Dolmens - "houses Of The Soul" Or Ancient Observatories? - Alternative View

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Dolmens - "houses Of The Soul" Or Ancient Observatories? - Alternative View
Dolmens - "houses Of The Soul" Or Ancient Observatories? - Alternative View

Video: Dolmens - "houses Of The Soul" Or Ancient Observatories? - Alternative View

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Dolmens: These mysterious structures are controversial. Who, when and why built them?

It was noticed long ago: where dolmens are, there is always a special aura. In such places, it is good to meditate, put your thoughts in order, be charged with positive energy, and get rid of negativity.

Ancient buildings made of giant stones are located all over the world. They are also called megaliths (from the Greek words megas - large and lithos - stone). The most famous of them is the English Stonehenge. They are in Europe, Africa, Asia (Korea, Japan, Indonesia, China) and here, in Russia - on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and the Urals.

Dolmens are one of the varieties of megaliths. This word comes from the Breton word tol (table) and men (stone). Indeed, dolmens usually look like huge tables - four stone slabs, placed on an edge and covered with a fifth. The slabs are very heavy and massive. In the front part, as a rule, there is a hole with a diameter of about half a meter, which is closed with a stone plug. Moreover, these plugs were found next to or directly in the hole. It is these dolmens that can be most often seen in the Krasnodar Territory, in the Caucasus.

Less common are dolmens made from a single piece of stone, as well as made of stone blocks that fit perfectly together.

Most of the megaliths were built in the Bronze Age. They began to be erected around the 3rd millennium BC. and used until the end of the so-called dolmen culture in the 1st millennium BC. e. But for what purpose were they built? Riddle.

Great mystery

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The simplest explanation is that dolmens served as tombs in which noble members of society were buried. But as modern research has established, these burials are related to a later era than the time of the construction of the dolmens. In addition, not all megaliths are in the form of a stone box. The same Stonehenge does not look like a burial place at all.

Some believe that the dolmens were the altars of the Druids. Someone assures that they were installed by aliens from other civilizations and endowed with magical powers that can awaken extra abilities in a person, give love or restore health.

According to another, rather widespread version, dolmens are part of a single world structure, a kind of information grid. Their location is not accidental. They are located in places of geologically active faults. Moreover, next to them, soils often float, landslides pass, mudflows sweep, but the dolmens remain untouched.

There are many versions, but there is no exact explanation yet. However, this does not prevent thousands of people from making pilgrimages to dolmens in order to recharge from these ancient buildings with strength, energy and wisdom. Of course, not everyone can visit Stonehenge, but it's much easier to see the dolmens in the Sochi or Gelendzhik area. Moreover, they are no less interesting and mysterious than their famous British counterpart.

Friends of the Sun

In total, there are more than 1000 dolmens on the territory of Adygea and Krasnodar Territory. According to local legend, once, a very long time ago, dwarfs lived here. They were so tiny that they used hares for riding. The dwarfs knew many secrets of nature, but they only lacked physical strength, and they decided to ask the local giants to build houses for them to live in warmth and comfort. The dwarfs designed the houses, called them "spuns", and the giants brought their designs to life. But the dwarfs were so proud of their intelligence that the gods decided to punish them. All sorts of natural disasters hit the ground, and when nature stopped its rampage, it turned out that all the dwarfs died, but the moons remained. Quite an instructive legend!

It is interesting that in Abkhazia, where there are also dolmens, they are called houses of the soul. What an interesting and accurate name! Most of the dolmens of the Caucasus really look like small houses with round holes in the facade and even in some places with stone carvings.

Some regularities are observed in the location of the dolmens of the Caucasus. They are, as a rule, oriented towards the sun, so stone houses were built in open areas - mountain ranges, forest edges, river terraces.


It turns out that the sun's rays were a necessary condition for the life of dolmens. In this regard, one cannot but recall the same Stonehenge. Tourists come here on the days of the winter and summer solstices to see how the rays of the sun, which has reached its zenith, fall exactly between the vertical stones of the largest trilith (this is the name of a stone structure in the shape of the letter "P", consisting of two or more vertical stones and one on top of them). It turns out that those who built dolmens knew astronomy very well.

Dolmens were built on places of power. They are designed to connect man with nature and transfer the energy of the Earth and the Sun. When a lot of negativity accumulates in us, a dolmen can help to dump negative energy and recharge with positivity. The power of the dolmen and its vibrations ignite something new and bright inside a person. Next to these ancient structures, you can feel peace, a surge of strength, harmony and inspiration.

How can I get to

The most interesting dolmens of Bolshoi Gelendzhik are located on Mount Nexis. They are known for their petroglyphs - rock carvings carved by ancient people. The main landmarks for travel: the federal highway M4 and road signs to the village of Svetly and the village of Aderbievka.

On the territory of the Vozrozhdenie village there is a well-preserved health dolmen (Lit.). It can be reached by car or public transport. Ruins of 18 more dolmens can be found 3 km from the Vozrozhdenie village.

Some of the most famous dolmens are located on the banks of the Janet River. They can be visited both with a guided tour and independently. The reference point is the same M4 highway, the Vozrozhdenie village and the bridge: you need to park your car near it and head up the river on foot. The first group of dolmens includes the large Tsarsky dolmen (Year), the Ming dolmen of an unusual round shape, and the Pol dolmen, which is located a little to the side. About a kilometer away there is a small dolmen named Spirit and the ruins of others.

The Pshad dolmens in the area of the Pshada village are no less famous. In particular, on the outskirts of the village, in the area of Kubanskaya Street, there is a dolmen Mother's Heart (another name is Blessing), famous for being entirely carved out of rock.

Ekaterina Andreev
