Conspiracy Theorists Received Further Proof That The ISS - Hoax - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theorists Received Further Proof That The ISS - Hoax - Alternative View
Conspiracy Theorists Received Further Proof That The ISS - Hoax - Alternative View

Video: Conspiracy Theorists Received Further Proof That The ISS - Hoax - Alternative View

Video: Conspiracy Theorists Received Further Proof That The ISS - Hoax - Alternative View
Video: Debunking Lunar Landing Conspiracies with Maxwell and VXGI 2024, September

In recent years, the theory that the International Space Station is in fact a hoax involving 14 countries, including Russia and America, has become increasingly popular. Ufologists and conspiracy theorists are finding more and more circumstantial evidence that there is no ISS in earth orbit, and all videos filmed inside and outside the station are fake. And one of such evidence was obtained a few days ago.

The Americans Scott Tingle and Mark Vande Hei, as well as the Japanese Norishige Kanai, who are allegedly now on board the orbital station, gave interviews live the other day. Experts told the audience about life outside the Earth and about the experiments carried out on the ISS. In a word, it was an unremarkable broadcast, similar to which a lot has already been held. The engineers seemed to be in a state of weightlessness, as it should be.

However, when the interview came to a close, something very strange happened. Significant interference appeared in the video, and what is interesting: these interference appeared only in the part of the frame where the astronauts were. Specialists in the field of video editing considered that there was a malfunction in the work of the so-called chromakey. In other words, the images of the Americans and the Japanese were first clearly filmed somewhere against the background of a green screen, and then superimposed on the image of the ISS interior.

However, there was a malfunction in the system, and the video layer with the "starfighters" blurred with rainbow interference. By turning on the video below and skipping it to the very end, you can see it with your own eyes. Unfortunately, NASA and other space agencies of the planet refuse to give any comments. And if ufologists and conspiracy theorists are right, then a completely natural question arises: why do the powerful of this world need to create the appearance of the existence of the ISS? Then other space projects of earthlings also come into question, for example, not only the lunar missions of the Americans, but also their exploration of Mars, and so on. All this is very strange and even scary, say regulars of the Internet, interested in space …

Victoria Prime