All These Creepy Stories Happened In Real Life - Alternative View

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All These Creepy Stories Happened In Real Life - Alternative View
All These Creepy Stories Happened In Real Life - Alternative View

Video: All These Creepy Stories Happened In Real Life - Alternative View

Video: All These Creepy Stories Happened In Real Life - Alternative View
Video: Based On A True Story Mysterious Radio Frequency Leads A Small Town To Chase Down Extraterrestrial 2024, September

1. "Damned" number

Many people believe that 0888-888-888 is considered an "unlucky" phone number. This is due to the fact that all its previous owners died in the most terrible way. In 2000, this number belonged to a Bulgarian mobile operator, and since then it “took the lives” of everyone who connected it. The first owner died suddenly from cancer, two others died from gunshot wounds. In 2007, the company decided to block this number for an indefinite period. And if you call the specified Bulgarian number, the female voice will answer: "The subscriber is out of the network coverage area."

2. "The Man from Medan"

In February 1948, ships near Indonesia received a distress signal from the Dutch freighter SS Ourang Medan. The man said in broken English: “The captain and all the officers lie dead in the cockpit and on the bridge. Maybe the whole team is dead. " This message was followed by some illegible Morse code and a short phrase "I'm dying". When the search party boarded the vessel, they saw that all the officers and crew members were indeed dead, including even the dog. Their eyes were wide open, and their frozen faces were turned towards the sun. The bodies lay flat, arms outstretched, and a mask of terror froze over their faces. No visible injuries were found on the corpses. Some time after this, the ship exploded and sank, making further investigation of this unexplained incident impossible.

3. "Bloody" find

Students at Riverwood Elementary School in Sydney once found a 1.5 liter jar filled with blood in their schoolyard after returning from summer vacation. Where this bank came from - no one knew. One and a half liters of blood equals approximately 30% of the total blood volume in the body of an adult. DNA tests showed that it was real blood that belonged to a man. However, the DNA did not match any person entered in the database. Until now, it has not been possible to find out the true origin of the terrible discovery of the students.

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4. Undeveloped film

In 1997, a certain Rita Swift found an undeveloped film rolled into a roll in an old chest. A note attached to it read: "Made in our yard, 1969." The first 16 photos were standard family shots, but frames 17 through 19 turned out to be snapshots from the past using a pinhole camera. The photo showed several people dressed in Native American clothes from the 1800s. The first photo showed three close-ups of men dancing in a pond; in the second photo the photographer captured a large horned animal - a bull or a cow. The third photo showed a large bonfire and a group of people dancing around it. How the historical photographs ended up on this film remained a mystery.

5. The woman in the wall

The 57-year-old resident of Japan was forced to install security cameras after things began to disappear without a trace in his house, and he himself constantly felt someone's invisible presence. In a video taken last night, a man saw a small, unfamiliar woman slip out of a wardrobe in his bedroom. The stranger wandered around the house, stole the cash he had and even took a shower. At dawn, the woman disappeared into the same closet again. Assuming it was a robber, the man called the police. After a thorough search, the police found a walled-up corpse of a former resident of this house, who had disappeared many years ago, behind a cabinet in the wall.

6. "Prophecy" by Edgar Poe

Writer Edgar Poe's only completed novel, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, written in 1838, told of four shipwreck survivors who starved to death by their comrade Richard Parker. In 1884, three real sailors, whose ship also sank, ate their cabin boy. By a strange coincidence, his name was Richard Parker.

7. A man with two faces

In the 19th century, there was a handsome young man named Edward Mordrake who had one terrible flaw: there was a second face on the back of his head. Poor Edward suffered from a rare disease - parasitic craniopagi. According to eyewitnesses, his twin's face was disgusting and seemed to ooze evil. It never ate or spoke, but it could smile or frown, and its eyes could move independently of Edward's will. Although no one heard a word from the second person, Edward Mordrake swore that he woke up at night to the whispers of his "evil twin", who spoke to him terrible devilish words. The young man begged the surgeons to remove his "demonic face", but not a single doctor dared to go for it. At 23, Edward committed suicide, leaving a note asking him to cut out the second face before his funeral, so that "it does not continue its terrible whisper in his grave."

8. Masked Man

The film and the book "The Man in the Iron Mask" are based on the story of a real person. In 1669, by order of the cruel King of France Louis XIV, one mysterious prisoner was placed without trial or investigation in the Pignerol fortress. Even the courtiers did not know what crime he was accused of. The prisoner was required to wear a mask of velvet and whalebone. A personal guard was assigned to the prisoner so that no one could see or hear him. The prisoner was held in various prisons, including the Bastille, and in 1703 he died. Except for the King of France, no one ever found out who and for what crime had to hide his face under a mask.