Death Tree - Alternative View

Death Tree - Alternative View
Death Tree - Alternative View

Video: Death Tree - Alternative View

Video: Death Tree - Alternative View
Video: What happens if you cut down all of a city's trees? - Stefan Al 2024, September

Especially oak trees accumulate a lot of energy. Therefore, it is not surprising that practically all peoples have oaks in special reverence, and it was near these sacred trees that the priests performed secret, sometimes bloody rituals.

Until recently, the devil's oak could be seen on the Altyr River. In 1374, the son of the Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod prince, Ivan Dmitrievich, in memory of his military exploits against the Mordovians who inhabited the surrounding forests, planted a sacred tree - an oak - in a tract called the Prince's Log. When the oak grew up, the locals got scared of its strange appearance. Lightning struck him several times, and the tree grew knotty, broken, as if someone's sins bent and tormented him. That is why it got the nickname - "Satanic" oak.

The locals finally established themselves in the devilish essence of the oak after the girl Agafya Kozhevnikova was hanged on it. After a long-term investigation, the peasant woman Agafya was found to be a spoiled woman, guilty of the department, the evil eye and the death of more than one soul, and sentenced for godly deeds to be hanged on a "satanic" oak.

Early in the morning Agafya was taken to the oak tree, as it should be, they soaped the rope, made a loop. The executioner knocked the bench out from under her feet and … A thick branch broke under the weight of a fragile woman! We chose thicker bitches. And again failure. This time the rope snapped. Only the third attempt was successful.

Years passed, and the locals were horrified to see that the oak was really "satanic" - all members of the court, their children and even grandchildren died: some from illness, some from accidents, some from bandits' attacks. Agafya Kozhevnikova was the last person to be hanged on a "satanic" oak.

Another similar "satanic" oak grows on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean in the United States, in the Compton Hill tract, located a few miles from the city of Norfolk. In 1679, when the "witch-hunt" began in America, the "beautiful and lascivious" Henrietta Walker, convicted of "intercourse with the devil and countless host of other demons", was hanged on it.

Sacrifices were made to the sacred oak, the "satanic" oak was sometimes used as a gallows, but sometimes this tree itself became a killer. For example, here is what Megapolis journalist Sergei Plotnikov saw at a logging base near Saratov. Between the stacks of birch, aspen and oak trunks, he drew attention to several planks thrown to the side. The cut tree was an amazing reddish hue.

“I can't burn it all, damn boards. Some sort of witchcraft, a dope,”the base manager Vasily Tarasenko nervously shuddered. And he told a downright mystical story about the origin of these literally bloody boards. Once they brought an oak trunk to the base. And when they began to saw it into planks, they found that the tree inside the trunk was somehow red, soft, and the skeleton was embedded in the base. Remove scary

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the workers cannot do it. Just come up to them - weakness rolls over, pulls into sleep. “The peasants who felled this trunk,” the manager continued, “then complained to me:“Mitrich, you won’t believe, ten times we smoked a cigarette at this oak tree, slept, the timber truck had already arrived, but we still could not cut it down. Heads rang like cast-iron boilers."

From a conversation with the workers of the base, the journalist also learned that in 1965 two such "oaks" were brought to another base located near Bryansk. In their wood, frightened workers found human remains: skulls, bones. On the same day, a worker who cut down these oaks died. The terrible incident was investigated by an investigator and an expert who arrived from Saratov. They examined the boards with the remains and determined that they were about a hundred years old. The unexpected death of the sawer, in their opinion, was due to cardiac arrest. Having learned about the discovery of human skeletons in the oak trunk, two old women came from a neighboring village to the timber industry. They brought with them a bucket of holy water - to sprinkle the cannibalistic trees and warned the lumberjacks: "Burn the cannibals, sons, they have killed so many people in the forest and now they still drink life from you."

A meticulous journalist learned about another man-eating oak. A resident of Tutaev Vladimir Kukresh miraculously survived, having met with a killer tree. This terrible meeting took place when the guy was returning at night along a barely distinguishable forest road to his hometown. Finally, the forest ended, and the guy decided to rest near a huge spreading oak tree. As soon as Vladimir sat down on the ground and leaned his back against the oak tree, he felt some kind of unusual peace. When he tried to get up, the muscles were so weak that the guy could not even raise his hand. The last thing that Vladimir remembered was a reddish cloud enveloping him and a terrible, terribly real, despite the dream that gripped him, pain.

Vladimir Kukresh was saved by a village man who went fishing early in the morning. Seeing a man sleeping under a tree, the angler tried to wake him up, but could not. The old woman, to whom they brought Vladimir, brought the guy to his senses and said: “You, my dear, are lucky to have survived. You fell asleep under the "tree of death." It drinks life from anyone who dares to lie down at its roots. " Returning home, Vladimir went to the mirror and was horrified - he had aged ten years.

Oddly enough, some biologists do not deny the possibility of the existence of killer oak trees. The journalist who described the killer oak trees in Saratov consulted the local biologist Sergei Vorobyov.

“Few people remember that individual representatives of this kingdom can easily chew on individual representatives of the fauna. Scientists call such flowers predatory plants … The information about the presence of killer oak trees in central Russia, of course, needs to be double-checked, but on the whole it fits into the scientific framework. In the tropics, there have been many cases when human remains were found under carnivorous trees.