Sweet Floyd And His Perpetual Motion Machine - Alternative View

Sweet Floyd And His Perpetual Motion Machine - Alternative View
Sweet Floyd And His Perpetual Motion Machine - Alternative View

Video: Sweet Floyd And His Perpetual Motion Machine - Alternative View

Video: Sweet Floyd And His Perpetual Motion Machine - Alternative View
Video: Вечный двигатель не существует!? / Perpetual motion machine does not exist!? 2021 2024, September

Why triode? Because the control method of the device coincides with the triode one - a weak control signal generates more power.

Technically speaking, an electric (let's call it that) machine consists of two barium magnets and three coreless coils, two of which are exciting, and the third is powered. Floyd ran his device with a regular 9 volt battery.

Interestingly, as it was written about the perpetual motion machine, in the process of work, weight loss was observed - up to 10%, as well as cooling of the magnets and the surrounding space, according to some sources - up to 200C.

The inventor himself considered the energy generated by the apparatus to be only similar to the electric one, since in addition to losing weight and cooling the magnets, there was not a burn, but frostbite of the human skin when accidentally touching the contacts.

Sweet Floyd's triode amplifier
Sweet Floyd's triode amplifier

Sweet Floyd's triode amplifier.

The main part of the triode amplifier was considered to be barium magnets. Their manufacturing technology was rather complicated. Once a detailed diagram of the device was stolen by two Australians and tried to repeat it, but nothing came of it. In addition to the material from which they were made, they had to be "charged", that is, subjected to special processing, repeatedly remagnetizing them with a current of 60 Hz. The standard perpetual motion machine produced 1 kW of power - if you can call it that - "unconventional electricity".

Floyd experimented with his car for a while, trying to improve it. But the experiments turned out to be unsafe. During the operation of the installation, there were threatening effects, in particular, strong hum, air vibration and even powerful pops. In addition, the inventor stopped documenting his experiments, which is rather strange.

Triode amplifier circuit
Triode amplifier circuit

Triode amplifier circuit.

Promotional video:

Of course, modern theorists give different explanations for the principle of operation of the mechanism, most of which are reduced to the incomprehensible energy of the aether, transformations of incoherent radiation, and even some reduce everything to negative time. Allegedly, incoherent radiation exists everywhere in space, and Floyd's apparatus transforms it into ordered. Certain scientists have agreed to negative gravity in negative time. John Bedini even made a documentary film with his own money - "Energy from a Vacuum" in 2004.

In general, the whole problem with devices of this kind is their singularity and the absence of the possibility of repeatability. And also the absolute lack of any scientific research. Instead, in most cases there are myths, tales and tricks.

By the way, even the inventor himself noted the unreliability of his unit, since his work was unpredictable. So, in different conditions, it gave out different power, it could even just not start.

As they wrote about Sweet Floyd, he was repeatedly threatened, trying to cover up his project. The further fate of the triode amplifier, like many similar machines, is unknown. After his death, his wife allegedly handed over all the drawings and prototypes of a certain automobile campaign, where all traces of this invention are lost.
