The Kidnapping Problem - Alternative View

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The Kidnapping Problem - Alternative View
The Kidnapping Problem - Alternative View

Video: The Kidnapping Problem - Alternative View

Video: The Kidnapping Problem - Alternative View
Video: Kidnapped Robot Problem - Computerphile 2024, October

A large number of people constantly disappear on Earth, and some of them then return. These people often tell incredible things about being abducted by aliens who performed surgical manipulations on them. Skeptics consider all such stories to be fiction, but researchers working on the problem do not think so.

A global problem

Abductions of people by extraterrestrial beings occur all over the world. Moreover, the number of such cases has been increasing recently. This problem is mainly dealt with by ufologists. One of them, Budd Hopkins, is a well-known ufologist in many countries who studied this problem. He managed to collect a lot of data, and he approached this issue very seriously. He created a special fund for studying alien invasion, to which the victims of abductions could apply. At the same time, each person who applied there was thoroughly tested and examined by specialists for mental health. According to Hopkins himself, many people with mental illness contacted him, so each incident was investigated and studied very carefully, like the victims themselves. However, among the many false cases, there were many suchwhen a person actually came into contact with certain beings.

Budd Hopkins, having analyzed all the cases known to him, believed that the aliens were working with genetic material collected from abducted people. It should be noted that mostly men and women of reproductive age are abducted. Hopkins believed that in this way the aliens were preparing for the colonization of our planet, inhabiting it secretly with hybrids of humans and aliens.

The fate of Hopkins himself was tragic - he died in 2011 from cancer, which struck him very quickly. At the same time, it is very mysterious that not only Budd Hopkins died at the same time, but also a number of other famous ufologists. Among them are such UFO specialists as Hilary Evans, Joe Cooper, Stuart Miller. It is believed that they all got too close to solving the mystery of the alien abduction. A number of conspiracy theorists are sure that all these deaths were far from accidental, since the archives of the researchers mysteriously disappeared after their death.

The most mysterious and famous cases of abductions

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The most famous case of abduction that took place in front of thousands of witnesses is the kidnapping of American Linda Courtyle in 1989. It happened in New York, the aliens kidnapped a woman from her apartment - she moved through the air to a plate hanging over the Brooklyn Bridge. A lot of people saw this incident, but most of them considered what they saw during the filming. The woman was later returned, but did not remember anything about the incident. Only after several sessions of retrograde hypnosis did she manage to recall the details of what had happened. In addition, an implant was found in the woman's nasal sinus, which got there by an unknown method. This item was surgically removed, and its further location is also unknown.

The life and death of the world's first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin is also filled with mysterious events. Thus, some researchers believe that Gagarin did not actually die in the crash, but was abducted by aliens. Proof of this is the fact that on March 27, 1967, on the day of the disaster, residents of the nearest villages observed a spherical UFO in the air. Another proof - at the crash site, the remains of only one body were found, while there were two pilots. This made it possible to assume that the astronaut was abducted by aliens directly from the plane. This assumption can be considered fantastic and is not recognized as an official version. However, the likelihood of such an event exists, besides, the crash of Gagarin's plane took place under some strange circumstances.

However, more often than not, aliens abduct people for experiments with genetic material. Young Australian Megan Liker, having served in the army for several years, got married, but could not get pregnant. After going to the doctor, it became known that her reproductive organs were old, so she would not be able to have children. The woman was stunned as she had never given birth. Under hypnosis, the terrible truth was revealed - Megan Liker was abducted by aliens and spent all these years on their giant ship. There she was implanted with hybrid embryos, which developed much faster than human ones thanks to special substances. Thus, over several years, Megan gave birth to several dozen humanoids. When she became unsuitable for this, the woman was returned to Earth. Memories of service in the army were embedded in her mind,since in fact there was nothing like that.

There are many similar stories, so the problem of kidnapping is very relevant for people. This concerns the safety of each person in particular and our entire civilization as a whole, which means that it is necessary to study this problem well in order to learn how to resist aggressive invaders.