The World's Best Electronic Warfare Facilities Are More Modern Than Modern - Alternative View

The World's Best Electronic Warfare Facilities Are More Modern Than Modern - Alternative View
The World's Best Electronic Warfare Facilities Are More Modern Than Modern - Alternative View

Video: The World's Best Electronic Warfare Facilities Are More Modern Than Modern - Alternative View

Video: The World's Best Electronic Warfare Facilities Are More Modern Than Modern - Alternative View
Video: Electronic Warfare - The Unseen Battlefield 2024, September

It's amazing how quickly everything is changing in the field of Russian military electronics, electronic warfare and similar means in the Russian army. Some time ago, they only said that in Russia they use only the groundwork developed in the Soviet Union.

And now these unique electronic warfare systems are being changed in the troops for new and more modern ones. The details are simply amazing …


The electronic warfare (EW) troops received a multifunctional transformer station. Mobile complexes "Divnomorye" suppress locators and other on-board electronic systems of aircraft, helicopters and drones. The station also creates powerful jamming for "flying radars" - E-3 AWACS, E-2 Hawkeye and E-8 JSTAR. Depending on the target, the system chooses the type of jamming and the method of setting them up, so in the army it received the nickname "transformer station". According to experts, the novelty will bring Russian electronic warfare troops to a new technological level.

As Izvestia was told in the Ministry of Defense, the first electronic warfare systems "Divnomorye" will enter the troops this year. They have already been tested and tested. Now specialists are being trained to work on new equipment.

The new complex is capable of blocking objects from radar detection in an area of several hundred kilometers with an "umbrella" of interference. This is enough to reliably cover command posts, groupings of troops, air defense systems, important industrial and administrative-political facilities. The station effectively counteracts air and ground detection systems. The novelty can "hammer" with powerful interference equipment of several radar aircraft at a distance of several hundred kilometers. It is also capable of effectively targeting spy satellites.

It is planned that "Divnomorye" will replace three electronic warfare systems in the troops at once: "Moscow", "Krasuha-2" and "Krasukha-4". It is noteworthy that these systems began to arrive in units and divisions only five years ago, in 2013.


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- "Moscow", "Krasukha-2" and "Krasukha-4" are the so-called C complexes, that is, aircraft. They are designed to combat aircraft radars, as well as communication and information transmission systems,”Dmitry Kornev, editor-in-chief of the Militaryrussia Internet project, told Izvestia. - In fact, these stations form a single complex. "Moscow" detects the enemy, determines the type and characteristics of his electronic equipment. This data is transferred to other systems. "Krasuha-2" is responsible for the fight against early warning aircraft. Therefore, it is equipped with a huge parabolic antenna. "Krasuha-4" interferes with other types of aircraft.

"Divnomorye" is simultaneously a high-tech command post, an electronic intelligence station and a powerful means of suppression. The complex includes only one vehicle on an all-terrain chassis. The system is deployed into a combat position in just a few minutes. This makes her highly mobile and practically invulnerable. The complex covertly moves to an advantageous position, performs a combat mission and imperceptibly escapes the blow.

The main advantage of Divnomorye is full automation. When a target is detected, the system independently analyzes the signal and determines its type, direction and radiation power. Based on these data, the tactical and technical characteristics of the object are determined. After that, the automation draws up a suppression plan and independently selects the most effective type of interference. Then the system acts on the enemy's radar with powerful noise radiation.


The creation of universal and robotic means is the main main direction of the development of the Russian EW troops, noted military historian Dmitry Boltenkov.

“Divnomorye brings domestic electronic warfare equipment to a new technological level,” the expert noted. - The complex is capable of suppressing a wide range of targets with minimal human involvement and acting autonomously.

Today Russia is considered one of the leading powers in terms of the level of development of electronic warfare systems. Until 2020, it is planned to update the equipment in the electronic warfare troops by more than two-thirds.


The Bomber Aviation Regiment of the Western Military District (ZVO), stationed in the Voronezh Region, received improved Khibiny complexes for modernization.

As a result of the modernization, the capabilities of the electronic warfare (EW) equipment of the Su-34 multifunctional front-line bomber have been significantly expanded. The new complex made it possible to increase the capabilities of the front-line aviation of the Western Military District by installing an additional special container on the aircraft.

The previous generation Khibiny electronic warfare systems were intended only to protect the bomber itself; now they have acquired the ability to group aircraft protection.


Also, the crews of the Su-34 will be able to automatically interact with ground inter-service groupings of troops and other flying vehicles - airplanes and drones.

Modern experience in the combat use of aircraft equipped with a new generation of electronic warfare systems will expand the combat potential of the aircraft and optimize the work of units in the conduct of maneuverable air battles. Also, the improved electronic warfare systems "Khibiny" will increase the survivability of the crew of the Su-34 bombers due to the possibility of interference-free long-range launches, the press service of the Western Military District reports.