Mystical Novorossiysk: 4 Urban Legends - Alternative View

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Mystical Novorossiysk: 4 Urban Legends - Alternative View
Mystical Novorossiysk: 4 Urban Legends - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Novorossiysk: 4 Urban Legends - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Novorossiysk: 4 Urban Legends - Alternative View
Video: 7 Most Mysterious Russian Urban Legends 2024, July

Urban legends are an invariable part of folk history. Any city is famous for different bikes and Novorossiysk in its history, has accumulated many such legends. Some of them are in front of you in the story of one of the employees of the Novorossiysk children's library.

Tsemesskaya bay

The bay has been known since ancient times, it is mentioned in Greek mythology. Then it was called the Bay of Lestrigones - cannibal giants that Odysseus and his companions had to face when their ships sailed to the "high city" of Lamos. The satellite sent by Odysseus for reconnaissance was swallowed by the king of the Laestrigones - Antiphat. After that, the king summoned all the Laestrigones, and they, throwing huge stones at the aliens from the rocks, destroyed their ships, and planted people on stakes like fish and carried them to the city to be devoured.


Sorcerer mountain

This mountain is located in the vicinity of the city, in the village of Myskhako. The official name of the mountain is Mount Myskhako. The locals call it the Sorcerer Mountain because of the many different legends that hover around it. One of them tells that earlier a healer expelled from the city lived here, who miraculously healed people, the other - about giants who dared to rebel against the Gods. Of these, only one survived, but was turned into a mountain.

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The sorcerer-mountain in Novorossiysk predicts the weather: if a cap of clouds is above its top, it will rain. This mountain is also popular among people who are fond of paragliding. The sea wind and warm air currents from the surface of the mountain contribute to long-term soaring, and the glades located at the foot of the mountain are convenient for landing.

Seven Winds

The ruins of the Seven Winds restaurant are the most mystical place in Novorossiysk. There are many legends about him. One of them is associated with the ghost of the bride.


The restaurant used to be the most fashionable place in the city. All the elite of Novorossiysk gathered here. Once there they celebrated the wedding of the daughter of a city official. In the midst of the fun, a lover who had once been rejected by the bride appeared and killed her. After such a terrible event, the family began to be haunted by the spirit of death: the girl's fiancé committed suicide, one by one all relatives died. In the restaurant itself, frequent fights with shootings began to occur, and accidents on the roads leading to it. The restaurant had a tragic reputation, people were afraid to come there. And soon it closed. Then this place was used as an observation deck, and in 2015 the former building of the restaurant was completely demolished - the owner of the site donated this place to the Krasnodar diocese.


Many Novorossiysk people know that the word "Neberjai" means "bloodthirsty, predatory eagle". They also know that Neberjay is famous for healing underground springs. So what does the bloodthirsty eagle have to do with the holy sources?


According to Kasim Meretukov, the author of the Adyghe toponymic dictionary, the legend of Prometheus was born in Neberdzhai. Kasim Khamosovich writes: “Everyone knows the celestial Prometheus, who stole fire for cavemen from the Olympic gods. Many believe that the myth of Prometheus was born among the peoples of the Caucasus, and the ancient Greeks polished it classically. But if this is so, then, in my opinion, it is quite permissible to assume that Neberjay - beyond the Markotkh ridge - is the real habitat of the tormentor eagle. Prometheus was chained to a rock just behind the Markotkh ridge in the area of the village bearing the “speaking” name of Neberjai. As for the holy springs, when Hercules killed the bloodthirsty eagle, healing springs were hammered in gratitude for the release from the ground.