The Death Of The Dyatlov Group. Part 1 - Alternative View

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The Death Of The Dyatlov Group. Part 1 - Alternative View
The Death Of The Dyatlov Group. Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: The Death Of The Dyatlov Group. Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: The Death Of The Dyatlov Group. Part 1 - Alternative View
Video: The Dyatlov Pass Case 2024, July

All materials in the article are taken from here.

I express my deep gratitude to "Citizen" Anton Sizykh for his help in preparing the article.

60 years later, the tourist group of Igor Dyatlov again reaches the peak of mass attention.

According to the results of an official investigation in 1959, the accident was declared an accident caused by natural force. However, due to the lack of accurate information about the circumstances of the death of the group, various woodpeckers have created many alternative versions, the number of which today is no less than varieties of sausage.

But no matter how fantastic and delusional clues are thrown in for mass use, they all sacredly guard, do not touch at any riots of fantasy that fact or circumstance that is most hidden - the time and place of death.

According to legend, a criminal case without a number about the death of UPI students was found in the late 80s by some girl on the windowsill, no one had been able to find it before her. That already, as it were, hints at the possibility of its falsity (not completely, so partially).


Promotional video:


Forensic expert Natalya Sakharova, naturally, could not help but notice that this case was sewn with white thread. I will quote an important part (critical and analytical) of her opinion:

And on the examination of the tent itself:

Further, the reenactment part is useless: I suppose, I suppose … and went an action movie, one of dozens of similar bestsellers. Any experts, both fake from the media and real ones, are forbidden to take away the time and place of death from the date of February 1 and the place of "location".

All woodpeckers in all versions are obliged to lead away from only one fact: the death of the group is a solid props, only the dead are real in it, everything else (camp, storage shed, parking lots and other trifles) is just scenery.


Longitudinal sections of the tent.

Since the case materials do not contain specific studies and examinations about cutting the tent from the inside, although the cuts are partially photographed and described, all statements about the cuts exclusively from the inside do not correspond to reality and exist only in the heads of conspiracy theorists.

What they didn’t mention in articles, posts, forums about who cut it and how. From militants with the massacre of a group of gru-tsru-special teams to laser weapons of space aliens.

Everything is very simple. A folded tent was cut, roughly along the edge, uniform cuts were obtained when deploying the tent. This can be done with any sharpened tool on the chock. The props, without steaming for a long time, circled the folded tent from the edge. Dyatlovskaya public had enough of this riddle for half a century of pounding water in a mortar and pouring from empty to empty.

You should not take into account the testimony of witnesses (including even those that have appeared quite recently), since they often contain lies, inconsistencies and contradictions, they only mislead and create confusion. The cost of all interrogations in this "criminal case" is zero (their reliability cannot be verified).

Consider a few facts that cancel all the versions about the Dyatlov group written over half a century.


There are also plenty of misunderstandings about dates in the case. The tent was discovered by roofing felts on February 25, roofing felts on February 26 (witness testimony vary) on the slope of Mount Kholatchakhl (height 1079). According to the order to dismiss the case - February 26.

At the “place of death of the group”, the most convenient place for a tent is under a rock.

This is the best place for a tent
This is the best place for a tent

This is the best place for a tent.

And only an idiot will put it where they put it.


And they put it here (on the slope) not far from the cliff.

Anyone familiar with the members of the group knew that they were not idiots in terms of setting up a camp, setting up tents, etc., they had experience and knowledge in this area. The props were idiots.

On March 2, a storage shed (food warehouse) was found. The same phony.



From the log of the storage shed inspection:

Nobody makes such storage facilities. Boiled sausage 4 kg, butter 4 kg … in a "container" - this is a feast for all the surrounding animals. This "storage" idiots made and described.

Doroshenko, Krivonischenko and Dyatlov were found on February 26 or 27 (witness testimony differ, protocol of February 27), and Kolmogorova was found in the evening of the same day. March 5 (according to testimony) - Slobodin, and all the others (Dubinin, Zolotarev, Kolevatov, Thibault-Brignolle) only on May 4 (in accordance with the decision to dismiss the case, minutes of May 6), and practically in the same place.

There is no protocol on the discovery of Slobodin's body in the criminal case. According to the decision to close the case, the tent and the bodies of the first, including Slobodin, were discovered on February 26.

From the available photographs it is clear that people have already been delivered to this very “place of death” in the form in which they were later “found”. They are crippled, barefoot, half-naked, with slashed trousers and so on. Many have cadaveric spots and injuries characteristic of traces of posthumous transportation. There are also traces of being covered with snow, slightly smoothed out by a blizzard.

And most importantly, there are no traces of blood at the place of detection.

This whole search operation is nothing more than fiction. Volunteers and outsiders were sent to look where they would not find anything, and that part of the "trackers" who were in the subject - they were both props and delivery men, were looking for "where needed." First, the first members of the group were “found” (ie delivered), in May - the rest.

Pay attention to the body of Krivonischenko, allegedly found under a cedar and transferred to a more convenient place to the rock (outlier).


The bodies of Doroshenko and Krivonischenko under the cedar.


Bodies by the rock. In the foreground is Krivonischenko, in the far Doroshenko, between them Dyatlov (covered), to the left on Dyatlov - Kolmogorov (head covered).

In reality, at first, Krivonischenko was photographed together with other bodies on the site near the cliff (that is, they were just delivered to the place), then transferred under a cedar tree and filmed there. He is wearing a shirt and the remains of pants. On the court, the shirt is neatly put on and less snowy, under the cedar - crumpled, pulled up and covered in snow, the trousers are in a more shabby and sloppy look. No one will carry a corpse, and then gently straighten his stray underwear.


In this photo, the location of the corpse relative to the cedar does not match the above photos. He was either just brought, or moved from the place of detection and are going to be carried away.

The arrangement and photographing went like this - first, the bodies and things were brought to the pass, unloaded in a common heap, then dragged along the slope, at the same time filming a report on the "search work", during which they allegedly collected people and things. We set up a tent, scattered something, and a pile of other things, outerwear, shoes - everything remained in a common heap in the tent. This means that things were delivered in one heap. How it was delivered (by helicopter / all-terrain vehicle / carpet-plane) is not so important. All these "finding" were filmed for more than one day.

After the final layout, the Dyatlov group was left for some time under a blizzard or snowfall.

Photos of Dyatlov's “digging out” were shot on different days.


In this photo, the body was just put in place.


On these, a few days later (after the deposition of snow), they came to dig.

There was enough snow on the bodies of Krivonischenko, Doroshenko and Dyatlov, as they were lying lower, but not enough on the bodies of Kolmogorova and Slobodin, I had to work with a shovel.

Kolmagorova's body was laid in a hole, left for some time under a blizzard (snow swept by the wind is clearly visible). We took the first photo, threw snow at the body and took the second photo. Thus, with two photographs, we created a kind of excavation.


The body lay in the depression for some time (maybe several days).


Threw snow.

Slobodin's body also had to be buried and removed to pass off as the opposite.


They buried Slobodin's body.

In May, next to the corpses, a props floor was "discovered".

From the corpse discovery protocol:


On the 1st photo, they put clean (without snow) tops and a couple of rags, on the 2nd photo they sprinkled them with snow, put things on top, on the 3rd photo, they rolled things in the snow, otherwise it turns out not true.

State of bodies

The first ones found - naked, beaten, bruised and abraded, but the bodies are intact. They either fell under the snow, having died shortly before, or died long ago, but were in the cold. The corpses are in a state of rigor mortis.

Rigor mortis is caused by postmortem chemical processes in muscle tissue and manifests itself in the hardening and stiffness of the muscles of the limbs of the corpse, appears 2-5 hours after death, lasts on average 3-5 days.

Of all the dead, only one Kolmogorov has a typical death-stance of a person who died in the cold, the rigor mortis of the rest clearly did not come here.











From the autopsy report of Krivonischenko:

Where and how was he in underpants without trousers, so much so that the fabric around the hips was charred? Charring could only occur in a different position of the body and not in the place of detection. Why are the pants torn or cut? Who cut, tore, tried to put on or take off clothes? Avalanche? Beasts? An emitter from a flying saucer? Only those who brought him here.

Those found in May - decomposed, therefore, before "finding" they were not under the snow, but were brought from a warm room, where they managed to rot. Time for this car, they were delivered to the pass most likely in April.


The bodies of Dubinina, Kolevatov, Zolotoryov, Thibault-Brignoles in the stream.


Kolevatov, Zolotarev.



Bodies cannot be in such a different state if they died at the same time and were in the same conditions in one place. This fact cancels all versions in which the death of Dyatlovites occurs on February 1-2 in the snow at their location. They had different either the time of death, or the storage conditions of the bodies, or both.


It did not decompose, like other "May" bodies, that is, either it was here, but was held until May, or it was kept in cold conditions, from where it was brought along with Kolevatov, Zolotarev, Dubinina to the moment of "finding", or was alive and killed shortly before delivery to the location. Unlike others, he wore warm trousers and a sweater, a hat, gloves and felt boots.

From the decision to dismiss the case:

After inflicting injuries on people with the subsequent murder, the props, as they were able to dress the corpses, and dressed that did not put on or took off / torn during transportation, were thrown with the rest of the things.

Cadaveric spots also belong to early cadaveric phenomena, they form on the lower parts of the body within 12 hours after death (blood in the vessels flows downward under the influence of gravity), in the first 3-4 hours they can flow when the body is turned over. Moreover, if the corpse was warm after death, the cadaveric spots are pronounced, if in the cold they are pale pink, and do not flow anywhere. After 48 hours, the spots do not undergo any transformations, except for putrefactive changes.

On all bodies, cadaveric spots should be pale pink in the lower parts of the torso in relation to their position when found, provided that people died in the declared place. The positions of the group's bodies were shown in the photo above.

According to the CME acts, cadaveric spots are located on the back surface of the trunk and limbs in all bodies, the color of the spots does not correspond to the general picture of death from hypothermia.

From here we draw an unambiguous and irreversible conclusion: after death for 12 hours, the bodies were in a supine position in a warm room, during this time they had time to dry out, which is confirmed by corneal opacity and Lyarche spots in all the first five. Rigor mortis sank at the same position in which the bodies lay.

The SME expert did not have information in what position the bodies were found. He described what he saw, albeit with fake conclusions (conclusions). None of the group members died of hypothermia (freezing). Vishnevsky spots only confirm the process of hypothermia (lifetime), but do not confirm death from hypothermia.

Injury and injury

The first five bodies did not have pronounced injuries, so they were “found” (ie delivered) first. The rest, most likely, were held back until May and buried to the stream in order to hide, visible to the naked eye, injuries (the decomposed corpses should supposedly lie in the water for a long time).

They only pierced with Slobodin. The mechanism of his injury is an impact flattening of the skull between two hard surfaces (he has massive massive hematomas in both temporal muscles and the skull is flattened from the sides). When falling, it is impossible to get such an injury just by hitting the head from above, lying on something solid (or from the side, on the head pressed against the wall, for example).


Slobolin. Corpse Research Act.

1. Hemorrhages in the temporal muscles with impregnation of soft tissues. 2. Small abrasions of brown-red color. 3. Two scratches of a linear shape under a dry brown crust. 4. Abrasion brown-red. 5. Soft tissues of the tip of the nose under the dry brownish crust, traces of bleeding from the nose. 6. The right half of the face is edematous with many small abrasions, the left - with minor abrasions. 7. Sedimentation of protruding parts of soft tissues. 8. Plot of sedimentation of brown-cherry color. 9. Lips are swollen.

From the autopsy report of Slobodin:

Autopsy reports: Doroshenko, Krivonischenko, Dyatlova, Kolmagorova.

All five in the acts recorded frostbite of the fingers of the 3rd and 4th degrees.

The crimson color of frostbitten hands appears during a person's life, after warming him up, restoring blood flow in frostbitten parts of the body. If the hands (like any part of the body) are frostbitten at the same time as death from the cold, then they will remain white. Wherever the hands were frostbitten, those people whose fingers were blackened, after that they got into a warm place, a room, and remained alive for a time sufficient for the formation of these crimson spots on the hands, swellings, bruises on the body. These spots on the hands, interpreted by the CME expert as frostbite, do not confirm death from cold in the place and time considered by the official and alternative versions, on the contrary, they refute them.

But the color does not necessarily indicate frostbite, it can be squeezing, and burns, and injuries … - the expert is prohibited from facts testifying to death elsewhere.

The acts also describe numerous wounds and abrasions received by people during their lifetime. How? Did you run and hit “rocks, ice, etc.”? In addition, which are not yet available anywhere with the February snow cover. These are the most common traces of beating in their lifetime.

The last four people have injuries incompatible with life, moreover, inflicted with hands and feet quite professionally. The creatures who mocked people were not shy, they understood perfectly well that they would not incur any punishment for this.



Dubinin. Corpse Research Act.

Injuries to the chest - fracture of the II, III, IV, V ribs on the right along the midclavicular and mid-axillary line, fracture of the II, III, IV, V, VI, VII ribs on the left along the midclavicular line (possibly from a jump with legs on the lying body).

1. Soft tissues in the region of the eyebrows, on the bridge of the nose, eye sockets and left temporomandibular region are absent with exposure of the skull bones. 2. Defect of soft tissues measuring 4x4 cm with exposure of the parietal bone. 3. Eyeballs are missing. 4. The cartilage of the nose is flattened. 5. Soft tissues of the upper lip on the right are absent with exposure of the upper jaw edge. 6. Tongue in the mouth is missing. 7. On the outer and anterior surface of the left thigh, in the middle third, there is a spilled bruise of a bluish-purple color in an area 10x5 cm in size, with hemorrhage into the thickness of the skin (not shown in the diagram).

From the autopsy report by Dubinina:

From this it follows that the hyoid bone is broken. This happens only when strangling with hands.



Kolevatov. Corpse Research Act.

1. In the area of the eye sockets and eyebrows, the absence of soft tissues with exposure of the bones of the facial skull. 2. The cartilage of the nose is soft to the touch, of unusual mobility, the base of the nose is flattened. 3. Behind the right ear there is a penetrating wound measuring 3x1.5x0.5 cm. 4. The neck is deformed in the area of the thyroid cartilage. 5. In the area of the left knee joint, on the inner surface, diffuse hemorrhage into the underlying tissues (not shown in the diagram).

From the autopsy report of Kolevatov:

The mechanism of injury is a contusion of the lungs with their edema. Perhaps also a jump with legs, only on the back of the lying person, so the ribs are not broken.



Zolotoryov. Corpse Research Act.

Injuries to the chest - fracture of the II, III, IV, V, VI ribs on the right along the peri-thoracic and mid-axillary line with hemorrhage (possibly from jumping with legs on a lying body).

1. Eyeballs are missing. 2. In the region of the brow ridges and orbits, there is a round-shaped soft tissue defect with exposure of the skull bones. 3. Defect of soft tissues measuring 8x6 cm with exposure of the parietal bone.

From the autopsy report on Zolotarev's corpse:



Thibault. Corpse Research Act.

1. In the area of the right temple, diffuse hemorrhage into the temporal muscle, a depressed fracture of the temporal parietal region, in a 9x7 cm area with a defect in bone tissue and a temporal bone measuring 3x3.5x2 cm (pressed into the cranial cavity). 2. Soft tissue defect of irregular oval shape measuring 3x4 cm with exposure of the alveolar edge of the upper bone. 3. In the area of the right shoulder there is a diffuse bruise measuring 10x12 cm with hemorrhage into the underlying soft tissues.

From the act of the autopsy of Thibault-Brignoles:

Traumatic brain injury from a blow with a blunt object, possibly a butt, since there is no visible damage to the skin above the impact site.


Having dealt with the listed injuries, it makes no sense to stretch the injuries of the others to accidental falls or bruises on stones, ice, and so on.

There are still many details, but these are enough for a conclusion: people were kidnapped, killed and taken to the declared place of death.

There is a number of circumstantial evidence in favor of the fact that Thibault was killed last, he lived until approximately the second half of February (maybe a little longer). Maybe he helped the killers with the first bodies. Unlike the others, he was warmly dressed in a full set of his clothes, before his death he went out of necessity (urine is empty), the stubble on his face grew up to 1 cm (in his hiking photographs it is light, no longer than 1 mm).

Radioactive dust and other

In the case, there is also a physical and technical examination of clothing and parts of corpses, which established a somewhat overestimated content of radioactive substances on individual samples of clothing, which, in turn, has absolutely nothing to do with the murder of members of the Dyatlov group. It was a "normal" background for those years in the Sverdlovsk region. In the Kyshtym ejection, half of the region was covered, in the "official" exclusion zone, back in 1958-59, the top layer of the earth was plowed and buried. Any person and any piece of clothing could contain an elevated background. Krivonischenko, whose sweater went off scale (was on Dubinina), took a direct part in the elimination of the consequences of the Kyshtym accident (as they broadcast on the Internet).

There is also a clipping from the Tagil Worker newspaper about balloons in the sky (witnesses to balloons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) and Skorov's testimonies about these same balloons, added to the case for a heap after it was closed (interrogation from May 1959).


This is generally a tinsel that does not carry any semantic meaning. It is only needed by woodpeckers, in conjunction with expertise, for hanging on their missile / weapon / Martian / etc. version.

Despite the facts given above, on May 28, 1959, the criminal case was dropped for lack of corpus delicti. The imitation of the investigation ended, a lot of rumors were thrown into the society, and in the era of glasnost and perestroika, two carefully preserved volumes of fiction entitled "Criminal case on the death of tourists in the region of Mount Otorten" were issued, which anyone can now buy.

Read the continuation here.

Author: Alexander Beresnev