Why Are There Many Poplars In Russia? - Alternative View

Why Are There Many Poplars In Russia? - Alternative View
Why Are There Many Poplars In Russia? - Alternative View

Video: Why Are There Many Poplars In Russia? - Alternative View

Video: Why Are There Many Poplars In Russia? - Alternative View
Video: "Do Russians want another war?" - Vadim Ruslanov and the Alexandrov Red Army Choir (1962) 2024, September

About 10 years ago, I was very sorry when poplars were cut down under my house (and in the city), which are many, many years old and they reached the 9th floor. It seemed how it is possible to destroy such huge trees, which were actually planted for landscaping the city. Instead of them, in some places very delicate trees are planted, which are generally incomprehensible when they will grow normal.

But after the Soviet period, a lot of poplars remained in the cities (which have now been completely cut down). So why were poplars planted then and why are they being destroyed now?

In the 50s of the last century, an action on urban greening began. It was decided to plant poplars en masse. Why poplars?

Poplar is the most unpretentious tree that grows extremely quickly and is a biological filter that absorbs pollutants. It is not for nothing that trees are planted along roads, they are resistant to gas pollution, there are many leaves on their branches, which release a large amount of oxygen into the environment.

Scientists say that poplar produces as much oxygen per day as 4 people need to breathe. In addition, the "downy" tree releases substances that kill all disease-causing organisms. Poplars give off huge amounts of oxygen. For example, one tree is about the same as ten birches. Plus, poplar absorbs carbon dioxide, up to 30 kilograms of soot and dust per season, absorbs and breaks down carcinogenic industrial emissions.

Not a tree, but a real natural filter of the city!


Poplar is one of the most unpretentious trees in our climate. It does not require any special conditions, the costs of care and maintenance are minimal - planted and forgotten. The weed is almost, only big and beautiful.

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Here are just fluff and allergies …

Despite the benefits of poplars, their down is a strong allergen. Many people cannot go outside due to severe watery eyes, or feeling unwell. By the way, it is not fluff that causes allergies, but the substances (pollen) that accumulate inside the fluffy ball: dust, sand, various pollutants.

When landscaping the city, the experts wanted to do the best. Only male poplars were planted, because they do not bloom and do not generate dust. But with severe damage to the tree, or with great stress, it tends to change the floor. It becomes feminine. He is not comfortable growing in these conditions, and the poplar begins to bloom, cover the streets with snow.

At the moment, when planting new trees, they are trying to choose varieties that do not give fluff, and the old ones are correctly cut off, which will save residents from the June "snowfall" for several years.

By the way, Napoleon was an ardent admirer of poplars and planted them in Europe along the roads where his troops were. But these were pyramidal poplars, slender and similar to cypress trees, which have not only fluff, they don't even have earrings …