UFO With Robots On Board Attacked A Resident Of Argentina - Alternative View

UFO With Robots On Board Attacked A Resident Of Argentina - Alternative View
UFO With Robots On Board Attacked A Resident Of Argentina - Alternative View

Video: UFO With Robots On Board Attacked A Resident Of Argentina - Alternative View

Video: UFO With Robots On Board Attacked A Resident Of Argentina - Alternative View
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There are stories that look like horror movies from start to finish. On October 12, 1968, the large family of Mateo Manocchio went to visit one of the villages of Monte Maiza (Argentina). They returned home late, at 3 am. It was pouring heavily. The family was large, so we drove in two cars: in the first - Mateo, his sister, wife and children, in the second - Ricardo, his brother.

Driving along the cemetery road, Mateo suddenly noticed that a bright white light was following his car. People thought they were the headlights on Ricardo's car. Imagine their surprise when, at the entrance to Monte Mais, the headlights of the vehicle following them suddenly went out. Mateo thought that some kind of accident had happened to his brother, and, turning the car, went in search of Ricardo. Soon Ricky's uncle was found, safe and sound.

It turned out that he was just a little behind and all this time was driving at a short distance from his relatives. When Mateo asked his brother if there was any other car between them, Ricardo shook his head: it wasn't. The man had no idea what kind of bright white light his relatives were talking about. After all, all he saw was an empty road and his brother's car in the distance. With a shrug of surprise, the Manocchio family continued on their way, taking Ricardo's word to keep up.

On the evening of October 12, electricity went out in the city of Monte Mais. Residents of one of the houses went out into the street and saw a man running along the road. The night guest was wrapped in some kind of blanket-like cloth. Screaming for help, he brandished his weapon and even fired several shots into the air. The man was taken to the police. There he said that his name was Eugenio Douglas and he was 48 years old. He lived in the city of Venado Tuerto and worked as a truck driver. When asked why he, like a terrorist, ran along the road, firing a revolver, Eugenio replied: "Robots from UFOs were chasing me."

It turned out that a few hours earlier, Douglas was carefully driving his truck on a slippery road. Suddenly, a bright light flashed right in front of the car. Out of surprise, Eugenio turned sharply to the side - and the car fell into a ditch. The driver probably hit his head as he lost consciousness for some time. When he came to, he tried to start the truck, but realizing that all his attempts were in vain, he took the revolver, which he kept in the cockpit in case of unforeseen circumstances, and, grabbing a blanket in case of rain, got out to see what happened.

In the distance, Douglas noticed a car with its bright white headlights on. The car door opened and two humanoid figures emerged from it. The headlights turned off instantly - and the figures disappeared into the darkness.

A few minutes later, another light source appeared on the other side of the road. It seemed as if this vehicle was not driving on the road, but flying through the air. The UFO illuminated Douglas from head to toe, and the light left an unpleasant burning sensation on the man's face and hands. Then another luminous object appeared with two blinding lights. Undaunted, Douglas decided to defend himself and fired several shots at these lights. The light went out immediately.

When his eyes got used to the darkness, the man was horrified to find that three or four humanoid figures were trying to surround him. Their faces were unreadable, but they were "shiny, robotic-like humanoids." Their heads were decorated with helmets with antennas.

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Douglas started to run, and in the sky above him slowly floated UFO. The aliens chasing the poor fellow shone at the man with some kind of laser weapon. The red light blinded the eyes and left burns on the body. The only thing that saved was the blanket that the man took with him. Like a madman, Douglas dashed towards the cemetery, hoping to hide there. He fled until he was in the city of Monte Mais. The pursuers disappeared, leaving him alone.

The police did not believe Eugenio's story and considered that the man probably drank too much. In the morning, Douglas was taken to the doctor, Francisco Davolos. The doctor, too, at first did not believe the driver, but after examining the patient, he found strange scars on his face. They didn't look quite like the burns. Rather, the wounds were like a face, a skin infection. After a few days of treatment with the ointment, the marks completely disappeared.

Douglas's truck was safely pulled out of the ditch. Also, the police found footprints confirming that the man was in flight. However, despite speculation about prints of inhuman feet, no traces, other than those of Douglas, could be found.

It was rumored that both Douglas, Dr. Davolos, and several members of the Manocchio family died from lethal doses of radiation. However, in the 80s, researchers of the paranormal managed to find 72-year-old Douglas, who was alive and well.

There was a rational explanation for everything. It turned out that there was a technical accident at the power plant in Monte Mais that night, as the equipment there was old and worn out. On October 12, the lights were turned off several times, both when Douglas arrived and before him.

The police explained the story with the driver as follows: there were no alien robots; as a result of the accident, Douglas hit his head, and the man began to hallucinate that someone was following him.

As for the Manocchio family, the bright white light behind their car was attributed to bad weather conditions. The experts concluded that this was normal headlights, amplified by rain.

That's all. Everything seems to be logical and understandable. But the question remains unsolved: why did six different people see the same thing?.. And the case was far from the only one.

On March 14, 1968, an Ohio resident saw a UFO hovering over trees. Subject fired a beam of light at the man. Clothes on the victim burst into flames.

On June 14, 1968, a UFO with light rays appeared in Cuba. A sentry of one of the military units was found unconscious in the morning. Nearby with him, they found almost fifty spent cartridges and 14 bullets, flattened, as if they hit something impenetrable. And there was a large triangular imprint on the ground nearby.

The man was taken to the hospital, where he was in a state of deep shock for six whole days. When the military man regained consciousness and was able to speak, he told how at night he saw a brightly lit object in the sky and, mistaking it for a secret American plane, began to shoot at him. The object's light turned from white to orange, and the man immediately lost consciousness.

On September 12, 1968, one of the Peruvian customs officers, being near his house, saw a strange flying object in the sky. A ray of violet light hit the man's face, healing him from chronic rheumatism and myopia in a matter of seconds.

In the collection of Charles Grefett, Defense Attaché at the US Embassy in Buenos Aires, there are 23 Argentine newspaper clippings reporting UFO sightings from June to August 1968. The diplomat called this period "the UFO invasion".

Elena Muravyova for neveroyatno.info