What Do We Choose In Life? - Alternative View

What Do We Choose In Life? - Alternative View
What Do We Choose In Life? - Alternative View

Video: What Do We Choose In Life? - Alternative View

Video: What Do We Choose In Life? - Alternative View
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What do all spiritual teachings have in common?

The fact that there are no accidents, everything is natural. The universe is intelligent, and everything in it is governed by Gods, the supermind, or the laws of the universe.

The only thing the Gods or the Universe gave us freedom in: choice.

We make a choice. This is what makes all living things different from non-living things. But if the choice of all living things is subject to Gods or the laws of the Universe, then we are the only creatures who are given freedom of will and choice.

Nobody has power over our choice, we choose ourselves and we will be responsible for this choice.

This statement is also used in modern psychology. For example, in one of the most effective methods of psychotherapy - Gestalt therapy, it is formulated: if a person has not taken responsibility, then no psychotherapy will help him, everything will have a cosmetic effect until he is aware of the responsibility for his choice.

Responsibility is a willingness to accept and correct all the consequences of one's own choice.

What is the most important thing for a person? The most important thing is to dodge the dangerous. And the most dangerous thing is that which is dangerous for the soul.

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The most dangerous thing for the soul is choice.

Most of all in life we are afraid to make a choice.

How to make a choice and not be responsible for it?

Why are we so afraid of choice?

Because if I made a choice, I am an author, and if I am an author, I will be responsible for it. And we don't need it at all.

In order not to be responsible, one must become a performer. If I became the executor of someone else's will (I must), I have absolutely nothing to do with it.

Our state has qualitatively made one small loop in the mind and we have closed in a circle.

We have equated the sense of duty and responsibility. And these are the opposite things.

Duty is someone else's will, and choice is my will.

The more a person says what he owes, the more irresponsible he is. There is it and everything, you must be a performer.

That is why we gladly accept any dictatorship.

Why do we have people for Stalin? In order not to be responsible for anything. We all scolded Stalin, but Stalin had nothing to do with it. The country was not changed by Stalin, but by the performers. Each of us always has a choice.

We are designed so that no one can take this choice away from us. We always have a choice to obey or not obey, obey or disobey. You have this choice.

And before you say that the circumstances forced, think. It was you who made the choice in those circumstances to do this or that. You choose whether to perform or not to perform.

Our body is also Biologically Organized Harmony. Our body has this law.

The body does not give energy to someone else's will. As soon as you must, you will not have the strength for someone else's will, you will only have strength for your own will.

Therefore, when you say "should", you will not succeed, you will get tired. But when you say "I want", you will do ten times more. Favorite excuse: “I didn't have a choice” is a shift of responsibility onto others.

Do you know why we ask others for advice all the time? To blame someone else on.

Realize that you have chosen your lifestyle. We chose to live the way we live. This is the first, from which it is possible to change a person.

When I take responsibility for myself, I will stop blaming anyone for what is happening in my life.

It was not they who forced me, it is I who choose how to live.

Each lifestyle has its pros and cons. We choose those disadvantages that we are ready to experience.

Most of all we are afraid of choice. But the most amazing thing is that we take one choice with pleasure, and not the other in any case.

The more dangerous the choice, the more you try to blame it on someone.

What is the most dangerous choice? One that is controlled by information.

The most dangerous choice is our energy.

We react with either love or hate.

We are all cells of one large organism, such as the universe.

Either we have positive energy, or negative. The cell releases into the body either nutrients, from which the body grows and develops, or hatred (poison), from which the body dies and wastes away. When we are angry, we breathe poison, we excrete poison. We poison ourselves with this poison, first of all.

And here it would never occur to anyone to admit that we are the authors of all this.

If you don't like someone's behavior, that's your problem.

You don't like the behavior of your husband / wife - that's your problem.

It is your choice that you do not like something or someone.

Anger is the most dangerous thing in this life.

It doesn't matter what you do. It is important what you think and what attitude you will have.

You can swear, but not be angry, but you can be angry, but smile.

We were taught to be angry, but to smile.

It is in your power to choose the energy of love, not hate.

Alexey Kapranov