We Got Into Another Dimension - Alternative View

We Got Into Another Dimension - Alternative View
We Got Into Another Dimension - Alternative View

Video: We Got Into Another Dimension - Alternative View

Video: We Got Into Another Dimension - Alternative View
Video: "My Friend Has Been Living in an Alternate Reality" [COMPLETE] | CreepyPasta Storytime 2024, September

Excerpt from the book by Gennady Belimov "Mysterious Volzhsky".

“One city woman shared a very intricate story. She also recalled a very interesting story that happened to her grandmother in her youth in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region. Here's what I learned from Lyudmila Shevchuk.

A similar case of movement in space was told by my late grandmother. True, she did not say anything about time gaps or portals, but expressed herself briefly and succinctly: the devil had beguiled.

It happened in the thirties, in the interval between the arrival of my grandmother in the Odintsovo district (1931) and her marriage (1935). Grandmother - then still a young girl of 16-17 years old - rented a room in the village behind the line (the line is the local name for the railway that divides the village in half). From the station to her house, it was 10-15 minutes walk past warehouses and a field overgrown with bushes. Today there is asphalt and high-rise buildings everywhere, but at that time it was still quite deserted.

Her sister Olga wrote to her that she was coming to enter the same school where my grandmother had studied, and asked to meet her at the station. Trains and electric trains did not run yet, people traveled in some kind of "teplushkas" - wooden cars with sliding doors. One train in the morning at six o'clock, the other late in the evening after eight. Others did not stop at the station. Olga was supposed to arrive in the morning, but did not come, and her grandmother went to meet her again after work (she studied and worked at the factory at the same time).

Her sister finally showed up, but brought with her a huge and heavy chest with things. So they took up this chest - each from its end - and dragged to the village.

It was late August, the train was late, besides, while the girls were meeting, hugging and sharing news, the rest of the passengers had time to disperse in all directions, so the road in front of them now lay dusky and deserted. They somehow passed the warehouses, went into the field.

At this point in the story, the grandmother invariably uttered the phrase: "And here, in the field, we somehow suddenly felt uncomfortable." There was a disturbing feeling. They stopped several times and looked around. The grandmother admitted that she was afraid of robbers - the place is still deaf. However, they never caught a single soul. Moreover, even sounds were not heard - the cicadas were silent, the birds too. Even the wind died down. When they walked out onto the main street of the village, they were greeted by the same unnatural silence. No dogs, no chickens, no people. No voices, no barking. And the windows in the houses did not burn, although it was already getting very dark.

Promotional video:

Grandma said that she simply did not recognize the village. It was as if they had left in a completely different place, a stranger, although there was nowhere to get lost, and the street seemed to look familiar. But this lifelessness was pressing. They approached the house where the grandmother lived. However, they did not enter the courtyard. The fact is that a very creaky gate led into the yard, but when they pushed it, it did not make a sound! And then the grandmother was simply frightened and told her sister that, apparently, they turned somewhere in the wrong place and came to the wrong village.

And so they with their trunk turned back towards the station. We went through the field, reached the warehouses and finally fizzled out. Grandmother left Olga to sit on the chest and watch, and she returned to the village. She walked and "looked for a path where they could turn in the wrong place." Naturally, I did not find it. The village again looked strange and dead. As before, there were no windows anywhere and no dogs barked.

The grandmother was worried about the sister left at the warehouses and ran back, but Olga, fortunately, did not disappear anywhere, she was waiting for her on her chest. Once again they dragged this chest, now in complete darkness of the night, towards the strange village.

For the third time, the street met them with silence and ominous silhouettes of black, as if abandoned houses. But then the grandmother was already beside herself and began to bang on the windows of her house with all her might. Not immediately, but after some hitch, a light flashed in the window and the hostess opened the window with a cry: “What happened? Why are you, like a madman, hitting the glass? And only then did the light suddenly appear in all the surrounding houses, and in the courtyards dogs barked as usual.

The grandmother said that it looked like a cruel joke, as if the inhabitants of the entire village had agreed to play a trick on the girls and hid. But two things prevented her from believing it: the gate, which was still creaking, and the silence (you can't agree with the dogs that they be silent). Anyway, the joke would be ridiculous. Therefore, the grandmother ended up settling on a mystical version: "The demon has beguiled us."

Nothing similar happened to her again.

And the story of how he and his sister dragged the chest back and forth turned into a family legend with elements of an anecdote. Such a strange legend …"