Why Are UFOs Coming? The Future Of Humanity Depends On The Answer To This Question - Alternative View

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Why Are UFOs Coming? The Future Of Humanity Depends On The Answer To This Question - Alternative View
Why Are UFOs Coming? The Future Of Humanity Depends On The Answer To This Question - Alternative View

Video: Why Are UFOs Coming? The Future Of Humanity Depends On The Answer To This Question - Alternative View

Video: Why Are UFOs Coming? The Future Of Humanity Depends On The Answer To This Question - Alternative View
Video: Neil deGrasse Tyson Weighs in on Pentagon UFO Report and Alien Life | The View 2024, September

It is believed that for the first time mysterious objects in the air, now known to all UFOs, were reliably registered during the Second World War. On October 14, 1943, during the bombing of the German city of Schweinfurt, British pilots saw several "big shiny discs." Moreover, they did not react in any way to the fire that air riflemen from bombers fired at them. Following the British, American fighter pilots who fought in Europe collided with mysterious objects.

Today there are many thousands of UFO sightings. Recently, a report by the British Department of Defense was declassified, on which leading experts - physicists, chemists, biologists, mathematicians, psychologists and sociologists worked. They analyzed the most high-profile UFO sightings around the world from 1985 to 1996 and concluded that unidentified flying objects do appear in the sky. In seven percent of cases, this cannot be explained by natural phenomena or man-made factors.

However, to this day, official science cannot answer the main question: why are UFOs flying in?

When it comes to these mysterious objects, the creatures arriving at them are usually called aliens, although there is no reliable data on their origin. So it's more correct to call them enleonauts or aliens. But whoever these creatures are, they stubbornly avoid getting into informational contact with homo sapiens. It turns out something strange: they flew in, twirled and flew away. But a trip to another planet is not an excursion to a neighboring city. It is inevitably associated with huge energy costs for moving in space.

Any rational creatures will go for them only if they are pursuing some important goal. Since UFO sightings do not shed light on it, it remains for us, humans, to find an answer to the question of what they needed on Earth.

What are they?

Recently, there has been a division of opinions of ufologists regarding the origin of UFOs. Supporters of the first hypothesis, dominated in the middle

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50s, they believe that they represent technical devices of alien space civilizations. However, now more and more well-known researchers abandon this point of view and are inclined to believe that UFOs appear from parallel worlds, other dimensions, etc.

However, there is one significant point on which the views of the supporters of both hypotheses practically coincide: this is that the development of mankind, and, most likely, from the very beginning, takes place under the constant control of aliens, whoever they are.

Now let's see why some ufologists have left the alien hypothesis. The main reason is the long-term and massive presence of aliens on Earth, which does not fit well with modern scientific theories and the resulting problems associated with interstellar travel. After all, to fly at the speed of light - the maximum speed possible in our galaxy - to the nearest planet, where, according to scientists, life is possible, and to return back, it will take several tens of thousands of years.

But this does not disprove the alien hypothesis at all! The massive presence of mysterious "guests" can only indicate that overcoming huge interstellar distances is not a big problem for them. To do this, they can use the so-called temporary tunnels, or, as they are also called, "wormholes", which allow you to instantly move in space. At one time, Academician AD Sakharov wrote about this: “We are now considering such a fantastic possibility that the regions, separated from each other by billions of light years, have a connection with each other at the same time using additional parallel passages, often called“wormholes”, that is, we do not exclude that a miracle is possible - a transition from one area of space to another, almost instantaneous, in a short time,moreover, in this new place we will appear completely unexpectedly, or, on the contrary, someone will appear next to us unexpectedly”.

It is also very important that the alien hypothesis is based on the real fact of the existence of billions and billions of stars in the Universe, and therefore many planets on which intelligent life can develop. Moreover, most likely, it has gone away from us in its development for millions or billions of years ahead.

We know how much the scientific and technical capabilities of our own civilization have grown in just the past few centuries. Therefore, how can one defend the point of view that the impossible or unimaginably difficult today, the same interstellar travel, will remain so after thousands and millions of years? I will give just one simple example: how would you feel about the possibility of traveling from London to New York in a few hours, say, a couple of hundred years ago?..

Therefore, it is practically impossible to imagine what the forces of civilizations that have outstripped us in their development by an astronomical number of years. Based on this, the presence of aliens on Earth can be as long as you like, and as massive as you like …

Let us now consider the hypothesis of the appearance of a UFO from a parallel space.

Firstly, unlike space objects, all these parallel worlds, other dimensions, etc. still remain at the tip of the pen, in theory. Secondly, where does it follow that getting from one dimension to another, from one world to a parallel one, even if they really exist, is much easier and easier than to overcome interstellar distances? What if this is not at all the case, and even vice versa? Or that the transition to other dimensions also solves the problem of interstellar travel? The "scientific" validity of the parallel worlds hypothesis does not seem preferable at all. Therefore, without denying the very possibility of such an origin of UFOs, I, for example, consider the alien hypothesis to be closer to reality.

Under the space hood

Now let's get back to what is common in both hypotheses. And this is precisely what humanity is under constant control. It's hard to argue with this, the question basically boils down to something else - why?

On this score, there are many assumptions - from the Earth as an "energy plantation" of aliens to purely academic observation on condition of non-interference, according to the laws of galactic ethics; from "zoo" to "nature reserve" and popular destination for numerous galactic cruises, etc. etc.

Of course, the assumption of control, but without explicit intervention, looks much more attractive than others. But is it really so? In other words, if this is not a manifestation of galactic humanitarian aid and purely scientific interest in a young developing civilization, then what else could it be?

It is safe to say that there must be some great interest behind the actions of the UFOs, or, if you will, benefit for those whom we call aliens.

But what could be of such value to them to be constantly and in large numbers on Earth for thousands of years? Or is the unknown "something" necessary not only for them directly, but also for more significant, "universal" interested parties, and the aliens are only "contractors" who carry out someone's order?

In any case, there is probably no point in talking about the natural resources of our planet or the technical products of human civilization. Something else, most likely, is of such heightened interest for the aliens, and this other should be in ourselves, in people.

Reason is the first thing that comes to mind in this case. The human mind, individual or collective. In short, what distinguishes us, if not from all, then from the absolute majority of species of living beings on Earth.

It is the mind that can be the goal of the aliens, but not in terms of the care and assistance of a young civilization, but for something else. That is, we can talk about the "plantation" of the mind, perhaps one of the few in the Universe.

Now we do not know for sure what actually is the physical basis of our eternal soul, mind or consciousness - whatever we call it - in the event, of course, if it is indeed capable of continuing to exist on its own after the death of the physical host body. … In any case, all world religions teach that our souls do not die, but only pass into another, afterlife world. On the other hand, we do not have the slightest idea how all these "intelligent souls" can be collected and used after death, if at all possible.

Let's say yes. In this case, lumps of mind in the form of arbitrarily small energy fields may be of value to aliens on Earth. In the future, they are able to serve for the subsequent spread of intelligent life in the Universe. Indeed, according to the latest, completely scientific version, the mind on Earth did not arise as a result of the independent evolution of living beings, but was originally introduced into them from the Cosmos and then began to develop and become more complex.

Of course, the question immediately arises: if the Earth is a kind of "plantation of the mind", where aliens act as collectors of "unborn fruits", then why do they not create conditions for obtaining a better "harvest" when each individual mind "ripens" to the end, that is, so that each person lives as long as possible? And then: what about those who die at birth and in childhood, from accidents and diseases, not to mention the millions who die during large and small wars?

What is it: the implementation of the cosmic principle of "absolute non-interference" or "natural production losses" of not very caring "planters"?

Or maybe they just need many types of clots of mind, all sorts of different ones, since we do not imagine their ultimate goal?

Finally, why not assume that the aliens are only interested in the collective intelligence of the planet's population, which is present at the moment, if any? Therefore, they do not pay attention to individual lives.

For all the seeming absurdity, this assumption is also quite acceptable. After all, it is possible that the collective intelligence of mankind serves aliens or those who are behind them, as a supercomputer that uses the computing capabilities of individual minds-computers for purposes unknown to us. Moreover, each "element" or "cell" of this gigantic network does not even suspect what it really functions for.

In this case, the constant presence of aliens is nothing more than a watch of technicians-operators, taking care of the system as a whole. Then there can be no question of any compassion, care, and the like for each individual element of this network, unless it affects its overall performance.

Yes, the picture is gloomy, but where is the guarantee that the reality is even worse?

Therefore, it is still more pleasant to return to the idea that the Earth is one of the "incubators" of intelligence in the Universe, and aliens play the role of its collectors, when, after a person's death, it ceases to be needed on Earth. If this is so, then we can be proud that, by the will of the Creator, we take part in the “humanization” of the Universe, helping the mind to spread throughout it.

