Sergey Siparov. "The World Of Science Is Full Of Feelings" - Alternative View

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Sergey Siparov. "The World Of Science Is Full Of Feelings" - Alternative View
Sergey Siparov. "The World Of Science Is Full Of Feelings" - Alternative View

Video: Sergey Siparov. "The World Of Science Is Full Of Feelings" - Alternative View

Video: Sergey Siparov.
Video: Science - a complicated thing: Sergey Khaustov at TEDxTomsk 2024, September

Dossier: Sergei Viktorovich Siparov. Doctor Phys.-Math. Sci., Professor of the Department of Physics at the University of Civil Aviation (St. Petersburg), developed the so-called anisotropic geometrodynamics, generalizing general relativity) *.

Born on April 18, 1954 in Leningrad, graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Leningrad State University, worked at the Research Institute of the Arctic and Antarctic, worked at the North Pole drifting stations in 77-79, and took part in high-latitude air expeditions “North”. He defended his doctoral dissertation in theoretical physics in 2003.

Champion of Leningrad in mountain tourism, climbing mountains Kazbek, Elbrus (Caucasus), E. Korzhenevskaya peak (Pamir), McKinley peak (Alaska), Kilimanjaro peak (Tanzania). In 2004 he took part in the film expedition "Pyramids of Egypt", in 2014 he made a crust around the sacred mountain Kailash (Tibet).

In 1988 he took part in the rescue work after the earthquake in Armenia.

Goes in for sports, dives in an ice hole, flies on a hang-jumper.

In addition to scientific articles and monographs, poems, stories, stories have been published.

He is married with four sons, a grandson and two granddaughters.

The world is divided into physicists and lyricists - someone studies the exact sciences, and someone is engaged in creativity. Those. someone lives by reason, and someone - by feelings. You combine both - physics, poetry, novellas, and stories at the same time. How do you do it?

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- I find the opposition of "exact sciences" and "creativity" strange. I will also note that the world of science is no less, and sometimes more dramatic, than the occupations of the so-called humanities, i.e. full of feelings and emotions.

They are the energy that a person feeds on, no matter what he does. Therefore, I do not see anything special in the fact that a person finds an application to his powers in different areas.

And although many, perhaps, will react with suspicion to the well-known statement “He became a poet, he lacked imagination for mathematics,” this is only because few people have an idea of what its subject is.

And what is more important for a person - mind or feelings (soul)? What should he be guided by in his actions?

- And it is also strange to choose … Mind without a soul is emasculated, feelings without reason are destructive. And about actions - depending on what is considered an action. If the person is an adult, i.e. ready to take responsibility for his actions, if he does not fulfill everything in a row that he is told, and if he does not succumb to hysteria, then we return to the first phrase.


You are in excellent physical shape. Tell me, what are you doing to maintain it?

- Churchill said: “I owe my health and longevity entirely to sports. I have never done it. Unfortunately, I am not doing my exercises. And sports - unlike Churchill - was always engaged, but not for health and not for records, but because he liked it. Now every day I play football for an hour at a 4B grade with my youngest son. We endure everyone.:).

In our time, many people experience apathy, they cannot really do even one thing. You do a lot. How do you do it, where do you get the energy?

- While the others are complaining, I get high.:) And apathy is all because a quarter of a century ago people were very tough and professionally led into temptation and delusion. Nobody thinks to receive joy and pleasure directly, necessarily through money.

Moreover, it is so ingrained that they no longer think about joy and pleasure, but think about money. And even making money was also turned into some kind of work. Everyone is moaning and waiting for the weekend, where they don't know what to do.

The "trick" is that you need to act in accordance with your inclinations, and earn money along the way. Do not be afraid of anything and do not forget about reason and feelings. Everything will work out.

Ie do you enjoy everything you do, that's why you have time for everything? and energy is taken precisely from the fact that you like what you do?

- Exactly. I come from the Soviet Union. And there it never occurred to anyone (from my entourage) to look for a money job. It was believed that one should live in a high, that is, to be interesting. I deeply realized this at school: “Well, I’ll earn money for a dacha car, and then what? Some nonsense. The dacha car, by the way, eventually somehow appeared on its own, but I did not fight for them at all.


If a scientist in the USSR sounded proudly, also because the financial situation of scientists was quite on the level, then in the 90s Russian science was in a very difficult situation. Many scientists have left the country or left science. Why didn't you follow their example? And how did you survive at that time?

- I don’t know about some kind of material “level” you are talking about … We never, to put it mildly, did not show off, but I was lucky with my family, which, like me, did not attach importance to “prosperity” as such. Well, I also chose her.:)

Those who left the country or left science could not be an “example” for me, because I have my own life and my own head on my shoulders. What are some examples? And, by the way, I worked in America at Boston University. It's okay there, but there are some "bells and whistles". As with us. As an everywhere.

And in “surviving at the time,” I did not notice anything particularly difficult. It has become more dangerous, yes, but so … Since I am a theorist, the rise in prices for pencils did not really affect the way I taught and taught.

Since the beginning of perestroika, many Soviet ideals and principles have been destroyed, and to such an extent that until now many people cannot find some guidelines for themselves - what is good and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong. What is “good and bad” for you?

- As a child, my grandmother drew my attention to the fact that the "Moral Code of the Builder of Communism" practically coincided with the Christian Commandments. It seemed to her very significant, but it did not make a special impression on me, because seemed quite natural. So their content, coupled with the well-known poem by Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad" can be considered the answer. And people are just confused and don't live their own lives, as I said.

In connection with this loss of reference points, many people have been searching for the meaning of life for years, or are not even busy anymore - they gave up on everything, and life is simply killed. And what is the meaning of life for you, the most important thing in it?

- The meaning of life seems to me to be his persistent and unceasing search until he opens up to you. Then it gets easier. And then the energy is spent not on doing something, but on not doing something at least sometimes. And it can still be difficult to resist.

Many people get tired over the years - from diseases, betrayal of loved ones, imperfection of the world - and lose interest in life. How do you manage to stay optimistic?

- As you know, “the Kingdom of God is within us,” and what you personally pay attention to will surround you. People lose interest in life, because they were "explained" that by themselves they are not interesting to anyone, even to themselves. And they believed it. It is clear that it is not difficult to find confirmation - the very ones you mentioned.

Who is the authority for you - who exactly are “your people”, no matter if they are from the past or the present?

I have no authorities, but there are people whose opinion I deeply value, and whose statements I think for a long time. And this is all - mainly our people, from science, for whom it was not just a profession to earn money. For whom the surrounding world in all its inexplicable beauty was the reason for inevitable reflections. You can find their names in any tutorial.


In a textbook on physics or literature too?

- Yes, in the textbook on literature, they also occur … But there it is more difficult with them, because many people really like to chat or poopat and are focused on themselves, their opinions and experiences … And this is not interesting every time.

You made kora around the sacred Mount Kailash. Those. can we say that you believe in some kind of oriental spiritual practices?

- No, I play this, as well as many other things. This does not prevent one from treating Buddhism and the bark itself with great respect. It works and that's enough.


Our site pays much more attention to the ancient mysterious civilizations that have left behind amazing traces. You participated in the international seminar of the Laboratory of Alternative History "Search for traces of technogenic civilizations" in Egypt, studied the pyramids and claim that "the most probable version of the technogenic purpose of the Great Pyramids". Those. do you believe that similar civilizations existed in the past?

- It seems to me that this is not an object of faith. In any case, I cannot treat it like that. There is plenty of evidence of the existence of high-level technologies in the distant past. And if this contradicts generally accepted views of history, so much the worse for the views, although perhaps better for their bearers.

Such theories contradict the point of view of science, and you are a scientist. Are you not afraid of judging your colleagues?

You know, your question perfectly reflects the humanitarian approach. Science is not only a collection of generally accepted views, formulated by authorities (a paradigm, as Kuhn called it). New ideas, theories or contradictions with the existing order have never been met with applause. On the contrary, by sharp opposition, of which ridicule is not the worst. If you are afraid of this, do not go to science, they will beat you. Even "ours". Even especially "ours". It is not necessary to strive to destroy the paradigm, but, having encountered a fact that contradicts it, you have no right to dismiss it.


I (N. T.) have been studying the civilizations of the past for many years, studying ancient texts, myths, legends, artifacts, traces of buildings of the past, etc. I am sure that we have not even reached the level of science of the past. At the same time, ancient texts, for example, the Vedic, in my opinion, may well become the key to modern discoveries, as they have answers to many questions of science. Do you think modern science should go its own way or is it still worth turning to the secrets of antiquity so that they help scientists of the 21st century?

- Many people imagine what science is and what scientists do from films or, at best, from books. I do not know what keys you are talking about, although I am familiar with many of what you have listed. And I can't say anything definite about the level of science of the past. Perhaps something from what modern science has reached through the many years of efforts of experimenters, theorists and engineers may turn out to echo in some way (!) From the Vedic or other text.

Note, however, that it is by no means the answer to the question of modern science. If you try to use an arbitrary encountered image as an answer, then you still need to come up with a question for it, and then believe that this is the SAME question, because if this is not the case, then finding a path connecting the answer and the question will lead nowhere.

So - yes, I am ready to admit that some things that are considered fabulous, mythical or fantastic existed in reality. So what? This does not mean at all that I will abandon all my ideas, which I, like any normal scientist, have enough, and will start recreating these things. It is not at all as simple as it may seem to humanitarian people, far from science. Well, those who wish may well participate.

What do you think is the greatest discovery / invention in world history?

“It seemed to Feynman that the greatest discovery was the idea of the atom. It seems to me that the greatest idea discovered is that between areas of the objective mathematical world and areas of the objective physical world there can be both striking similarities, indicating the correct path in the development of knowledge, and dissimilarities, indicating delusion. This circumstance is inspiring in many ways.

By the way, the famous American physicist Richard Feynman was passionately interested in deciphering the ancient texts of disappeared civilizations and any mysteries in the history of mankind. Shortly before his death, he was going to come to the USSR, to the Tuvan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic - in his opinion, on this ancient land there are solutions to many world secrets. But Feynman was denied a visa, and the historic trip never took place.)

As for the scientific discoveries of the future - what exactly do you think technical innovations, amazing inventions will appear in the near or distant future?

- This question is not for me. Unfortunately, I am not an engineer capable of translating an abstract idea or the result of a strange experiment into a workable device. And not a businessman explaining to the public how great it will be for her if she buys this and that.

It never occurred to me to create a computer based on quantum mechanics and the properties of semiconductors or to use a game console created from it for half of the world's population. Fantasizing about your Wishlist in the near or distant future is also not nearly as interesting as figuring out how it all works in the world where we live.

Author: Natalia Trubinovskaya
