Slavery We Don't Know About - Alternative View

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Slavery We Don't Know About - Alternative View
Slavery We Don't Know About - Alternative View

Video: Slavery We Don't Know About - Alternative View

Video: Slavery We Don't Know About - Alternative View
Video: 11. Wait for It... | Discover the Word 2024, September

We know expensive and useless goods, but we buy them. Inedible food, unreliable TVs - we don't want to, but we buy. Unworthy deputies - do not agree, but we choose.

We scold advertising on what, but we watch it endlessly. We are disgusted with poor TV shows - but every night we wait for the continuation. We are not hungry - but we are eating.

What is happening to us ?!

How it works

Similarly, we are influenced by the so-called sublimated advertising, one of the most effective technologies in conspiracy theory. There are four main forces governing our behavior - hunger, thirst, the desire to reproduce and the fear of death. This is used by sublimated advertising, which forces us to obey other people's commands. The brain subconsciously perceives these commands through the senses.

All information coming from the outside is controlled by both consciousness and subconsciousness. They act independently of each other, but the subconscious plays the main role in the process. Consciousness can sleep, subconsciousness - never. Consciousness has no access to the subconscious, but the subconscious knows everything that happens in the mind. The consciousness "filters" the received information, comprehending and filtering out everything that goes beyond the understanding. The subconscious mind perceives data at the level of images, without dividing it into truth and falsehood, good and bad, dangerous and safe. Fertile soil for sublimated messages!

Let's take a look at the literature on psychoanalysis: "Sublimation is a drive that is, to one degree or another, switched to a non-sexual goal and is directed to socially significant objects." As practice shows, anything can become such an object.

Promotional video:

Sigmund Freud, who discovered the term sublimation to the world, could not have imagined that his discovery would be used in the dirtiest experiments with the manipulation of human consciousness, the purpose of which is for the sake of profit and power to make people experience an irresistible and unconscious need to act as the invisible puppeteers dictate to them.

“Want sex? Eat popcorn!"

It all began in 1957 when researchers in the field of behavioral motivation seriously decided to take up the practical application of sublimation "drive". It was the first, crude, but harmless and safe experiment: in the cinema, during the demonstration of the film, the 25th frame flashed on the screen - an invisible message: “Are you hungry? Eat popcorn. " The message appeared on the screen about two thousand times - 12 times a minute, each time its duration was one three thousandth of a second. Consciousness could not "digest" this information in such a short time, but the subconscious mind fully perceived it.

The results of the experiment were stunning: at the end of the session, people rushed headlong into the buffet - popcorn sales increased by 70%! People who did not feel hungry were subconsciously influenced, and the effectiveness of such an advertising campaign exceeded all expectations.

The conspirators now have a good tool to control the souls of people! These technologies became known to very few, were kept in the strictest secret, and were sold to advertising agencies for fabulous money.

Since then, a conspiracy called "sublimated advertising" has been gaining momentum. The thirst for easy money drove researchers forward, who continued to enthusiastically deduce the "formula for effective advertising." In 1960-1962, after some more experiments, popcorn sales increased by 85%! Here, the subconscious attraction was created thanks to the basic instinct. “Want some hot sex? Eat popcorn! " - that was the invisible slogan. It caused a sexual arousal that could only be discharged by buying popcorn …

We help you get rich

Firms and enterprises paid huge sums of money to produce effective advertising, after which the sales of the most shoddy goods and unnecessary services increased tenfold, bringing the owners a fantastic income.

Repeated attempts by the media to find out the reason for this success ended in nothing - the conspirators behaved very carefully. And who would dare to suspect anything of a successful advertising agency just because its work was much more effective than the work of other advertising firms?

Sublimated advertising, generating billions of dollars in profits, has turned into the goose that lays the golden eggs. The secret of such advertising was protected in every possible way, moreover, its techniques were successfully developed! The naive experiments of 1957 with the cinema projector have sunk into oblivion, they have been replaced by new technologies.

Late 1960s. Rheostat shooting. Sublimated messages in TV commercials could not leave the subconscious mind indifferent - hidden frames were inserted into a regular video, consisting of message commands and pornographic scenes of the most shocking nature. Do you watch ads in passing? And it doesn't matter - in a split second (!) Your subconscious mind is given an order, and you are forced to obey - to buy this particular toothpaste or juicer. Or a car. In debt, for example …

Late 1970s. Freeze-dried static images. The technique of effective advertising has taken root in magazines and newspapers, affecting the reader's subconscious with a picture. Invisible images of genitals and words-orders were applied to photographs or simple drawings in advertising brochures. It is enough to look at the “ordinary” sublimated photo in the magazine - and your subconscious mind is ready to obey the order!

Choose worthy candidates

Such slogans of election campaigns of all times and peoples are well known to mere mortals. The purpose of the conspirators is to nominate their puppeteer as a candidate for deputies or presidency, turning voters into a "living mass", an obedient herd that cannot live without a driver. But how to get the herd to choose the “right” master from several candidates? Sublimated advertising comes to the rescue. The voters are hardly aware of this, naively trusting the allegedly democratic appeals. Or maybe they don't even want to know …

German and Czech media tried to prove that rheostat shooting and other sublimated advertising technologies are actively used in America and Russia during the elections. However, journalistic investigations have not proved anything - it is not easy and dangerous to compete with the advertising business sharks that help to make the “right choice” …

Foreign for a month

Another equally beneficial use of sublimated advertising.

The tough labor market requires a lot from an applicant for a lucrative position - excellent health, work experience, sociability, learning ability, professional suitability … But the most frequent requirement for applying for a job is knowledge of foreign languages. However, the school is behind, and there is no knowledge. Do not worry! the man from the advertising booklet confidently encourages you. “With our help, you can learn a language in a month!”

And then, as soon as you laid out your money, the same puppeteer enters the stage, pulling the strings of the mysterious subconscious, forcing it to listen and memorize dictated foreign words in the infrasound range. Of course, after a month of such "training" you will remember a lot of foreign words and expressions, but this is not like knowing the language … But the price for "training" will be too high - and not only in monetary terms! The effect of this method on the human body has not been studied and can have irreparable consequences. Infrasound exposure can lead to persistent mental disorders.

The mousetrap awaits new victims

The methods and areas of application of effective advertising that we have listed are only a hundredth of the evil inflicted on humanity by conspirators-sublimators. The goal, they are convinced, justifies the means: the eternal question “how to become the master of the Earth” is solved in an original way - they learned to use sublimated messages for deep constant zombification, creating a command channel in the subconscious of people.

The world community is trying to fight invisible puppeteers, saving humanity from a new kind of slavery. Immediately after the first experiments in 1957, political and public figures in several countries declared that advertising affecting the subconscious was an invasion of the inner world of a person, and proposed a bill prohibiting such advertising.

However, it was never adopted. And it is unlikely to be. Don't you and I care?..

Source: Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" No. 11. Max Galitsky