IPM "AllatRa". Part 2. Brand Of The Opium Of The People - Alternative View

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IPM "AllatRa". Part 2. Brand Of The Opium Of The People - Alternative View
IPM "AllatRa". Part 2. Brand Of The Opium Of The People - Alternative View

Video: IPM "AllatRa". Part 2. Brand Of The Opium Of The People - Alternative View

Video: IPM
Video: Игра профессионалов. Что такое сознание? Фильм 4. Торжество победы дьявола над Богом 2024, September

At the beginning of the article, I would like to express my gratitude to all those who provided me with information on the AllatRa IPM and gave permission to publish it. Friends, thank you for your cooperation and patience with my inquiries.

The first article on this international movement, namely “AllatRa” - a wolf in sheep's clothing”, gave me feedback from its former participants and those whose life will no longer be the same after AllatRa settled in their house.

Let me remind you that in the first part I did the analytics:

Analytics have shown that the movement manipulates people's minds for their own purposes. Inspires them that a good deed for the sake of saving the world is the distribution of books and knowledge of the AllatRa IPM. And in fact, he does not do good deeds (for example, helping people in need).

Also in the first part, I formed a new procedure for the "Algorithm" Project, thanks to which everyone could apply to the appropriate authorities to check the movement for:

This time I have collected even more new material on the AllatRa IPM. Therefore, so that you do not get tired of studying everything at once and the article does not turn out too long, I divided it into parts. Today you are reading the second part of the materials on the AllatRa sect. Soon, I will try to release a third one.

As well as in the first article about the AllatRa IPM, for your convenience I am making a table of contents so that you understand what will be discussed:

I appeal to the leaders of the AllatRa International Movement - there is no place for you on the territory of the Russian Federation and there will never be. Therefore, you can roll up your dull banners and return to where you came from. Those who are already in this movement, I ask you not to be angry at such an appeal - you are under hypnosis and simply do not realize it.

Promotional video:


By the way, this is not a photoshop, but a real billboard. Apparently people are quietly beginning to understand the real essence of the AllatRa IPM.

Ukraine. Nikolaev city. Sadovaya street
Ukraine. Nikolaev city. Sadovaya street

Ukraine. Nikolaev city. Sadovaya street.

Billboards, banners calling for free download of the book by Anastasia Novykh began to actively spread now in our country. And if we do not fight back in time, the AllatRa IPM will swallow up the common sense of our citizens. Especially those strata of the population who are in a difficult psychological and material situation.

Peterhof. March 2019:


Samara. August 2019:


Taganrog. April 2019:


Angarsk. February 2017:


Tyumen. February 2019:


Moscow city. At the entrance to the Khimki district.


Ufa. January 2017


Crimea. July 2019. (watch 01.50) Sexta of AllatRa was fined:

Tikhvin. March 2019 Advertising of the AllatRa IPM in the newspaper:


Porkhov. February 2019 Presentation of books by Anastasia Novykh in the library:


Saint Petersburg. March 2019 Advertising of the AllatRa MOD on the car window (one of the members of the sect in St. Petersburg published this photo on his VK and offered to make such stickers for everyone for 300 rubles):


Saint Petersburg. May 2019 Book Fair. Distribution and sale of books by Anastasia Novykh:


Please note that a larger number of manifestations in advertising of the AllatRa sect on the territory of the Russian Federation are going on in 2019. Apparently, they decided to move on to active promotion in our country.

Also, at the beginning of the article I would like to show you a small selection of posters and memes created by the AllatRa International Movement and distributed by its members on the network. Is it just me or is this propaganda?


I note right away that you will not see the names and surnames in the article. The reason for this is that the participants fear for the well-being of their families. But at the same time, some of them agreed to cooperate with the special. services in the Russian Federation. Because they have actually experienced all the stages of AllatRa's intoxication and want to warn the rest of the citizens of our country.

And now to the point.

18 + Visualization of the structure of the AllatRa IPM

To make it easier for you to understand what the AllatRa IPM is, I decided to visualize their structure. This movement is trying to create around itself the image of a world organization that is aware of true knowledge, but this is not so. In this movement there are completely earthly people with completely earthly interests and those who blindly trusted their skillful lies.

The cards indicate only the position in the hierarchy of the movement in which these people are
The cards indicate only the position in the hierarchy of the movement in which these people are

The cards indicate only the position in the hierarchy of the movement in which these people are.

These are the main characters in the theater of absurdity called the AllatRa IPM. Of course, most likely there is someone else behind them - behind the scenes sponsors. But these guys do the main thing.

Next, I'll tell you a little about each of them.


Kovtunov and Mikhalchuk. If they showed me the photographs below, I would never have guessed in my life that one of these young people carries a heavy burden of righteousness and truth on his strong man's shoulders.

Andrey Kovtunov - director of the AllatRa IPM (you can check it here).

Mikhalchuk Andrey - founder of AllatRa RUS LLC (you can check it here), a team-speaker teacher for women at AllatRa.

Andrey Kovtunov is resting
Andrey Kovtunov is resting

Andrey Kovtunov is resting.

Former participants say the following about Kovtunov and Mikhalchuk:

Mikhalchuk, by the way, is supposed to have about 10 companies. But this information is still being verified. If so, then he is a very, very wealthy person.

Episode of the video from AllatRaTV. The video shows two men, presumably Kovtunov and Mikhalchuk. Former members have recognized the voices of their mentors in the past
Episode of the video from AllatRaTV. The video shows two men, presumably Kovtunov and Mikhalchuk. Former members have recognized the voices of their mentors in the past

Episode of the video from AllatRaTV. The video shows two men, presumably Kovtunov and Mikhalchuk. Former members have recognized the voices of their mentors in the past.

Yes, yes, it didn't seem to you. This is a fragment of a video from the AllatRa IPM channel. Here is a link to the video where the snippet was taken from. The background to this video. Once "AllatRaTV" posted the video "100% love spell" on its channel. It is worth noting that the need for a video of this format is not confirmed by anything, given the format of the channel, but the favorite topic of the organizers of the movement is sex. Notice how long it took the lady (no panties) from the video to iron the toy from the sex shop. (3.45 to 4.50).

You must understand that if the director just wants to indicate the moment of using such an object, the mood of the fragment, etc., then he will spend a maximum of 10-15 seconds of the film, but not 65 seconds. Apparently, just someone likes that porn information is broadcasted to the masses so openly under the guise of a benefactor. It immediately came to mind, and on their daughter channel "Allatrushka" they will talk about "this"? Well, okay, let's return to the heroes of the AllatRa MOD.


Vladimir Shirin. Danilov's childhood friend. In the past he worked in law enforcement agencies. In motion since its inception. According to information from one of the former participants, when Vladimir and Igor (Danilov) chose the path of development, he wanted to become a doctor, but Danilov advised him to go to the police. Well, apparently it happened so.

Former members say that according to Shirin's story, they met like this:

Thus, together they created the AllatRa IPM. I also managed to find out a little about what role Vladimir Shirin plays in the sect, I quote a former participant:

A sort of positive hero.

The most interesting thing about the informant's story is that in the Shirin family, no one except him is an adherent of the sect. Neither daughter nor her mother. And he explained this in such a way that they say "this is for balance and this is their choice, and he has no right to judge them."

But is it?

They said that during one of her visits to the AllatRa school (there will be a part about it in the article), Shirin's daughter came to live and study with my informant. Girl 25-26 years old. It was evident that she was actively interested in everything that happened at the school. She learned to meditate, to keep track of thoughts, BUT when she was alone with her father on the sidelines or in his office, it was visible and audible that he was changing on the topic of "AllatRy" and spoke rudely to her daughter. As if he was trying to shield her so that she would not be drawn in. Interesting, isn't it? Maybe he just knows the true intentions and goals of everything that happens in the school and wanted to protect it? Obviously, no one wants to recruit their own daughter into the followers of the sect.


Igor Danilov. I wrote about it earlier in the first part about AllatRa. But I would like to add what was missed earlier, namely:

- his "modest" pendant of the Templars;

- weapon permit.

Templar pendant. Everyone who is familiar with the subject of the movement knows that it preaches sermons and one of the branches is the debate for the rejection of the "animal" nature of man (including the material side).


And naturally I monitored the AllatRa International Movement and its main participants for material wealth. In all the videos, I noticed that there are wide chains on the necks of Danilov, Mikhalchuk, Kovtunov, and rings with stones on his ring fingers. I thought "well, chains and chains", but I could not even imagine that there would be this:

A fragment from the video "Spirit Knight"
A fragment from the video "Spirit Knight"

A fragment from the video "Spirit Knight".

I do not know about Andreev, but Danilov definitely has this pendant. In the video, the presenter asks him to show the sign and makes the following comment, emphasizing his modesty:


Danilov connects his pendant with the Templars. In general, it is important that you understand that the AllatRa International Movement refers to them as benefactors who, thanks to the Mariev Group, won their victories. I googled, googled, but I could not find official information about the existence of such. According to Danilov, this is a group of women who ascended to heaven for the sacred "Allat" in their orgies and, thanks to this, the Templars won.

Here is a fragment of the transcript of the video "Knight of the Spirit", which deals with Danilov's chest pendant:


I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that Danilov's pendant has an image of the constellation Scorpio. It can be assumed that a person simply has a talisman with his zodiac sign and the symbol of his beloved sect, but then there is no matching immediately - he was born in February and his zodiac sign Pisces. Then maybe with this symbol he indicated the true intention of the organization and himself? After reading a little about the occult meanings of the scorpion, the question arose: "Is the truth on the surface again and no one just notices it?"


Next, I will give you a little of what I have read about this constellation.


Does it seem to me or is there something to think about?

Weapon permit. Thanks to his friends from Ukraine, Danilov has information about the presence of weapons (according to the permit № 630578). So to your attention "HATSAN ESCORT AIMGUARD Smooth-bore Shotgun" / "HATSAN ESCORT AIMGUARD smooth-bore shotgun":


Why does he need it? Apparently "just in case." Or maybe hunt animals? Only the question arises: "But what about the suppression of the" animal "essence in oneself?" Or is the possession of weapons a purely spiritual and creative moment?

Before you move on to the series of interviews, I would like to draw your attention to what I said in the first article on the AllatRa IPM - its key participants create their own powerful egregor, absorbing egregors of other religions and spiritual movements. It's brilliant, isn't it? Based on benefactors, "cheat" people who are in one faith or another and use their good intentions in their own interests, and without paying them a dime for it.

If earlier I avoided the word “sect” next to the AllatRa IPM, now, after the work done on this organization and its analysts, I can safely say that AllatRa is a one hundred percent sect.

According to the characteristics of the sect, each of them has a hierarchy. And thanks to the information collected from the former participants, it became known that it is there. Below I have prepared a visual material for you that will help you understand the structure of the AllatRa sect:


Interview-poll from former participants of the AllatRa International Movement

After the publication of the article "AllatRa" - a wolf in sheep's clothing, several former participants wrote to me, who woke up from hypnosis in time. And this expression is not figurative. The fact is that some of the former members of the AllatRa International Movement turned to psychological help after they realized that they were constantly arriving in an uncontrollable state of fear. Moreover, each psychotherapist confirmed the presence of a psychological disorder, and also discovered the presence of hypnotic "maneuvers" in the videos of the AllatRa IPM:

And, in principle, it is not surprising that the participants experienced this state, because they were constantly “brainwashed” on the topic of climate disasters. They even kept diaries of thoughts and fears.

The fact is that the organizers of the movement, having collected all the data on climatic changes, simply intimidate people with them and use them to supposedly save the world from these phenomena. It is very easy to control the mind of a person who is in a state of stress, fear. And this is one of the classic themes of any sect.

Friends, to make it more comfortable for you to study the materials of interviews with former participants in the movement, I formed them in the format of pictures. First, I attached a picture with my questions for all participants, and then one by one the answers of each of them.

For those who will “boil” and say that this is a “fake”, that “this journalist has made up and invented everything herself”. I, the law enforcement agencies (there was information that they were interested in the AllatRa International Movement) and those who gave this interview - we know for sure that this is true. And most likely, after the victims' statements to the appropriate authorities, the sect will be shut down and this will be the best proof that you were not deceived. And actually - why? By the way, dear current participants - think why should I lie to you? Maybe I don't want to discredit the “good name” of the AllatRa IPM, but just show you what it really is?

So. General questions for all participants:


By the next answers.

Interview-survey with former participant # 1:


Interview poll with former participant # 2:


Interview-survey with former participant # 3:


Interesting, isn't it? Keeping people at bay, psychological pressure, big sponsorship. Draw conclusions, friends.

According to the plan in the article to show you one more interview, but before that I will share with you information from a person who is not a member of the AllatRa International Movement, BUT lives with a person who is in it to this day. What impressed me personally, that in the family they are intimidated by cataclysms, attention …! children!.. For me, this is a complete "paragraph".

Life side by side with a participant of the AllatRa International Movement


Friends, is this normal? Intimidation of children, depression, withdrawal symptoms, spending of family funds on the interests of the AllatRa sixth. Are the listed moments present where there is God, love?

New interview with the former Geliar of the AllatRa sect

Next, you will familiarize yourself with the information that was provided to me categorically on condition of anonymity. I think, "why?" - clearly and so. A person fears for his life and there are good reasons for this, which I was not allowed to voice.


Continuing the new interview with the former Geliar, I would like to tell you a little about one video of AllatRa - Sex and the Spiritual Path:

Let me remind you that the sect preaches a spiritual path of development, though based on the books of someone Anastasia Novykh, who, as it turned out, “in nature” does not exist. Refusal from the material, meditation, detachment from the earthly into heavenly bliss - this is all that the sect sing about and what, in their opinion, every person should think about. They have been broadcasting about this for 6 years on the Internet.

And then suddenly, after 5 years of broadcasting, a video about sex comes out on their channel. That spirituality and sex go side by side.

To the host's question: "Does sex interfere with the spiritual path?" Danilov answers: “Nothing interferes except the system. Sex cannot interfere on the spiritual path."

Then, at 47.00 minutes, he begins his amusing story about the Allat sisters (current level 1 Geliars), who, through sex with each other and subsequently orgasms, brought into the world something that “cannot be described in words” - a source of strength and life. The main goal of the sisters is "To keep the devil in check."

This video aired on March 8, 2019, after 5 years of the channel's existence. Earlier, AllatRaTV did not even think to “talk” about sex. And it came out exactly when the first interview from the former AllatRa Geliar goes online. Do you understand where I am leading? If it were not for this interview, then this lecture about sex would not have taken place.

Danilov and his company decided to play it safe in case the movement participants stumbled upon an interview with a former Geliar and asked questions like: “How so? Is sex and the spiritual path compatible? To which, as an answer, a video has already been created telling about the Allat sisters and their orgies, and that they say “sex and spirituality - live in tandem”.

According to the latest information, the Geliars now have their own home, where they live, have a salary and expensive cars. There are already a lot of them - at least 3 groups of 12 people each

Draw conclusions, friends. Everything has cause and effect.

By the way, it turned out that the Geliars have their own anthem. You can listen to it here:

Fragment of the video with the anthem from AllatraTV
Fragment of the video with the anthem from AllatraTV

Fragment of the video with the anthem from AllatraTV

At the beginning of the article, we have already figured out who is who in the AllatRa International Movement and what is the structure of this movement. Now let's talk about the "humble abode" of this sect.

The main office of the AllatRa IPM or aerobatics sectarian base

If you think that the sect is huddling in apartments, chastely telling about God, then you are deeply mistaken. While you (an appeal to the current members of the sect) meditate and stifle the "animal essence and consciousness" in yourself, these guys live well and are not particularly worried about your material well-being. And in principle, why do you need it? After all, this is evil.

The main office is located at Sofia Borshagivka, Vesnyana 6


The coat of arms over the main entrance looks like the letters ATO, maybe one of the readers knows what it is:


This is how the building looks inside (video and screenshots from AllatRaTV):

The humble abode of "Good".


A cozy private house with its own gazebo during the arrangement of which, the owner most likely resorted to the services of a designer. He did not skimp on natural wood furniture and, apparently, on high-quality building materials. It is here that AllatRaTV records its videos using high-quality equipment and good lighting. And in its basement it stores the "scientific" project "Pyramid", which I will write about in the third part of the series of articles about "AllatRa". To the question: "Who is the house registered for?" - I cannot give you an answer yet. According to the information from the former participants, a kind person gave the house for the AllatRa IPM for use.

And it’s very interesting for what purpose the main office of the AllatRa IPM is proud of this:


Have the Heavenly Hundred heard about this? If not, read it online. Why is there such a memorial in this building? Or maybe the former owner of the house forgot to pick it up?

There is one more interesting information connected with this building - the premises which are owned by I. M. Danilova is located just 15 minutes from the house of this kind person. Coincidence? The address of Danilov's property according to the information of friends from Ukraine:



Goloseevsky district, by the way, where Danilov's property is located, is very prestigious. Here is a brief description:


Further, knowing the address of Danilov's clinic, I decided to analyze the route from these two addresses to it:

- 15 minutes by car from Danilov's property;

- 15 minutes by car from the main office.

Friends, Kiev in Ukraine is like our Moscow. The fact that the three addresses are next to each other and associated with the same person cannot be a coincidence. It's just so convenient for him - when everything is "close at hand".

A total of three addresses associated with I. M. Danilov:

School of IPM "AllatRa"

In addition to the office, from which AllatRa conducts its main activity of brainwashing people, the movement also has a unique school for adults, located in a three-story mansion. Apparently, too, "a kind person" gave it for use. There you will be taught to meditate, to distinguish which thoughts in your head are from Satan, and which are yours, to keep a diary of thoughts, etc. For myself, I labeled this training as: "Recruitment at own expense. " I'll explain why next.

Address: Ukraine, Petropavlovskaya Borshagovka, Borshagovskaya street, house 11


On its subsidiary AllatRa website - Crowdfunding by conscience (the projects of which I analyzed in the first part of articles on this sect), there was only one in the projects tab “improvement” and it dealt precisely with the topic of the improvement of this school.


The course is 1 month. You go there with your suitcase for this period and live according to the schedule of this school. And, of course, tuition is paid. The cost of the course per person is 7,700 hryvnia, which is about 20,000 rubles per person (cost in January 2019). The school is attended by 30 people at the same time. Doesn't fit anymore, limited number of beds. Let's calculate the monthly profit in rubles:

RUB 20,000 * 30 people = RUB 600,000

The school is open 12 months a year. Total profit for the year:

RUB 600,000 * 12 = 7,200,000 rubles

And now attention - the participants pay into the hands of Vladimir Shirin. To that very best friend of Danilov. No payments through the bank, no reporting. After deducting utility bills for the house, I think the amount of 500,000 rubles is a good salary.

Is this a benefactor? It's just a business parasitizing on the desire of people to become better and thereby help change the world for the better.

And who is the potential client of such a school? It is true - those who have joined the sect and wish to be trained and can, if they are lucky, become a Geliar and save the world.

In this situation, I feel most sorry for those people who, with the kindest thoughts and intentions, go there, pay money and dream of a bright future for the whole world.

Thanks to the former participants, we managed to get some visual information about what was happening in it. Then I will post one by one and comment.

This is a banner that hangs in the school so that students do not forget what to strive for.


Studying it becomes creepy. The point is that a person is both a "body" and the so-called "consciousness" and "personality". Three in one, but in a sect deliberately separate one component of a single "organism". Thus, a mental disorder is obtained, especially for those who are predisposed to such problems. A person should not perceive the urges of his body as a "lie" and even more so his "consciousness" as an enemy.

About consciousness. Absolute substitution of concepts. Consciousness in general has nothing to do with anger, condemnation of others around in their troubles, refusal of responsibility, etc. what this poster says. The person who compiled the table clearly does not understand what he is writing or, on the contrary, realizes and deliberately misleads.

A photo at the school from former participants of the AllatRa International Movement - a daily routine and a recommendation for the kitchen attendant.


My attention was attracted by the five rules of balanced nutrition, written by Danilov and a certain Naboichenko, placed in the school. Written there - "kindergarten". Sorry. This is how the saying goes, "And the hedgehog understands." But my attention was attracted by a magnet with the flag of Turkey holding this leaf. A kind of another echo of the special attention in the sect to Islam. In the first part of a series of articles about the AllatRa IPM, I emphasized this.


And this is how the arrival of beginners looks like. Judging by the tags, someone even had to fly planes to this school.


And here is one of the points of "learning":

By the way, about the practical lessons at school. These are meditations that, for a person with the makings of a mental disorder, can have an irreversible and destructive effect. There are already repeated cases where participants who quit these meditations experienced real withdrawal. Also, from the practical actions of the sect, the project "Pyramid" is dangerous. I will tell about it in the third article on the AllatRa IPM. One man's wife generally jumped into the river from a bridge with two small children. Presumably after participating in this project. He had a direct impact on her act or indirectly - the consequence did not give an answer, but the fact that the sixth had a destructive effect on her psyche is a fact.

Caution! Meditations from AllatRa can cost you your life. A woman with two children jumped from a bridge into a river

The husband of the woman, member of the AllatRa International Movement, agreed to tell his story about how the sect influenced their lives. I will not write long introductions. Just read this carefully.


This was hardly told to the participants who are in the sect to this day.

By the way, meditations were held in Skype groups. Groups of 400 people. And it was in the AllatRA IPM that the woman was advised to keep a diary and communicate with herself. You know what this has led to.

And here is how the media described the situation. Despite the fact that the husband of this woman spoke about his wife's connection with the AllatRa International Movement, there is not a word about the sect in the article.

But the article indicates that the woman was looking for salvation through reading books, in which she just learned about cleansing through water. But actually the books that the woman studied, the photo was sent by her husband:


Also, a terrible incident took place in Belarus - a young man, Aleksey, a member of the AllatRa IPM sect, hanged himself. Before his death, he left these notes:


I never managed to find the sister of the deceased and fix her permission to publish the records, but if you, Julia, are reading this article, please contact me.

The true story of Liza Shilkova or "Was there slavery?"

For those who hear about AllatRa for the first time, and even more so about Liza Shilkova, I will explain. This girl, an AllatRA participant, the main heroine of the AllatRaTV video, who talks about how her father and husband humiliated her:

Below is a quote from the description for this video on the sect's channel:

On the Internet, especially on the AllatRA websites, people write words of gratitude to this girl and encourage her. And speaking for what? Did they somehow check her words? Did you communicate with her parents, spouse? Have you seen the documentary recording of the beatings?

They just watched the video, “fell in love” with the history and atmosphere of “slavery” that those who created this content thought so well. Lisa's robe, her hair is innocence itself. She speaks fearfully, carefully, swaying, pauses - everything suggests that the girl still remembers the horror that her husband Roman brought to her. And how, in principle, it was possible to love this "tyrant". And how will she then explain this video:

But what about these photos? Fake? The couple is seen to be happy:


The question arises - was everything exactly as Lisa says? I talked to a person who was personally acquainted with her even before her speech about slavery, was a friend, and also studied with her at the AllatRa school.

Here is the story of this man:


There are many questions in this story. And I listened to the "confession of the Roman":, about which this person speaks, I can conclude that most likely the fact that before that he was thoroughly "processed". One feels that the person is not saying what he really thinks.

In my opinion, the AllatRa International Movement is once again "hyping" on a hot topic. Please note that today the topic of domestic violence is more relevant than ever. The sect just needs to be in trend. Now they have videos about climate threats, now about slavery, now the reptilians are in their ranks. Well, the assumptions of Liza's close friend that she was pulled over to the side of the sect in order to avoid the loss of most of the adherents and the destruction of the AllatRa IPM in particular is a reality.

Caution. Event from the AllatRa IPM 09.05.2020 "Society. The last chance"

What is the event “Society. The last chance ?

His description on AllatRaTV says:

This is the main thing from this description - the ability to collect a huge number of people at one time in different places on the planet. Main broadcasting site in Atlanta, Georgia (USA). The first event of this scale was held on May 11, 2019. The next second and possibly final should take place on May 9, 2020.


For those who have not read my first part on the AllatRa IPM, I will say that the analysis of IP addresses and domain names of the AllatRa IPM sites showed that they all cease to be valid after the event. And this is regardless of what year they were created. That is, if the creation date for everyone was the same, then the end date is the same or at about the same time - it would be logical. By the way, the website of the clinic I. M. Danilov is located on the same servers as the sites of the AllatRA MOD. Analytics also showed that servers of American origin: SOFIA and LUKE

Clinic I. M. Danilov
Clinic I. M. Danilov

Clinic I. M. Danilov.

The site of the AllatRA Global Partnership Agreement
The site of the AllatRA Global Partnership Agreement

The site of the AllatRA Global Partnership Agreement.

Site "ALLATRA - Crowdfunding by Conscience"
Site "ALLATRA - Crowdfunding by Conscience"

Site "ALLATRA - Crowdfunding by Conscience".

The only thing that I cannot yet explain is why only the site of this particular event “Society. Last Chance »domain expiration date 2021, one year after the event:

Site of the AllatRA IPM project - "Society. The last chance"
Site of the AllatRA IPM project - "Society. The last chance"

Site of the AllatRA IPM project - "Society. The last chance".

Perhaps some of you dear readers will prompt me or express their thoughts on this matter. Thank you in advance.

So, what am I leading all this to, but to the fact that the history of mankind has repeatedly faced massive suicides in sects and mainly in anticipation of the end of the world, which did not come, but people died. Few people know, but former members who have been in the sect since its inception told me that in 2012 Danilov was preparing everyone for the end of the world. Yes, yes, and if we take into account the main tendency of the sect today, namely, tracking all natural disasters and fighting them through orgasms of heliars, then the likelihood that he is preparing today's adepts for the "last chance" is more than likely. Here's what they told me:

If Danilov previously gathered adherents by intimidating about the end of the world, then now nothing has changed and absolutely the same thing is happening, but only at a more technological level. Hear his talks on climate disasters. He escalates the situation around this issue and keeps people in fear, and they do not even realize it. They do not understand that they are buying up all these books, they are distributing them only for fear that the world will perish. And what, no matter how fear, unites people so strongly?

I am worried that, as the unconditional head of the sect, whose opinion is not subject to criticism, one day, for example, he may call everyone to go to heaven for “Allat”, or look for him at the bottom of some river. I am exaggerating, of course, but the essence is clear to you. Where are the guarantees that on May 9, 2020, thanks to the Internet, the installation for these actions will not work? Indeed, in fact, this is an ingenious solution for massive impact on the consciousness of people.

And here is the US presidential candidate himself at the first event “Society. Last Chance - Robbie Wells:


And this he speaks with the main provisions of his election campaign:


But what about the fact that the AllatRa IPM is outside of politics? So maybe their position is just another lie?


By the way, Robbie also does not disdain the fact of veiled intimidation of people by natural disasters:

And it seems that he outlined good goals "ala, we will save the world together," but before that he thoroughly intimidated him with death, and then, as it were, any psyche would work on self-defense: “So, what should be done there to be saved? And, unite through the AllatRa International Movement and then I am in the comfort and safety zone. Ok guys, I'm with you."

Pay attention to the video at the first event “Society. Last chance”how everything is organized beautifully, in what rooms, with what equipment. Where does the funding come from?

Let's try to answer this question using the example of the AllatRa department in my native St. Petersburg.

IPM "AllatRa" St. Petersburg. Financing at the expense of Termokarniz LLC

Each squad has its own leader. And as a rule, these are far from poor people who for some reason are ready to invest in the AllatRa sect.


And in St. Petersburg, for example, one of these even participates in state purchases and wins. Meet the businessman and the main person in the AllatRa IPM in St. Petersburg: Sergey Valerievich Cheklin.

Sergey Valerievich is not only the chief coordinator of the AllatRa IPM in St. Petersburg, but also a businessman. He is the director of 4 companies, the founder of three. Here is the data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities:


One of the firms, namely Termokarniz LLC (is engaged in the provision of a range of services for preparing the roof for the winter period) openly speaks about its connection with the AllatRa IPM:


But what is most interesting is that it is this company out of four that participates in government procurement. Moreover, he has won them for two years in a row, starting in 2017, and the contract amounts are not small:


And keep in mind that this is not the only income of Sergei Cheklin, which helps to organize and disseminate AllatRa information. In addition to LLC "Termokarniz", he has 3 more companies.

The analysis of their activities showed that these are subsidiaries in relation to LLC "Termokarniz" firms, since they provide the same services. Just different legal entities of the same type of work.

By the way, NPK Ruslo LLC also participated in the state. purchases, but until 2017. As far as I understand, it was replaced by Termokarniz LLC. The services are the same as the customers.


In his interview, he says that "We do everything exclusively at our own expense." Well, as you understand, there are funds.

In our World, alas, those who have money and power "decide". Now imagine that such wealthy people are united all over the world in the interests of the AllatRa International Movement. "Today" they distribute books, and "tomorrow" they will tell the adepts to start a revolution, for example. And, do you think any of the participants will be against it? No, because everything is for the good.


The AllatRa IPM took on the children. St. Petersburg

Children are sacred. And when the child is told this (photo below), then there is a high probability that a small person may develop a mental disorder:


What is this anyway? And this is the teaching of the AllatRa IPM, in which the whole consciousness is divided into essences, which you see above. Would you like to teach your child this?


And here is one of the drawings of a child who is being taught the "knowledge" of the AllatRa book:


This is a person, his soul surrounded by small AllatRa symbols. The woman was sincerely pleased with the drawing of her child. I put it on the social network.

And this is an AllatRa lesson at school. I wonder if your parents know?


And this is the introduction of children to the sect at the book fair.


Children are sacred. And to encroach on their pure consciousness is evil in its purest form.


In my opinion, the AllatRa IPM is the coolest marketing company in the world. Acting very carefully, deliberately. The more I immerse myself in the study of its mechanisms, the more I want to attribute it to Scientology.

For those who do not know what it is:

And here's another little definition:

I am sincerely sorry for those who got there. I'm sure the participants are purely well-intentioned, but they don't realize that they are a tool in someone's unclean hands.

If I had the opportunity to go directly to the management, I would say:

"For abuse of human trust, sooner or later you can end up in prison."

And what's scary is that Danilov, for example, most likely sincerely believes in what he is doing. I spoke with one psychologist and he, after watching videos with him, said that Igor Mikhailovich had schizophrenia on his face.


Monument during life. I never understood why they were doing it. But perhaps I. M. Danilo could answer me this question.

Once, in the AllatRa IPM, it was decided to make an interesting monument. Archangel Gabriel and Virgin Mary. Well, what can you say so amusing? Take a close look at the face of the archangel. Doesn't it remind anyone?


And so?


This funny story was told to me by a former member of the AllatRa International Movement. An order was made for this girl (AllatRy participant) to render a model of the monument:


She draws just amazing. She made a good layout, but there was a problem - in it, the Virgin Mary's face was very similar to the face of this artist. To which Galina Yablochkina sent the girl to redo the layout and in the end it turned out what you saw above.


As several former participants told me, if you want to know what Galina Yablochkina looks like, look at the Virgin Mary next to the Archangel. Poured out. It turned out that the layout was sent for revision because Galina wanted to see herself next to Danilov. In orgies - the main ones, and on the monument, if you please, too. Now you, dear friends, know how it looks.


All the best, friends. Be curious. And do not let common sense leave you.

Author: Alena Namlieva
