Bloodsport: The Brutal Rules Of Aztec Football! - Alternative View

Bloodsport: The Brutal Rules Of Aztec Football! - Alternative View
Bloodsport: The Brutal Rules Of Aztec Football! - Alternative View

Video: Bloodsport: The Brutal Rules Of Aztec Football! - Alternative View

Video: Bloodsport: The Brutal Rules Of Aztec Football! - Alternative View
Video: Blood Sport Training 2024, September

The building is at least 700 years old. Among the ruins of the stone stands, scientists found rubber balls weighing more than 4 kg each. In addition, during the excavations it turned out that literally the entire territory of the arena is strewn with fragments of human cervical vertebrae. According to scientists, this is evidence that the stadium was the site of mass executions.

According to experts, this stone field was used for ritual ball games, something like today's football, but the rules of the Aztecs were much stricter than modern ones. For a bad game, the ancient footballers were not just booed, but the entire team was ritually executed along with its coach: the players were cut off their heads, and their mentor, in the literal sense of the word, had their hearts ripped out. What is the reason for such cruelty? How would the fate of our team be if the ancient rules were returned at least for the duration of one championship?

According to historians, football has not always been an enjoyable sport. As evidenced by the latest findings of archaeologists, initially this game could have rather cruel rules, and its homeland may not be England (as is commonly believed), but Mexico.


The rules of the game in ritual football were similar to modern ones, only the rubber ball is heavier than the current one and weighed about 4 kg, and instead of the gate, the Indians used a small ring. They carved it out of stone and attached it to the wall. It was much more difficult to get into it than into the modern 7-meter goal, but the ancient football players tried their best, because in case of defeat, the entire team was sacrificed to the gods.

Sometimes, together with the guilty players, captured prisoners were executed. They were wringing their arms and legs behind their backs, literally twisted into a ball and thrown off the steps.

Archaeologists claim that the stadium of the ancient Indians was half the size of the modern field, but hundreds and even thousands of fans came to watch the game.

The site for human sacrifice was located directly on the field. However, the center of this ancient building was a special building - a place where the skulls of sacrificed football players were exhibited.

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If the rules of Aztec football were still in use, then according to the results of the last games, the Russian national team would be guaranteed to lose several players. However, if the Aztec rulers were really in charge, then only those who were lucky enough to sit on the bench would have survived.