Unusual In The World - Interesting To Know - Alternative View

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Unusual In The World - Interesting To Know - Alternative View
Unusual In The World - Interesting To Know - Alternative View

Video: Unusual In The World - Interesting To Know - Alternative View

Video: Unusual In The World - Interesting To Know - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Bizarre Alternate Theories of History 2024, September

In the world of interesting

• An extremely rare case in medical practice was reported in Brazil. A 62-year-old woman from Sao Paulo came to the doctor with complaints of mild but regular pains in the abdomen. With the help of X-ray examination, it was found that the venerable lady has been carrying a dead fetus for 15 years, from which a well-formed skeleton has been preserved in the prenatal position. The woman cannot remember any signs of pregnancy.

• The Moscow Research Institute of General Hygiene conducted a study on the impact of beards on human health. As it turned out, it emits toxic substances: ammonia, benzene, toluene, dimethyl sulfide and even hydrogen sulfide. There are other negative effects as well, as a result of which blood pressure rises and disability decreases. A beard also disrupts normal heat exchange in the brain, which often leads to baldness. The life expectancy of bearded animals is reduced by 2-3 years. It turns out that there is only one thing to do - to shave well in the morning.

• Boxer Mike Tyson is able to knock down a buffalo with a punch, but his rival from the animal world, a lion, is capable of interrupting the spine of the same animal with a paw. The horse has a super-hit. In the Vladimir region. a heavy-duty truck named Hi hit the brickwork with a kick of its hoof.

• Tennis player Marc Rosse does not break the clutch, but the ball from his serve flies like a bullet - 220 km / h. A monkey's handshake is deadly. At the Bronx Zoo in New York, America, a male chimpanzee named Boma, weighing 74 kg, squeezed 384 kg on a dynamometer with his right hand (his legs were tied in the meantime). For comparison: Arnold Schwarzenegger squeezes 105 kg. Another time in the same zoo, a female chimpanzee named Susette (weighs about 61 kg) - squeezed 572 kg in a state of rage. An orangutan weighing 45 kg lifted a barbell with both hands, which weighed 272 kg. This circumstance gave the experts the right to assume that a trained male gorilla is capable of lifting a weight of 900 kg. Man loses here too. World record holder Leonid Taranenko recorded 265 kg in clean and jerk.

• British doctors have found that headaches are not at all a reason to deny your partner sex. Moreover, says Dr. Kay Wellings of the London School of Tropical Medicine Hygiene, just sex can relieve pain. In some ways, it is even more effective than aspirin. The hormones released during the love process have an analgesic effect on the body. The combination of sex itself and the pleasure it derives from it is the best way to beat stress and eliminate its damaging effects on the heart, circulation and immune system.

• By the way, the famous magician and sorcerer Albudur, assistant to the president of the Russian Magic Brotherhood (ROMB), advises those who, in any way, cannot achieve reciprocity from the object of their love, not to despair. “There is a reliable witchcraft: listen to the Breath of your passion and try to catch its rhythm,” gives advice from Albudur. - Breathe for a few minutes to the beat, and then contract the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks and exhale sharply. The object of your love will feel an irresistible attraction to you."

• As it turned out, having sex not only brings pleasure - it can protect you from cardiovascular diseases. These are the conclusions reached by experts from the New York International Institute of Bioenergy, who conducted research on the relationship between sex and cardiovascular disease.

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• The amazing married couple Eric and Renata Schinega live in Austria. The spouse is a woman in the past, the spouse is a man in the past. It is curious that Eric, being "her", was very successful in alpine skiing, becoming an Olympic champion in his time.

• Resurrection from the dead can be called a sad story that took place in the province of Asir in southern Saudi Arabia. A certain Muattak Zafir al-Shahrani, buried by his relatives, came to the hearth after being in the grave for 24 hours. As a result of such a sudden visit of their beloved son and brother, the mother and sister of al-Shahrani died of shock.

The cause of the "death" of the man was a blow by the wing of a windmill during the repair work, because of which he lost consciousness. Unable to bring al-Shahrani to his senses, his relatives considered him dead, wrapped Muattak in a shroud and buried him. After lying in the grave for more than 27 hours, al-Shahrani came to himself from the clatter of hooves of grazing sheep. The shepherds heard the groans and cries of the unfortunate man and dug up the grave. When they saw that al-Shahrani was wrapped in a shroud, terror seized them and they fled. And poor Muattak went home, where his mother and sister, seeing him, fell dead.

• Claims that the Chinese are small people may be called into question by San Tuyan Lin. At 22, her height was 2 m 42 cm, which makes it possible for her to hold the national record of China not only among women, but also among men. Muhammad Channa from Pakistan was first talked about when he was just growing up. By the age of 30, he finally reached his male height - 257 cm. Muhammad reminded of himself not so much by being in the Guinness Book of Records, as by a desperate request to newspapermen to inform the world that he was looking for a woman willing to become his wife. The smallest person on earth is the Dominican Nelson de la Rosa, whose height is only 71 cm.

• The tallest woman who ever lived on Earth was believed to be Chinese Seng Chonglin from Yuzhan Village in Yunnan Province. Her height reached by the end of her life (1982) 247 cm. The smallest woman - only 61 cm tall - was the Dutch midget Pauline Masters who lived at the end of the last century. She died at the age of 19 from pneumonia, undermining her health with alcohol abuse.

• The tallest man on Earth lived in the Pridvinsky region, believes the Vitebsk ethnographer Arkady Podlipsky. In an abandoned cemetery in Stary Selo near Vitebsk, there is a modest granite tombstone, where it is carved: “Fedor Andreevich Makhnov. Born on 1878-06-06, died on 1912-28-08. " He was 2 m 52 cm tall. But this is his youthful age, and according to statements, in his mature years, he "held out" to 285 cm. In 1903, the anthropologist Lushan recorded this record growth.

• Walter Hudson of New York, who became known as the most complete man in the world, went on a diet. As a result, Walter, who previously weighed more than 500 kg, was able to reduce his weight to 240 kg. Walter's suffering began many years ago. At the age of 25, gluttony became his hobby. Walter ate all the time. The break in the meal made him extremely aggressive. Every morning he started with two kilos of pork belly and the same amount of ham. All this was washed down with more than three liters of Coca-Cola. Walter did not leave the room. Somehow he fell and could not get up. In order to help him, the fire brigade was called, which, in turn, called for reinforcements, and only when they arrived, they managed to put Walter back on a special heavy-duty bed. After the story with the fire brigade, he decided to lose weight. I ate every two days and lost weight from 500 kg to 240 kg.

• Many centuries ago, Avicenna conducted an experiment by placing a sheep at some distance from the wolf. She died three days later, although she was physically healthy. What we call consciousness, the psyche, can largely determine the state of the organism. The shepherds of Central Asia used the following method of treatment. When, after an unsuccessful birth, a sick sheep could no longer get up and no means could help her, instead of a dead lamb they brought her a live one taken from another sheep. She fed him, took care of him, and recovered. This means that what we call the psyche can help when there is no need to rely on drugs.

• To a very unexpected conclusion, researchers at the University of Florida. After interviewing more than 5,000 married couples, they found that in families that love to brawl, spouses, as it turned out, are more likely to make love than in more prosperous marriages. Scientists explained this phenomenon by the fact that after each quarrel, a new life begins in such families, and as a result, a new "honeymoon". And the more often and more temperamental clashes happen, the more often and more emotional "reconciliation". The results of the survey refute another common opinion that grown-up children significantly limit the possibilities of spouses in their intimate life. Most of the surveyed couples with many children stated that their married life became much more active after the children grew up a little, because they no longer require such attention to themselves as they did before.

• Don't you like Monday? And you are doing the right thing. As it turned out, on the first day of the week, the likelihood of a heart attack is 50 times higher than on others.

• You will not wish anyone to be hit by lightning - incredible energy is contained in a lightning discharge. But there are people who miraculously survived even after lightning hit them. In this case, one forester from America deserves the title of a seven-time "walking wonder of the world", because lightning hit him … 7 times! 1942 - a lightning strike deprived him of a nail on his big toe, 1969 - lightning scorched his eyebrows, a year later his left shoulder suffered from a burn, and in 1972 and 1973 lightning strikes burned his hair, 1976 - lightning damaged the brave forester's ankle 1977 - He suffered more severe burns on his chest and abdomen.

• Suffering from insomnia, someone begins to count to a hundred, others go to the kitchen to have tea or smoke, and still others read a book in the hope of causing fatigue. But, as it turned out, there is a rather effective "cure" for this trouble - sex. Having made love for the night, you can be sure that your sleep will be calm and deep. This is the opinion of scientists who gathered in 1994 in Florence at the XII Congress of the European Society for Sleep Research.

• Sometimes the subject of research by scientists becomes a thing that we hardly pay attention to in our everyday life. Take a tie, for example. Who would think of what this piece of men's dress has on the mental abilities of its owner? But this is exactly the idea that came up with scientists at Cornwell University in Ithaca, New York. They conducted a special study and it turned out that a man without a tie thinks better and faster than his colleague, whose shirt collar is buttoned up and tied with a tie with a tight knot. The "quick wits" factor for those who do not wear a tie turned out to be twice as high as for those who cannot imagine themselves with their shirt collar unbuttoned. Scientists did not deal with the medical aspects of the problem, but suggestedthat the tie may simply interfere with the normal circulation and blood supply to the brain.

• Birthday brings with itself not only gifts and joyful congratulations from friends. For people in adulthood, this holiday also becomes a borderline for summing up the results, sometimes disappointing, scientists believe. According to the results of a 5-year scientific study of doctors in the city of Calgary, the celebration of anniversaries and solemn dates sometimes leads to completely unexpected results: about a third of patients with mental disorders were admitted to hospitals in the first 30 days after the birthday celebration. Moreover, one fifth of all suicides occur within a week after the "sad holiday", and during the same period, the likelihood for the hero of the day to be hospitalized with complaints of heart pain caused by stress doubles.

• The brain of the person who killed 16 people is in a special vessel, and scientists want to conduct a thorough study of his cells. Jeffrey Dahmer was executed in Wisconsin. He was found guilty of terrible murders, which were accompanied by insane orgies and mockery of the bodies of those killed. Dahmer, as the investigation proved, ate his victims. The rapist and cannibal asked to cremate his body after the execution. But by decision of the judicial authorities, as well as at the request of his mother, his body was frozen, and his brain was placed in a vessel with a special preservative for scientific purposes.

• Mata Jagadamba, 74, has the longest hair in the world and has some difficulty with it. Her unique strands, the length of which reaches 6 m 40 cm, have long prevented her from doing much herself. Let's say take it and go for a walk. The assistant must follow, on whose hands Mata Jagadamba's braids are wound.

Another problem is washing hair that length. Here, too, you cannot do without an assistant. And how much work it takes to dry them later. Mata goes up to the second floor and throws the braids down from the balcony. Their length is still greater than the height of the building. A long "tail" lying on the ground is thrown over a clothesline. And then it remains to patiently wait until the sun dries them.

• Researchers from America in the field of nutrition and gerontology have come to unexpected conclusions. Do not over-torture your body with different diets. Of course, no one would deny that excess body fat is often associated with cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes. However, get off one bus stop early and walk home. No need to take the elevator, but go up the stairs to your floor. Such a little, you say, such a banality! However, she can play the role of your guardian angel. The panacea is regular walking with light activity (from 30 minutes to an hour daily). It will reduce the risk of dying from a heart attack as much as intense training for those considering participating in a marathon race.

G. Bagdykov