From The Occult To Sadism, Half A Step - Alternative View

From The Occult To Sadism, Half A Step - Alternative View
From The Occult To Sadism, Half A Step - Alternative View

Video: From The Occult To Sadism, Half A Step - Alternative View

Video: From The Occult To Sadism, Half A Step - Alternative View
Video: How to Talk About Games, Today 2024, September

People who blindly believe in magic and other irrational things sometimes begin to look at the problems of life and death in an unconventional way. For example, they see nothing wrong with taking someone's life. So, recently, a twenty-year-old resident of the Rostov region, Viktor Kravtsov, killed his friend with a knife, so that he could later … revive and live forever!

Victor and his friend, 23-year-old Roman Orekhov, who live in Belaya Kalitva, were fond of black magic. Recently, the body of Roman with numerous knife wounds was found in a ravine near the river bank. Shortly before that, Roman's mother had filed a complaint with the police about her son's disappearance.

As it turned out, Roman gathered around him like-minded people, just like him, who were fond of mysticism. He has repeatedly expressed the idea that each person by nature has a huge energy potential, but in order to fully reveal it, one must die. Orekhov believed that after death we find ourselves in a parallel dimension, where our soul continues to exist on a different level …

The young man has repeatedly tried to die by suicide. He tried to hang himself, used increased doses of medicines … But, apparently, he did not have enough determination to finally settle accounts with this reality. Then he turned to his friend Viktor Kravtsov with a request to help him commit suicide. On September 10, they went to a place called "Avilovy Hills", where, it was assumed, no one could stop them. Roman drank about 40 tablets of some potent sleeping pill. After that Victor, having previously pumped up alcohol, stabbed his friend five times in the heart with a knife.

The killer did not even try to hide from justice and get rid of the evidence. Soon he was detained. During a search, the guy found knives and things of the murdered man with traces of blood on them. An investigation is underway.

In many occult teachings and sects, ritual sacrifices are practiced, and not only animals, but also people. They are sacrificed in order to appease the deities or spirits worshiped by members of a sect or confession, and to achieve their protection, to receive some dividends from this … Let us recall, for example, a magical ritual that was supposed to help the hero of Gogol's “Night before Ivan Kupala :

"- And what did you promise for the girl?" Basavryuk burst out and put a bullet in his back. The witch stamped her foot: the blue flame was pulled out of the ground; its middle lit up and became as if poured out of crystal; The chervontsy, expensive stones, in chests, in cauldrons, were piled in heaps under the very place where they stood. in the eyes …"

It is not uncommon to kill people who are considered capable of witchcraft. This is especially often practiced in the countries of the "third world", where people are characterized by the so-called "magical thinking". The alleged witch or sorcerer may simply be stoned to death. Alas, the authorities are not yet able to fight the "cave" consciousness.

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The dissemination of information about hypnosis, telepathy, extrasensory perception leads to the fact that mentally unstable people begin to look in their environment for subjects with unusual abilities that harm them in one way or another. This is exactly what happened recently to 55-year-old American Maloney Sellanite, who forced her husband Michael to shoot their neighbor Tony Pierce for allegedly raping her using … telepathy!

According to Maloney, Tony has the ability to telepathically influence and forced her to "remote" sex without physically touching the woman. As she assures, this happened with them at least several times.

Mrs. Sellenate so annoyed her husband with complaints about a rapist neighbor that he illegally acquired firearms and, seizing the moment when Pierce was working in his yard, shot him point-blank. During interrogations, he said that his wife was the initiator of the murder. The Sellenates are now in prison. However, Maloney is likely to face a psychiatric hospital. Can anyone in their right mind imagine such a thing?