who was also exiled under Stalin to this wilderness.

At the age of 4, Slavik received a concussion, and from that moment began to prophesy. The time was Soviet (1986), and at first the boy's prophecies were, to put it mildly, skeptical. The first who drew attention to Slavik's special gift was his teacher Irina Abramovna. The second person who saw a saint in the boy was Elder Naum from the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, where Slavik was brought in by his parents in 1990.

Slavik's mother, Valentina Afanasyevna, recalls: “It was then, at the age of 8, that my son told me that he sees all the internal organs of people and knows what people think, that he sees all diseases at the very beginning, and it turns out that he is already at school helped some children. He said that he knows the thoughts of our president, the American president, and in general he knows the thoughts of all people: where, what nuclear missiles are and how many, that there are absolutely no secrets on earth for him."

The rumor about Slavik spread very quickly and the pilgrimage of those suffering from all over the USSR began to him.

“The generals of the Soviet army, having heard about Slavik, asked my husband to meet him. He loved our army and was saddened that quick reaction brigades would be created instead of the army. That is what he called them: Rapid Response Brigades, which before the arrival of the world ruler will extinguish any, even the slightest manifestation of human discontent with their rapid appearance,”his mother recalled.

Promotional video:

Then, in 1990, "Saint Slavik" began to prophesy. Basically, his visions concerned the near future of our country:

“There will be a lot of listening devices. Even on the street, people will be afraid to talk. Times will be worse than under Stalin. Almost all people will engage in spiritualism, they will live on the prompting and under the guidance of demons, because they will clearly hear demons and talk to them, considering them to be the highest mind.

The time will come when they will begin to raise prices and wages, and one and a half to two years before the famine, wages will be left high, and the prices of goods, especially food, will sharply decrease. In principle, people will not take goods from merchants. Government shops and retail outlets will reopen. People will be allowed to live a little well, but then the food will be hidden from the people under the ground and hunger will begin.

Russia will begin to split up. Even small republics, such as Tatarstan, will be separated from each other. This will contribute to economic survival, but in the event of disasters, there will be no mutual assistance, since each region will be busy with its own problems.

Before the war, our army will fall apart, power outages will start in the Far East, and then little by little they will be disconnected everywhere. It will be cold everywhere, because the heating will not work. Gas and electricity will be cut off. Schools won't even have chalk and paper. Children will hang out in the street. All diseases will return. There will be one disease without a name, from which there will be many corpses in the streets, and no one will bury them.

While the children will die of hunger, Moscow will continue to live idly, but then it will begin to sink into the ground. It moves as if on an incline, and when Jesus Christ steps onto Red Square, then the remnants of the Kremlin with the star will finally collapse. The government by this time will move to Bonn and from there will lead the people.


First, Russia will make peace with America. There will be many Americans on the Russian borders. They will begin to import American products and goods to Russia. We will have everything American, even cinema. When the Americans and the Chinese are on the brink of war, the Americans will be afraid of China at the last moment and set it on us.

The war will be such that where there will be bloody battles, and somewhere without a single shot they will take it: in the evening we will fall asleep as Russians, and in the morning we will wake up in Chinese. Christian churches and Muslim mosques will be slightly altered (the roofs will be made in Chinese), they will put a dragon in front of the entrance, which, instead of a bell, will gather people for worship with a dull drawl. Those who resisted will be killed or hanged."


Slavik was buried in 1993 with the entire military town. “A well-organized funeral was everyone's last gift to our son!” His mother rejoiced. Schools in Chebarkul were closed, and all children took part in the funeral of the holy boy.

The popularity of Slavik after his death became such a scale among the Russian people that the Metropolitan of Chelyabinsk and Zlatoust Job (Tyvonyuk) created a commission to investigate the circumstances of the appearance of this cult. Several books have been written about the boy, some of them published with the blessing of the clergy. The very first - "Miracles and predictions of the youth Slavik" - was composed by his mother Valentina Krasheninnikova.

Every day hundreds of pilgrims from all over Russia come to the grave of Slavik at the cemetery in Chebarkul. A tomb was built above it, filled with icons, including Slavik himself. Here prayers are read and akathists folded in his honor are sung (a pulpit is installed next to the grave). The pebbles poured near the grave are handed out to visitors. Not for nothing - for donations (one stone, depending on the size, costs 10-50 rubles). It is believed that these stones should be put in water at night, and this water heals all diseases.


Some more instructions to the people and the prophecies of "Saint Slavik":

“You can't keep dogs in the house - it's a sin, dogs should live in the yard.

You cannot kill birds - birds participate in the creation of time - by killing birds, we shorten the time.

You cannot fly into space, because a rocket flying to Earth from space carries invisible crystals that are retained in one of the layers of the atmosphere, and they have the ability to divide. Under certain man-made conditions, they will eventually fall to the ground and crush anything that falls under them. If a person falls under this crystal lattice, it looks like a pile of ice mixed with blood. Such ice will not melt.

At the coming of the Lord, the Angels will carry huge chunks of earth through the air and throw holes formed on the surface of the Earth, leveling the earth's surface. If a person looked at this action, he would not have seen the Angels, but would have seen blocks of earth flying across the sky. Ultimately, before the New life with the Lord, the Earth will become almost flat.

In hell there is a place where boiling water flows, and in this boiling water some are heel-deep, some knee-deep, some chest-deep, and Stalin is completely with his head there. At the very bottom it is very cold, there is ice, there are the greatest sinners. And there are rooms where people just sit in the dark, and they are not tortured, and in another place, if someone sticks out of the fire or boiling water, the demons, with ferocity and anger, drive him back and plunge him headlong.

In America, two large identical houses will be blown up, then the Statue of Liberty will be blown up from below. It will turn out like this - the statue will, as it were, take a step and crumble into pieces.

The first non-human document in Russia is a voucher. The rest of the documents will also be from Satan. The money of the world ruler will appear, which will be called the euro. Things will go well with this money. The last country to switch to the euro will be America.

The last document will be a world passport in the form of a small, very pretty gray plate. When people receive it, specially installed equipment will apply three small sixes with rays on the forehead or on the right hand in the form of a tattoo. At first, they will not be visible, but then they, like an electronic board on the forehead and on the arm, will glow with a greenish light. If a person tries to get rid of these sixes and chops off his hand, then sixes will appear on the cult. Then at least cut a man into pieces, but on each piece three sixes will appear.


The previous fool before Saint Slavik, also highly respected by believers in Russia, is Gena the Fool.

His asceticism began in the Urals in the 1950s. In the city of Ishim, he began to pace around in the dress officer uniform of the tsarist times. Decorations - shoulder straps, cockades, orders - he made himself from tin and improvised materials based on samples that he copied from old books. At the same time he walked barefoot, even in frost.

In 1967 he went to Moscow to worship the relics of some saint. The cancer with the relics shocked him so much that he changed his ceremonial uniform for a shabby apron with a huge pocket and a kerchief tied over his head. At the same time, he painted his cheeks with beets (he wore this until his death in 1995).


At the same time, Gena the Fool did not like Moscow, he considered the very name Third Rome blasphemous - because he believed that Rome was the first to be a nest of debauchery and anti-Christianity (and he compared the Soviet government with Rome during its decline, he called Brezhnev "Tiberius Ilyich"). As a little boy, he rejoiced at the man-made accidents in the city and promoted among believers the soonest possible departure from Moscow to the countryside. “You turned into machines here. And if you like this kind of life, why are you turning children into mechanisms, what are they to blame for?”He asked people who had gathered for a procession or any other major holiday. And he himself set an example of the exodus from Moscow, going to die in the Urals (though he was “dying” for 15 years).

The tomb of Saint Gena in Ishim is also today a place of pilgrimage for believers.
