Feminism. The Ideological Weapon Of Globalism - Alternative View

Feminism. The Ideological Weapon Of Globalism - Alternative View
Feminism. The Ideological Weapon Of Globalism - Alternative View

Video: Feminism. The Ideological Weapon Of Globalism - Alternative View

Video: Feminism. The Ideological Weapon Of Globalism - Alternative View
Video: Sociological Theory - Feminism (Sociology Theory & Methods) 2024, September

“We have severed ties between parent and child, between man and woman, between one person and another. No one trusts a wife, child, or friend anymore. And soon there will be no wives or friends. We take newborns from their mothers, as we take eggs from under a laying hen. We'll erase the sex drive. J. Orwell, 1984

Feminism is arguably the most destructive ideology in the world today. This ideology does not kill people. She is killing civilizations. Many political commentators believe that feminism is responsible for the ongoing dismantling of European culture and traditional values. Thanks to feminism, Europe and the United States are more and more flooded with migrants from culturally alien countries against the background of the rejection of their own culture. The birth rate is falling, the institution of the traditional family is being destroyed.

Men and women are increasingly moving away from each other.

But is feminism a struggle of women for equality? Not really. Modern feminism has long stepped beyond the boundaries of its dictionary definition. Today's feminist agenda looks like this:

dismantling of patriarchy

gender parity in all prestigious professions +

the sexual liberation of women (promiscuity and the right to abortion)

combating the "culture of sexual violence" (rape culture)

Promotional video:

complete gender neutrality or social equality

Patriarchy is "a form of social organization in which a man is the main bearer of political power and moral authority, exercises control over property, and fathers in families have a leading position."

From the point of view of feminism, this is a system of subordination of women, through the construction of social gender roles. In 1968, one of the prominent leaders of the feminist movement, Kate Millett, published the book "The Politics of Sexuality." Here is how her sister, Mallory Millett, describes the events of those years:

“It was 1969. Kate invited me to a meeting at her friend Lily Karp's house. They called it “Raising Consciousness,” a typical communist exercise widely practiced in Mao's China. We sat down at a large table, and the chairman began a meeting reminiscent of a liturgy, reading a prayer in the Catholic Church. But that was Marxism, the church of the leftists copying religious practices:

- Why are we here? she asked.

- Make a revolution! they answered.

- What revolution?

- The Cultural Revolution! - they answered in chorus.

- And how will we make the Cultural Revolution? she asked in a demanding tone.

- By destroying the American family!

- How do we destroy the family?

- By destroying the American patriarchy! - they answered on the verge of ecstasy

- How do we destroy the American patriarchy?

- By depriving him of power!

- How do we do it?

- By destroying monogamy!

- How do we break monogamy?

And here there was a deafening answer, it was hard for me to believe my own ears. Is this planet Earth? Who are these people?

- Promoting promiscuity, eroticism, prostitution and homosexuality! they shouted in unison.

This was followed by a long discussion on how to achieve these goals through the founding of the National Organization of Women. It was clear that less than the destruction of Western society would not suit them. They planned to "penetrate" all public institutions: the media, the education system, the legal system, the executive system and even libraries."

As we can see almost 50 years later, the overall plan was a success. Kate Millett herself suffered from mental disorders, and ended her life alone, far away even from her “wrestling” friends. Her last letters are full of bitterness and loneliness. However, she destroyed not only her own life. The feminist movement has caused perhaps the greatest damage to all of European civilization.

From the point of view of feminism, gender is a social construct. There is no difference between a man and a woman, therefore, if men dominate in any profession, this fact alone is evidence of discrimination. Selectively this principle applies only to prestigious and highly paid professions. So far, no one has heard of feminists fighting for parity in the coal or construction industries. However, for example, in Silicon Valley, every large company is forced to make a "solemn commitment" to hire a more "balanced" workforce (take the diversity pledge). You can take a look, for example, at the respective Apple and Google pages. Companies pay recruiters twice as much for every woman or minority they hire. If you are a white man,then in the queue for promotion, your place is at the tail end.

Hollywood is under the same pressure. The Federal Employment Service has launched an investigation into the shortage of women among directors of high-grossing Hollywood films. Sexual minorities are also not ignored, and it is quite possible that Captain America will soon change orientation (about which there is already a corresponding petition).

Feminism has completely occupied Western universities. As part of the fight against the "culture of sexual violence". Here's what Christina Hoff Sommers has to say about it: “Moms and dads, fear for your sons. There has long been a "war on men" in universities, where gender studies courses and women's rights groups explain to young girls that men are toxic. Many “educated women” have tasted the feminist Kool Aid. Girls at Yale and Harvard see themselves as oppressed. This is madness". Any girl can declare that she has been a victim of sexual violence, and without any trial, the need to provide evidence and the opportunity for the young man to protect himself. There are a huge number of cases when, even after a year or more, after breaking up with their boyfriend, girls suddenly announced that he had committed sexual violence. This was the end of the training and career of the young man.

It is worth noting that the girls' parents also have something to worry about. To get a convinced feminist at the exit who believes that promiscuous sex life for a woman is the norm, the term "whore" is worthy of being proud of. That abortion is a fundamental woman's right, and that men are at the root of all problems, and that society owes everything to her. Her father will be her mother's oppressor, no matter how well their family is. That motherhood is an obstacle in her life, and in general is a burden, and the family is an institution of oppression.

By denying the difference between men and women, feminism denies a woman's right to be feminine and to be in harmony with her nature. A woman is forced to make choices more typical of men, depriving her of her natural joy given by nature. Research shows that Western women today are feeling increasingly unhappy compared to the past.

Men are constantly attacked for any behavior typical of men. American and European boys are treated as misbehaving girls from childhood. They are not allowed to play cops or thieves, play with imaginary pistols, or play with any physical contact. School curricula are increasingly tailored for girls, as are college and university curricula. As a result, the performance of boys is falling, and fewer young men enter universities. Employers are already paying more women for the same job to avoid litigation.

This leads to the fact that men under 40 earn less than women, and, as a result, women do not want to marry such men.

For example, due to the influx of migrants, in Sweden, sexual assaults on women have become more frequent. The number of rapes in the country has grown almost 15 times compared to the well-off 70s. When some Swedish men decided to organize patrols at metro and train stations to protect women from attacks, Swedish feminists staged a press storm with the slogan "we are not your women, you do not need to protect us."

Unsurprisingly, in Rotterham, where the local Pakistani community systematically sexually abused local teenagers, more than 1,400 girls over 11 years, neither the locals nor the police took action. When thousands of women were attacked on New Year's Eve in Cologne and other European cities, in addition to the fact that the local press covered up this fact for 5 days, in fact, the women were not protected by the police, their husbands, fathers or brothers. This is the result of squeezing toxic masculinity out of Western men for two generations.

It is worth noting the depressing state of the institution of the family. As mentioned above, the destruction of marriage is seen by feminists as the main goal of their movement. In America today, nearly half of children are born out of wedlock. Feminism encourages women to be single mothers (if it doesn't appeal to child-free). Marriage legislation deprives men of almost all rights, leaving them with all responsibilities of a financial nature. In France, a man does not even have the right to a genetic examination if he wants to prove that a woman did not give birth to a child from him - but at the same time he is obliged to pay alimony. It is enough for a woman to say that she is afraid of her husband, which Angelina Jolie recently did by announcing her divorce from Brad Peet. This is the standard wording recommended by lawyers and which gives a woman the most advantages in a divorce. The woman does not need to prove anything, the husband is a priori guilty. Unsurprisingly, fewer and fewer men want to get married. First of all, it hits the melting layer of "old-fashioned" women and men who want to start a family and raise children.

Sexual promiscuity among women creates too many temptations for husbands, and the legislation makes marriage very risky. Women who choose to be a mother and look after children and the home face public censure. Men are deprived of the opportunity to be the mainstay of the family.

But feminism doesn't stop at transforming Western countries. The UN declares gender equality among the "Millennium Goals" (it's funny to hear when an organization with 70 years of history sets goals for a thousand years). The EU and the World Bank impose trade restrictions with countries where women are underrepresented in certain industries or parliament. Thus, globalist elites use economic instruments to promote feminism around the world. Under the guise of the struggle for rights and equality, the dismantling of culture and the traditional way of life and the unification of the world population are being carried out.

In fact, this is an ideology that rejects nature and considers men and women as interchangeable blanks that have no differences and preferences. And like any other ideology that denies reality, feminism is doomed. The only question is whether European civilization will survive it, and does Russia have immunity so as not to catch this disease?

Evgeny Rublev