Maya And Aztecs Communicated With Aliens! - Alternative View

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Maya And Aztecs Communicated With Aliens! - Alternative View
Maya And Aztecs Communicated With Aliens! - Alternative View

Video: Maya And Aztecs Communicated With Aliens! - Alternative View

Video: Maya And Aztecs Communicated With Aliens! - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: MAYAN ARTIFACTS PROVE ALIEN VISITATION (Season 14) | History 2024, September

This is a tombstone from the Temple in Palenque. This settlement was built by the Maya Indians. They also portrayed one of their rulers in a very unusual form. Researchers are confident that this is a rocket or a jet aircraft. For a long time, researchers were laughed at for such statements. And the truth is where the Maya Indians could see the rocket, and even more so know how it works?

In the spring of 2017, the scientific community was shocked by the news that the Mexican government released secret artifacts of the Aztecs and Mayans (they depict creatures similar to people in the cockpits of spaceships, parts of space suits and the spacecraft themselves). What is this if not evidence of contacts with representatives of other worlds? Could the Maya and Aztecs see space guests with their own eyes?

Central Mexico, Jalisco province

For 50 years, a group of researchers in this area has been looking for traces of ancient civilizations. The result of the work is more than 400 artifacts, according to scientists, all of them confirm the contacts of ancient civilizations with guests from outer space.


In the traditions of the Indians of Latin America, depicting everyday life in all its smallest details on stone and ceramic products, and there can be no question of the invention of some lonely dreamer.


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The images that have come down to us were made by different people, which means that representatives of other civilizations lived next to the Indians of Latin America for a long time and the hypothesis that it was the aliens who helped our ancestors to master the crafts and sciences is confirmed.

Modern science is unable to give an answer to the question: how did ancient people manage to create ideal structures that have survived to this day?

Studying the culture of the ancient Indians, scientists conclude that our planet was visited by beings from galaxies very far from each other. The life forms in these galaxies varied significantly.

Researchers are still unable to give an unambiguous answer to the question of the lifespan of alien beings who visited Earth. Only one thing is clear, that we are talking about a period significantly exceeding the boundaries of one human life.

Today, as well as 500 years ago, aliens are observing the process of evolution of earthlings, researchers say. The Lordships to that - a lot of recorded video recordings in the immediate vicinity of the Earth made by the ISS camera, although they prefer not to come into close contact anymore (perhaps the time has not yet come), but the frequency with which they appear somewhere nearby makes you think: and it has not begun preparation for this epoch-making meeting?
