Homeland Of UFOs - Earth? - Alternative View

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Homeland Of UFOs - Earth? - Alternative View
Homeland Of UFOs - Earth? - Alternative View

Video: Homeland Of UFOs - Earth? - Alternative View

Video: Homeland Of UFOs - Earth? - Alternative View
Video: New videos raise questions about military UFO encounters 2024, October

Unidentified flying objects are observed more and more often every year. But why are we so firmly convinced that they are of extraterrestrial origin? Maybe everything is much more commonplace?

The truth about the Roswell incident

The authors of the memoirs published in America - former employees of the FBI and other special services - claim that similar defense aircraft were created in the United States. Their description is fully consistent with the testimony of UFO eyewitnesses, as well as the pictures, which capture the "saucers"!

Eyewitnesses often describe strange devices that look like a huge umbrella. This design can be seen in newsreels from the history of aviation. The umbrella plane was invented back in 1911 by the American Chance Vout. Subsequently, Vout became the head of an aircraft company that, at the end of World War II, commissioned the Navy to build the Skimmer, an experimental model of a propeller-driven aircraft that also painfully resembles a classic "saucer."

Dr. Bruce Maccabi, in his treatise UFOs and the FBI, argues that the first "real" American "saucers" appeared in the late 1940s. They consisted of one or more membranes, which were acted upon by pulsed electromagnets. All together looked like a spinning top, which in a motionless state could be mistaken for an inverted plate.

On test models, the diaphragm often failed to withstand vibrations and this led to accidents. In July 1947, US Air Force Captain Jesse Marsell picked up pieces of "elastic foil" from a field near Roswell, which were actually membrane fragments. Thus, rumors of the famous Roswell incident were born. The crash really happened, only in the role of a "spaceship" was a "plate" built using a secret technology with an electrokinetic engine, which after the disaster, of course, they tried to hide from prying eyes.

But why did the authorities not try to dispel the myth about the alien origin of objects and even indirectly condone the spread of "disinformation"? It's very simple - most of the "saucers" were designed to illegally cross the borders of the airspace and engage in reconnaissance!

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The devices on pulsed electromagnets were so heavy that the Americans had to deliver them to their destination in submarines. Hence the numerous UFO "flights" from under the water. For subsequent generations, the body was made of piezoceramic, and vibration was achieved due to the piezoelectric effect. The new vehicles were no longer in the form of plates, but of balls, ellipsoids and other volumetric figures - During the flight, they were surrounded by a cloud of ionized gas - here you have a mysterious glow …

Special squadron

What was the situation in Russia? Several years ago, the sensational memoirs of Mikhail Dubik, a former military technical translator, were published.

In 1946, the young lieutenant Dubik, who had just graduated from the Leningrad Red Banner Air Force Engineering Academy, was sent to work in a sharashka - this is how they colloquially called the offices where, during the years of Stalin's rule, repressed representatives of the scientific and technical elite were engaged in various research and development. Mikhail Yurievich got into Mayer's group.

In the early 1930s. the young German aircraft designer Irman Mayer developed a scheme of the aircraft, the appearance of which resembled an inverted bowl, in the center of which was a ring screw. "Plate" contained a sufficient number of units of military equipment, and at the same time its plating well protected the military equipment inside from possible enemy attacks.

In 1942-1943. Manera designs were tested at the Peenemünde test site. Prisoners of a nearby concentration camp later said that they had repeatedly seen a "flying pancake" that looked like a basin turned upside down. In the center of the disk was a transparent cockpit. The device worked on turbojet engines and developed a speed of about 700 km / h. One of the surviving prisoners of the camp personally observed how in September 1943 such a disk turned over in the air due to a strong wind, fell, caught fire and exploded. Technologies were still extremely imperfect …

In the spring of 1945, when Nazi Germany was defeated, the SS leadership ordered the destruction of all documentation on secret flying technologies and the shooting of the designers. However, they managed to escape. True, not for long - soon the Soviet command captured them. A group of engineers, led by Mayer, sat in the Deulivag wine cellar on the outskirts of Berlin. She was discovered and taken to the USSR in full force. This is how a special design bureau under the number 08 arose. The Soviet government also needed "advanced military technologies."

The captive engineers had no other choice but to start working for the enemy power. They managed to surpass themselves - soon a giant disc-shaped object with a diameter of about 25 m was born. A pilot's tower stuck out above it, it was equipped with radars and cannon turrets.

The Spitsbergen archipelago became the springboard for the deployment of military aircraft, from where it was easy to "target" the American continent. To cover the Soviet Union in 1948 began mining on the islands for coal. Along with the equipment, "sponges" were transported to the island - this is how flying discs were called. It was decided to use them to detect and shoot down American atomic bombers, which could potentially move towards Moscow: first, the target was fixed using radars, then the disk began to spin in the air, pouring fire on the “Americans” from anti-aircraft installations. At the same time, due to the special shape and trajectory of movement, as well as the armored bottom, the aircraft were reliably protected - the bombers could not inflict any special harm on the "sponges". In theory, a squadron of six "sponges" was capable of destroying up to a hundred bombers.

At first, in order to preserve secrecy, no identification marks were applied to the "sponges". However, on July 16, 1951, a patrol crew of the 1619 Fighter Aviation Regiment of the Northern Fleet collided with one of these disks. Finding an unknown object in the air, the head of the crew, Pyotr Vusov, immediately reported the incident to the command. As the object suddenly changed course, Captain Vusov gave the order to attack it. However, the first shots did not cause any harm to the subject. And then Vusov and his assistant, Lieutenant Ivanchenko, were ordered by radio to urgently cease fire and return to base. After this incident, red stars appeared on the sides of all aircraft.

In the fall of 1952, the test program at Spitsbergen was completed, and on November 27, an order was issued to form the 1st Northern Special Purpose Air Defense Squadron (SESN).

With Khrushchev's rise to power, the situation changed. Nikita Sergeevich believed that the future was only in missiles. The "plates" were dismantled by removing the casing and equipment. The remains of the structures were flooded off the coast of Spitsbergen at a depth of about 300 m. Perhaps they still lie at the bottom of the sea …

"UFO" - to the masses

Krasnoyarsk researcher Pavel Poluyan managed to collect materials about "ufological" developments. He came to the conclusion that almost all unidentified man-made flying vehicles such as "disks with portholes" are quite an earthly secret weapon.

One of Poluyan's sources was a certain Danko Priymak, who is now living abroad, who, according to him, previously served as chief engineer at a tractor plant in Pavlodar. There allegedly existed closed military workshops, where assemblies for "plates" were made.

Priymak in his correspondence with the researcher revealed many of the secrets of the "UFO". In particular, the beam emitted by the apparatus is in fact the effect of freezing air moisture under the influence of vortex rotation. Due to the same rotation, objects next to the "plate" are sometimes lifted off the ground.

But what about the stories about "contacts with enlonauts"? What is this - part of a well-presented "disinformation" that serves as a cover for secret military developments, psychological experiments of the same military, or … is it still proof of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations? I don't think we should give up the last idea. Each specific episode requires a separate investigation, and, of course, it cannot be argued that every single "flying saucers" were created on Earth.

Magazine: Secrets of the 20th century №32. Author: Irina Shlionskaya