In Mordovia, The Ancient Oak Is Worshiped - Alternative View

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In Mordovia, The Ancient Oak Is Worshiped - Alternative View
In Mordovia, The Ancient Oak Is Worshiped - Alternative View

Video: In Mordovia, The Ancient Oak Is Worshiped - Alternative View

Video: In Mordovia, The Ancient Oak Is Worshiped - Alternative View
Video: The coolest named republic of Russia: Mordovia 2024, September

Echoes of the ancient beliefs of the Mordovians are still in effect: people from all over the republic, and from other regions of Russia, go to the ancient oak tree, still growing in the thicket of the Simkinsky Natural Park.

Many are sure that it was the oak tree that helped them give birth to a child, maintain health and become happy.

There are many places on earth that are credited with properties that violate the laws of nature, or the intervention of divine forces. Mordovia is no exception. Far beyond the borders of the republic, an ancient oak tree is known in the Bolshebereznikovsky region, according to local residents, having healing properties and healing from infertility.

This tree is over 600 years old. Popular rumor says that it helps to give birth to healthy children, maintain family happiness and fulfills various cherished desires. The oak grows in the Simkinsky Natural Park of Mordovia and not only has become a local landmark, but even officially received the status of a wildlife monument in Russia.

- I learned about this oak when I was studying at a technical school. My sister and I made wishes there, and they came true! Now I continue to visit the oak every year and take my husband with me. I ask for health and happiness for my son. And who does not believe, let him go to the oak and check!

Valentina Alexandrovna, resident of Saransk

At the time of Baptism, the Mordovians categorically refused to accept someone else's faith (although now they are considered the most Christianized people of the Volga region. - Ed.). To perform pagan rituals, they had to choose secret places. It was near this tree that the people turned to their gods, conducted prayers and magical rituals, and made sacrifices. It is obvious that then the belief in the special properties of this place and the tree growing on it arose.

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- My husband and I have not had children for a long time, although we have been married for a long time. They started thinking about adopting a child from an orphanage, but a neighbor told me about this miraculous oak in Berezniki. Well, I went there secretly from my husband. I arrived early in the morning and had to wander around a bit and look for him. I sat down to the oak tree, talked to him, to myself, of course. I tied a ribbon, touched the tree branches, looked into the hollow, said goodbye to him. After about three weeks, I decided to once again do a pregnancy test, and then I was surprised: two strips. I ran straight to the doctor, he confirmed my pregnancy.

Margarita Zhamkova, resident of Saransk

In the center of the huge trunk there is a hollow in the form of a female womb. The lower branches of the tree are hung with hundreds of ribbons, handkerchiefs, and strings. Each ribbon is someone's desire. According to eyewitnesses, to communicate with an oak tree, you need to climb into a hollow and say your cherished desire.

Simkinsky Park is known far beyond the borders of the republic. People come here from all over the country, as evidenced by the license plate numbers near the reserve. It is not easy to find an oak tree on your own, so visitors hire a local to guide them. This provides a small income for the villagers.

- Healthy children are, of course, miracles, but his age is definitely a miracle. The oak is soon 600 years old! Almost the entire lower root base is occupied by a hollow - it is very strange how the tree continues to grow. And the people who come to him from all over the country carry a lot of harm with them: everyone is trying to pick out a piece and take it with him. But this hero withstands everything and grows!

Viktor Kuznetsov, ethnographer

Expert opinion. Tatiana Silaeva, Professor of the Department of Botany and Plant Physiology, Moscow State University N. P. Ogareva

- According to our research, the oak is only 420 years old. He was awarded the title "Tree - a monument to Russia". With the appearance of the hollow, the central fabrics that function as support died, but this does not prevent the oak from growing. The only drawback is tourists: the soil around the tree is all trampled down, which makes it difficult for roots to grow. I believe that it is necessary to enclose the territory of the oak tree. Ribbons tied to the lower branches are also not good. Personally, I am skeptical about its magical properties, the oak deserves respect, of course, but only as a long-lived tree.

The trip to the Mordovian oak is one of the favorite routes for car tourism lovers from other regions.

For example, in 2010, a company gathered in Nizhny Novgorod, which set off in three cars in search of a mysterious tree. The story of the expedition members inspired many motorists to search for the oak lost in the Mordovian forests.


- We managed to go there one day, but it was just a miracle, because we went, like in that fairy tale, there, I don't know where. We have not found any coordinates anywhere. Simkinsky forest is a huge territory. We strayed for a very long time. And with us two more cars wandered, which we met during the search for an oak tree. As far as I know, this oak is now recognized as a natural monument and promoted as a tourist attraction. I would like the tourists to make life easier, show the route on the maps, put signs along the roads. And an information stand next to the oak tree would be very useful, because for some it is a shrine, and someone comes out of idle curiosity, like us. I would like to know how to behave in this place so as not to offend the feelings of believers.

Julia Sukhonina, journalist, Nizhny Novgorod

- We once went to look at this oak. They wandered until late at night, and never found. We spent the night in the forest. Fortunately, we had tents, a kettle and food with them. Simkinsky forest is especially beautiful at night. It was worth going there for this overnight stay. The next day the oak was found. They stood for a long time and looked at him. A tree is like a tree, although large.

Nikolay Ilyin, resident of Nizhny Novgorod

- My friend found out that there is such a magic oak tree that fulfills wishes. She persuaded me to go with her. I don't believe in all these miracles, but I love traveling very much. I went for the company. We found an oak tree, made wishes. My friend had serious problems at work. So in a week all problems were resolved: she was fired.

Tatyana Novikova, resident of Nizhny Novgorod