"White Terror" - Alternative View

"White Terror" - Alternative View
"White Terror" - Alternative View

Video: "White Terror" - Alternative View

Video: Ten Minute History - The Russian Revolution (Short Documentary) 2024, July

The First World War unleashed by the Anglo-Saxons pursued certain goals. So, for example, the United States proceeded from the fact that the regions that were part of the sphere of Russian interests during the First World War, after its collapse, turned into a zone of American expansion. I didn't want to do this with my own hands, and for this the Czechoslovak army became a punitive shock, as part of the troops of the Anglo-American coalition and subordinated to the American General Grevs personally, i.e. the Czechoslovak Foreign Legion was part of the American army. They were called the White Czechs, because in the expansion of Siberia, they relied on the White movement, which was headed by Kolchak. The White Guard Admiral, the United States, together with American troops through San Francisco, was delivered to Vladivostok. Kolchak was a blind executor of the will of the allies and was completely under their influence,and therefore the unleashed "White Terror" against the Bolsheviks became simply genocide for all the peoples of Siberia, Primorye and the Far East. The last American soldier left Siberia on April 1, 1920. During their 19-month stay in Russia, the Americans lost only 200 soldiers in the Far East, and Russia lost millions of killed.


In the Northern War, American soldiers came under British command and here's why. Today we already know what role Great Britain played in Russia during the transition period between the February and October revolutions of 1917, under Kerensky's Provisional Government. And how she wanted to involve the Russian government in the war, whatever it may be. Winston Churchill, then British Secretary of War, was able to convince US President Woodrow Wilson of the need to send soldiers to perform various tasks, the main one of which was to guard the warehouses of military equipment set by the Allies during the First World War, even before the October Revolution. The second task was to overthrow the Bolshevik government. The third task was to support the Czechoslovak corps, which fought on the side of the Russian army in the First World War,and then opposed the Russian government, formed in November 1917.

And it is the third reason, namely the support of the Czechoslovak corps, which is the most plausible explanation for the participation of American soldiers in those events, they were interested in overthrowing the Russian government with someone else's hands and dividing territories and resources. This is the main reason for US involvement.


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As for the White Army, the peoples of Siberia did not support them. The White Guards, together with the Entente, committed lawlessness in Siberia and the Far East under the guise of "white terror". Of course, the size of the “red terror” was completely incomparable with the white, and it was mainly of a reciprocal nature. Even General William Sidney Greves, the commander of the 10,000 American corps in Siberia, admitted this, but the Red Terror, despite all its horror, turned out to be closer and dearer, from which in some cases the civilian population sought protection from the interventionists from the Red Army. The example of Admiral Kolchak, who surrounded himself with former tsarist officials and sold himself to the Entente, is indicative. But since the peasants did not want to take up arms and sacrifice their lives for the sake of returning these people to power, they were beaten, flogged with whips and killed in cold blood in thousands, and those whowho began to fight against Kolchak, the people called "Bolsheviks". In Siberia, the word "Bolshevik" began to mean a person who neither word nor deed supports the return to power in Russia of representatives of the autocracy, and the Bolshevik and the commissar became different concepts for the people.


At the end of August 1918, in Japan, there was a meeting between British General Knox and Admiral Kolchak, who by this time had already been recruited into the service of the British.

“I,” wrote Kolchak, “went to the British ambassador, Sir Green, and asked to convey to the British government that I cannot recognize peace and ask me to be used for war as you please and anywhere…”. This meeting was fateful and, as a result, Kolchak agreed to recreate the Russian army in Siberia, and later he would lead the White movement. On November 7, 1918, he took over as Minister of War and Naval Minister of the Provisional All-Russian Government (Directory). Knox recommended Kolchak to the English government:

“There is no doubt that he (Kolchak) is the best Russian for the implementation of our goals in the Far East” …

Military uniforms for the mobilized Russian White Army, for the most part, were provided by the British. General Knox said Britain had supplied one hundred thousand kits to Kolchak's forces. This is partly confirmed by the number of Red Army soldiers wearing British uniforms. The fact that the Reds are wearing British uniforms disgusted General Knox that he is said to have later said that Britain should not supply Kolchak with anything, for everything supplied ends up with the Bolsheviks. Generally speaking, Red Army soldiers in British uniforms were the same soldiers who were given these uniforms while they were in Kolchak's army. It's just that a significant part of these soldiers was not inclined to fight for Kolchak.

The methods used by the Kolchakites to mobilize the Siberians caused anger that is difficult to calm. They went to the service, embittered by fear, not of the enemy, but of their own troops. As a result, after issuing weapons and uniforms, they deserted to the Bolsheviks in regiments, battalions and one by one. The red "club" looked more familiar than the white one, which entered into a criminal conspiracy with the interventionists.

What a blessing that our revolutionary great-grandfathers resisted, did not surrender and won, did not allow the victory of the Entente and the Whites in the Civil War and this notorious admiral, in particular.


Kolchak was a blind executor of the will of the allies and was completely under their influence, the white movement of Russia was unlucky with such a leader. Kolchak had in his hands a significant part of the gold reserve of the Russian Empire, and with all this he was unable to properly plan and organize his government and his actions.

The invaders swirled around him, did not miss their Western advisers, representatives and contractors. As a result, for everything that Kolchak received from the allies, he paid exorbitant prices. The Entente's voluntary aid to the white armies is a fairy tale. In any case, in relation to the Siberian army of Kolchak, for each delivered cartridge, for each rifle, for each greatcoat, everything was paid for with Russian gold. And not just paid, but overpaid many times over. In general, the armament and supply of Kolchak's army turned into an excellent commercial operation for the Entente.


The stupid waste of gold, ultimately disintegrated his army, turned his saving mission into a "white terror", where in the end, following the lead of the allies-interventionists, they began to destroy the civilian population. The British mission was, of course, the most fiercely opposed to Soviet power. She had her own counterintelligence, her agents dived in Omsk and other parts of Siberia. There, in Omsk, was the headquarters of the Czech counterintelligence, in Novosibirsk - the Polish one. The French and Italian counterintelligence services had their own headquarters. It should be noted that initially in government circles, upon the arrival of the allied missions, the question was only about disinterested assistance to the White movement in the fight against the Bolsheviks. But then everyone saw that in the future this help would also have to pay off with the full exploitation of Russia's wealth. Let's go talkingthat the debts of Russia for the imperialist war and the aid provided will subsequently be reimbursed by the government that will be created. And the deliveries were significant. Kolchak's detachments had English and Japanese rifles and heavy guns. Machine guns - Japanese, American, French, Vikners and Colt, Santien and Lewis, Shosh rapid-fire weapons. All outer clothing and overcoats are English and partly Japanese. From there came a large amount of cloth, from which greatcoats were made. Frenchies and harem pants, blankets and equipment, boots and windings - everything was English or Japanese. During his reign, Kolchak received:Machine guns - Japanese, American, French, Vikners and Colt, Santien and Lewis, Shosh rapid-fire weapons. All outer clothing and overcoats are English and partly Japanese. From there came a large amount of cloth, from which greatcoats were made. Frenchies and harem pants, blankets and equipment, boots and windings - everything was English or Japanese. During his reign, Kolchak received:Machine guns - Japanese, American, French, Vikners and Colt, Santien and Lewis, Shosh rapid-fire weapons. All outer clothing and overcoats are English and partly Japanese. From there came a large amount of cloth, from which greatcoats were made. Frenchies and harem pants, blankets and equipment, boots and windings - everything was English or Japanese. During his reign, Kolchak received:

England supplied Kolchak with 2,000 machine guns and 500,000,000 million rounds of ammunition.

The United States sent 600,000 rifles, hundreds of guns and thousands of machine guns.

France handed over 30 aircraft, more than 200 hundred vehicles.

Japan - 700,000 rifles, 30 guns and 100 machine guns.

Also, in total, over 200 thousand sets of uniforms were delivered.

In exchange, the British received 2,883 pounds of gold from Kolchak. For the French - 1225 pounds of gold. The Japanese - 2,672 pounds of gold. At the prices that were in force at that time, this was an exorbitantly expensive payment, and for this waste of gold, he, as the Supreme Ruler of Siberia, was imprisoned on "interest" on loans granted.

In his book American Adventure in Siberia, General Graves, the commander of the American Expeditionary Force, wrote about Kolchak's army: "Atrocities were of such a nature that they will undoubtedly be remembered and retold among the Russian people 50 years after their accomplishment."

Almost 100 years have passed, but the atrocities of the Kolchakites are still not forgotten. Throughout Siberia, there are hundreds of monuments to the victims of Kolchak's people, opposite one - to Kolchak himself in Omsk.


Foreign missions set conditions for Kolchak: they will distribute property and exercise control themselves. In general, it all boiled down to ensuring that the Entente had the opportunity to lead all issues. For example, the British Mission provided its cadres of teachers to train officers and non-commissioned officers. There were also special armed detachments, for example, one consisted of representatives of the British dominions - Canadian, under the English flag, up to a battalion in size. There were Italian units in Vladivostok. To this it must be added that the armored units, armored vehicles were controlled by British officers and soldiers. British General Knox supervised the training of officers and non-commissioned officers. Apparently, foreigners felt themselves masters in Siberia. Some were directly involved in the hostilities. In particular, Romanian,Italian, Serbian and Czechoslovak units. The center of concentration of Polish troops was located in Novosibirsk, and they took part in suppressing the uprising in Eastern Siberia. The railway was completely controlled by foreigners. If foreigners killed Russian officers in civil strife, then Kolchak gave an answer to this: “We must treat the antics of foreigners more gently, because they are our allies,” and therefore the Russians had to endure all the humiliations in their address.how they are allies to us”, and therefore the Russians had to endure all the humiliations in their address.how they are allies to us”, and therefore the Russians had to endure all the humiliations in their address.

Kolchak himself, of course, was dissatisfied with such actions of the allies: “One hundred thousand allied troops are in Siberia. They came, it would seem, to help me, but they are complacent in the rear. Poles are in Novonikolaevsk, Italians are crowded in Krasnoyarsk, Americans are admiring Lake Baikal, Czechs are on the trains from Ob to Angara. Allies guard us from behind, but no one is guarding us from the front … "(from the book" Red and White ").


But let's remember, because it was he, the Supreme Ruler, who sent the ataman Annenkov to suppress the inhabitants of the Slavgorod district who had rebelled against the White Guard oppression. It was Kolchak who encouraged the chieftain for the massacre of unarmed men and granted him the rank of general for this. For us, frankly, the only innocently ruined life of a simple Russian farmer, child, old woman is dearer than all the admiral's merits of Kolchak and the military distinctions of the self-styled chieftain Annenkov. Therefore, there is no popular forgiveness for them.


Ataman Annenkov's atrocities in 1917-1921 - by no means an invention of Soviet propaganda, white memoirists also testify to this. In total, more than 85 thousand inhabitants of the Urals and Siberia were destroyed by the Anenkovo Cossacks alone. They had no equal in cruelty. Many women and teenage girls were subjected to violence, after which they were bullied and hacked with checkers. The executioner, the sadist and the same scumbags he picked up to his detachment. Among them were simply sadists, and they controlled this chaos from the headquarters of Kolchak, while the Supreme Ruler himself was influenced by foreigners.


This is how it was. In September 1918, the peasants of the Slavgorod district of the Omsk province, outraged by the outrages and mockery of the civilian population perpetrated by the white officers, decided to clear the city of them. An uprising was raised under the leadership of a Bolshevik organization located in Cherny Dol. A few hours later, Slavgorod was freed from the Whites, a district peasant congress was assembled in the city, which was attended by over 400 delegates from all the surrounding places. As soon as news of the uprising reached Omsk, the Provisional Government issued an order to Minister of War Ivanov-Rinov to immediately cleanse Slavgorod and the district "from the Bolshevik bands". The liquidation of the uprising was entrusted to "the most militant and disciplined Colonel Annenkov."


Anticipating reprisals, the townspeople began to flee to the steppe. But the delegates to the congress, being sure that no one would dare to deal with the people's deputies, gathered in the People's House in order to be aware of the impending events, and, if necessary, to take measures to protect the revolutionary government. They elected an operational Revolutionary Military Headquarters, which began organizing the defense of the city against the whites. However, they did not have time to carry out the necessary measures, Annenkov's offensive caught them by surprise. The city was occupied without a fight. The delegates' expectations of immunity did not materialize. They were arrested, and then Annenkov ordered to chop everyone up in the square opposite the People's House, to bury them in a hole here, which was done. In the following days, the Annenkovs shot and hacked all suspicious ones. The village of Black Dol, where the Bolshevik headquarters was located,burned to the ground. The peasants, their wives and even children were shot, beaten and hung on poles. Young girls from the city and from nearby villages were brought to the Annenkov train stationed at the Slavgorod station, raped, then dragged out of the carriages and immediately shot. At the same time, on each carriage the slogan "God is with us" flaunted. This slogan was used by the Entente in the First World War and in the Second World War, the Nazis had the same, so that the conductors are the same. This slogan was used by the Entente in the First World War and in the Second World War, the Nazis had the same, so that the conductors are the same. This slogan was used by the Entente in the First World War and in the Second World War, the Nazis had the same, so that the conductors are the same.


In the villages of Pavlovka, Tolkunovo, Podsosnovka and others, from the early morning, mass flogging of men and women of different ages was carried out, then many were shot or chopped with sabers, subjected to sophisticated abuse. Having liquidated Soviet power, Annenkov set about organizing a "new order": he abolished all volost, zemstvo and village committees, instead of which he began to establish the institutions of foremen and elders. All peasants, under threat of execution, every fifth had to make an indemnity. Thus, he managed to collect a lot of valuables and money. After the executions, Annenkov sent a report to Omsk about the fulfillment of the task entrusted to him. In it, he did not fail to mention that the Slavgorod district not only recognized the authority of the Omsk government, but also gave several thousand volunteers. At the same time, he applied for the registration of the volunteer division and giving it his name. Having received such favorable news, Minister of War Ivanov-Rinov granted all of Annenkov's requests.

In June 1919, by order of Annenkov, Lieutenant Pillo was brought to trial, who was charged with unsubstantiated charges of involvement in a secret criminal organization that allegedly directed its activities to decompose the Cossack division. However, the court acquitted Pillo. Dissatisfied with this turn of affairs, Annenkov issued a special order. Here it is: “Order of the partisan division of Ataman Annenkov No. 1544 July 1919 p. Uch-Aral, “I approve” the verdict of Pillo. As an impostor and a Jew who disgraced the uniform of a Russian officer, who disgraced the Cross of St. George and entered the division with the aim of corrupting the partisans - to hang … Ataman Annenkov. Everything was explained by the personal hostility of the chieftain to Pillo's Jewish origin. By the way, this hostility is also documented. The division order of May 9, 1919 Mo 98 read:“I forbid unit commanders to hire soldiers of Jewish origin. I will dismiss the guilty from their posts, as not corresponding to their appointment. Ataman of the division, Colonel Annenkov. These were Annenkov's ideas about legality.


But if people like Annenkov were against the Jews, others, on the contrary, collected them under their own banner. For example, a separate Jewish hundred fought at the White Guard Ataman Semyonov in the Far East. It was called the "Jewish Hundred". And after the defeat of Semyonov and the retreat of his troops to China, the Jews continued to take part in anti-communist activities from the territory of this Asian state. Thus, V. S. Slutsky, an officer of the Semyonov troops, remained under the ataman Semyonov after the disbandment of the Jewish company that had existed for a short time in Chita.

And the Bolshevik Jews mercilessly fought against the bourgeois elements - Zionist Jews and religious Jews, prohibited the study of Hebrew and the Torah, closed synagogues and confiscated property from the Jewish bourgeoisie, so the actions of the Bolsheviks could not arouse a feeling of approval in religious Jewry. Oleg Budnitsky, one of the leading specialists in Russian history, writes about these circumstances: “Jews supported the white movement financially as well. For example, one of the leaders of Rostov Jews, businessman Abram Samoilovich Alperin, handed the ataman of the Don Cossacks, General Alexei Kaledin, 800 thousand rubles to form Cossack partisan detachments. And then he himself served for some time as the head of the propaganda department in one of these detachments. In his propaganda activities, Alperin put forward a slogan that was especially popular:"It is better to save Russia with the Cossacks than to lose it with the Bolsheviks." But who knew that Kolchak would turn out to be a convinced Anglophile, that the British used him to the fullest, and not only Kolchak was a puppet.

After reading a book about Denikin, you can find out that it was he who thwarted the struggle of the Don Cossacks under the leadership of Ataman Krasnov. It was he who divided the Southern Union of Whites. It was he who did not provide real military assistance to the Don Cossacks, although he was supplied from the Don. And of course, the apotheosis of his heroic activity was the fact that General Mamontov was recalled from the raid on Moscow, when the victory was almost in the hands of the monarchists. In Moscow, the red commissars, headed by Lenin and Sverdlov, were already packing their bags and preparing to leave. The defeat of the Bolsheviks was real, but Denikin did everything to disrupt the raid. Disappointment with this criminal order among the white troops was almost comparable to despair. Having put all their strength into this raid, White only retreated afterwards. And Denikin and his American wife, having fulfilled their role, left for America …

The official version is as follows: “In early April 1919, Denikin ignored Wrangel's secret report. In it, he suggested that Tsaritsyn should be considered the main and only operational direction of the planned campaign. According to Wrangel, this made it possible to connect the right flank of the volunteer troops with the army of A. V. Kolchak and, together with her, develop an offensive against Moscow. This proposal was rejected by Denikin, and the order of the headquarters of June 20, 1919, which later became known as the "Moscow directive", served as a response to it. In it, Wrangel was ordered to advance on Moscow in a different operational direction - through Kursk, Oryol and Tula. As you know, this decision led to the stretching of the flanks of the white troops, dispersion of their forces, which ultimately deprived the headquarters of the opportunity to maneuver them."


Well, the descriptions of eyewitnesses of the arbitrariness committed by Annenkov can be cited almost indefinitely. That is why it is more expedient, apparently, to restrict ourselves on this score to some official information that appears in the materials of the investigation into the acts of the ataman and his subordinates. In the city of Sergiopol, 800 people were shot, hacked and hanged. The village of Troitskoye was burned down, where the Annenkovites killed 100 men, 13 women, 7 babies. In the village of Nikolskoye, 300 people were whipped, 30 were shot and five were hanged. In the village of Znamenka, which is 45 versts from Semipalatinsk, almost the entire population was massacred; here the women had their breasts cut off. In the village of Kolpakovka 733 people were hacked, shot and hanged, in the village of Podgorny - 200. The villages of Bolgarskoe, Konstantinovka, Nekrasovka were burnt. In the village of Pokatilovka, half of the residents were hacked. In Karabulak of the Ucharal volost, all men were killed. According to witness Turchinov, the corpses were not buried, and the dogs were fattening to such an extent and accustomed to human meat that, the animals, they rushed at living people. Near the Chinese border, in the An-Agach tract, 900 corpses were counted, and 600 corpses beyond the Ala-Kul lake. All of them were former soldiers of the Annenko hordes and were destroyed by their own for unwillingness to remain under the rule of the chieftain.


If anyone thinks that this impostor ataman did not touch the Cossacks, he is mistaken, here is an example.

With the detachment, the families of some Cossack officers marched to the Chinese border, such as the family of the honored Orenburg citizen, Colonel Lugovsky, which consisted of three daughters and an elderly wife, the wife of Esaul Martemyanov and, among others, the wife with the 12-year-old daughter of the sergeant-major Petrov-Orenburg. Annenkov ordered all families to be evacuated to China, and he immediately gave the order to the 1st hundred of the Ataman regiment, the centurion Vasilyev, to give all the women at the disposal of the detachment, and kill the men. As soon as the families began to pass, the centurion Vasiliev detained them under various pretexts and sent hundreds of them to the train, where there were already violent lovers: Colonel Sergeev - the head of the garrison of Sergipol, Shulga, Ganaga and others. The women who arrived were undressed, and they passed into drunken company from hand to hand, and then they were chopped off in the most incredible positions.

From this cesspool, the sergeant's daughter, already raped with a severed hand, managed to escape, who ran to the partisan detachment and told everything. This was conveyed to the Orenburg residents, they asked them to stand up for their defense.

In this terrible story, the whole Lugovsky family died, they did not spare a 54-year-old woman and a 14-year-old girl, not to mention 17- and 19-year-old girls who were found with legs scattered on the sides and a terrible look of the penis. They said that these girls passed from hand to hand of a whole squadron, and each one who received a sacrifice after another mocked the unfortunate even more. The wife of the assistant chieftain Martemyanov was found with her stomach ripped open and her legs torn apart. The belongings of the killed were not found, but, as they said, in the personal headquarters of the chieftain there was a lot of gold and silver with the marks of the dead.

In all the terrible fullness of the atrocities of the Annenov Cossacks, the surviving witnesses restored at the trial. A resident of the village of Cherny Dol (near Slavgorod) Tsiryulnikova said: “We heard rumors from Slavgorod, and we started to run away: it became scary. They cordoned off our village and began to cut down. Who of the men did not have time to escape, all were chopped up - 18 people. They did what they wanted, took them away, fired them, laughed at women and girls, raped them from 10 years old and older. They burned 45 acres of bread on my farm, took a couple of horses, a cow, and destroyed the entire farm. And then they took my husband into the city and hacked him to pieces, cut off his nose and tongue, cut out his eyes, and cut off half his head. We found it already buried. Everyone who remained in the village was flogged. " The village was burned down. So that "his nobility" Kolchak, allies and hedgehogs with them, made fun of the Russian people.

Winston Churchill, a monster of British diplomacy, is well known: “It would be a mistake to think that we fought on the fronts for the cause of the Russians hostile to the Bolsheviks. On the contrary, the Russian White Guards fought for our cause."


We must always remember and never forgive the Anglo-Saxon atrocities during the Civil War and in every possible way encourage the teachers of universities, secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, who dwell in detail on the consideration of the Kolchak region, English and American atrocities on Russian territory. The inflexibility of the peoples of Russia and, above all, the Russian and the Cossacks, their resistance to American aggression has shown that we must and are always able to win only together. But if, under different pretexts, they manage to divide us, then apart from hatred and destruction of each other, they will not leave us any other options, Ukraine is an example today.

Today they are trying to keep silent about all these historical facts, you see, it is inconvenient for them to remember this, but the deathly silence covered the Siberian occupation most of all. There is not something that is inconvenient to remember, there is direct evidence of the outbreak of war by the Anglo-Saxons against the whole of Russia, with the aim of seizing its territories, organized mass terror, Holodomor, etc. So now they have the audacity to blame the injured party for this, i.e. us, these are such sophisticated quirks of this "cannibalistic company". It was they who later brought Hitler to power, and when he got out of control, they were forced to put together a coalition and deal with him, and immediately again declared war on us, only this cold one, which almost turned into a hot one several times. They forced Germany to pay large reparations to the most affected people and declared the Holocaust untouchable, but excuse me, count how many Slavs died in the USSR and Europe, and why is there no Holocaust of the Slavs? Now these "cannibals" need victims of a continental scale, today everyone can see it.


For the funds provided by American bankers, Trotsky more than paid off with them both for the revolution and for the civil war, with their help he began to create a famine in the Volga region, Kuban, and Ukraine.

American banker Jacob (Jacob) Henry Schiff, nee Jacob Hirsch Schiff gave Trotsky only $ 20 million for the revolution, and received many times more, plus the gold of the Russian Empire, whatever you say, the most successful economic operations of this war and the capture of someone else's. So that the Americans had time to count the gold of the Russian Empire long before the revolution, and think about how to take it away from Russia, and all this, thanks to their agent - the Minister of Finance of Russia, Count Witte S. Yu.


But against whom did the Anglo-American coalition conduct punitive operations? Against the local residents who resist and do not allow themselves to be killed, the "whites" and "reds" helped the Anglo-American coalition to genocide the local residents of Russia. The purpose of the intervention of the Anglo-American Coalition was to help the American citizen Trotsky-Bronstein and his strike team of commissars-gangsters to seize power in Russia. And on the other side of the ocean, Kolchak was brought to tear Siberia from Russia, but because of his "Bonapartism" a little went wrong, for which he was killed. The Anglo-American occupation lasted 2 times longer than Hitler's, not 2 years, but 4-5 years! During the years of which everything of value was exported from Russia and Siberia to the USA and England, tens of millions of Russians were killed, but Siberia is in this giant meat grinder, in this time interval,historically it is not indicated in any way and is informationally distorted.


Compared to the Bolsheviks and Whites, the Entente had huge military forces concentrated in Siberia and the Far East. The question is, how did they lose?

Before Nicholas II in Siberia, on the borders of churchyards, garrisons, fortresses, according to official data, an insignificant number of Cossacks were concentrated, and even then they were recruited mainly from the common people. Sometimes in one garrison there were up to 200 Cossacks. But of those representing a formidable force for the tsar's garrisons, only the Dzungars had more than 30 thousand soldiers, but neither they nor the Chinese dared to violate the borders. They knew that in addition to the tsar's small garrisons, they would have to face another force, the free Cossacks, about which the courtiers preferred to keep quiet. It is officially recognized that Siberia began to be populated, as it were, after Ermak. But long before this event, the Novgorodians in Siberia had established a peaceful bargaining and were there as at home, and the Siberian unbaptized Cossacks were usually called Tatars, savages, barbarians, Mongols, etc. In the historically "desert" Siberia, white spots of the past shine with the numerous peoples of the Scythians, Huns, the hordes of Genghis Khan, the countless armies of Tamerlane, Tokhtamysh, the various unions of the Pied Horde, Kaganates, etc. The indigenous Proto-Slavic peoples of Siberia, like the Samaras, Cheldons, have survived to this day, the latter were called Issedons by the ancient Greeks, but for science Siberia is historically empty, with the exception of the small Mongoloid aborigines. So, with the revolutionary events in Russia and the arrival of the Entente, a huge mass of people in Siberia fell under arms. As it was after the baptism of Rus, on the Kulikovo field, the pitted peoples killed each other for nothing. Here the same analogy, only the already prepared class division, grew into a division into red and white. And the same scenario - a fratricidal massacre, which was called the Civil War. Now in our time, from the former Russians (Slavs), they created Ukrainians who hate everything Russian and prepare cannon fodder for the next slaughter. Recently, their "Ukrainian project" has stalled and another scenario was immediately connected - the terror of ISIS, this bandits organization is banned in Russia, but semi-legal in Western countries, they call them moderate opposition. These kindred Aryan peoples of Asia divided among themselves according to the type of Sunnis - Shiites and began to persecute each other, and against this background, this large army of thugs, controlled from overseas, armed to the teeth, is ready to crush the Asian region and move to our borders. As the saying goes: “the war is knocking at our doors”, so we were forced to go ahead and smash the enemy on their territory, relying on our kindred Aryan peoples,which have not yet been processed and destroyed.


As you can see, history repeats itself, but lessons are not learned, and to remember some of them, you can give an example … The most recent mass destruction of the peoples of Siberia was under Catherine II. This full-scale war is hidden from us by an insignificant peasant uprising under the guise of Pugachev. But in fact, the vast territories of Siberia, the Orenburg region, the Urals, the Urals, the Middle and Lower Volga regions were covered by the civil war. Most likely in 1762, after a palace coup and the assassination of the heir to the throne, Peter Fedorovich (Peter III), Catherine II became empress, but she was not recognized by Western countries. To legitimize her power, she followed the West's lead and made a number of concessions. This is clearly seen in the conquest of many Russian cities that did not obey the tsarist power, where Suvorov took them by storm and the destruction of the Siberian kingdom in 1775,which in those days was called Tartary. Therefore, these bloody events against their people are forever erased from the history of Russia during the reign of Catherine II, but abroad, in many countries, these events are reflected in the writings and texts of many books that are scattered across various libraries and depositories.

In the archives of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, an official letter from the then Minister of Foreign Affairs, Duke de Choiseul, to the Austrian Chancellor was found, which openly talks about plans to eliminate "Voltaire's student" (Catherine), "our sworn enemy."

It should be noted that in 1773, under pressure from European monarchs, the Pope in the bull "Dominus ac redemptor noster" announced the termination of the Jesuit order in all countries without exception. He stripped the order of all previously held positions and titles, closed all schools, colleges and other Jesuit societies, announced the confiscation of their property and canceled all previous decisions concerning the Jesuits.

But Catherine II, anticipating future persecution against Russia by the Jesuits, for the refusal of their support - in a letter to the Pope, she denied the accusations against the order in the papal bull and forbade its dissolution in Russia. In 1773-1814, Russia remained the only country in the world where the Jesuits existed legally. At the end of the 18th century, they actively continued their activities in Belarus, which became part of the Russian Empire after the first partition of Poland (1772), when a vast territory was annexed to Russia, in which at least 1.8 million Catholics lived.

In November 1773, Catherine II established the Belarusian Roman Catholic bishopric in Russia. In May 1774, she confirmed the establishment in Russia and the Belarusian Roman Catholic Diocese with a residence in Mogilev. (See "Collection of the Russian Historical Society", T. 1. St. Petersburg. 1867.)

After the first partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1772, about 200 thousand Jews turned out to be in Russia. The Russian government took into account the specifics of the tradition. The Jews retained the right to practice their faith in public and own property. The Senate decree of 1776 legalized the existence of the kagala.

So Catherine retained her power, and even overgrown with unnecessary territories. But under Paul I, with a similar scenario, he lacked the wisdom. When difficult times began for the Jesuit Order of the Society of Jesus at the papal court, the Franciscan Catholics began to burn out to replace the Jesuit brigade in Beijing; dad didn't mind. Passions ran high so much that the "Beijing" Jesuits asked Russia for political asylum. Emperor Paul I allowed not only them, but the entire Order with its headquarters to settle in St. Petersburg. Remember when Napoleon took Malta where did the Order of Malta go? Russia took upon itself the financing of the Order, and it was all redeployed to Russia, and Paul I intended to use the Beijing "brigade" through diplomatic channels in the countries of the Far East. But right there in March 1801, Pope Pius I returned the Jesuits to Beijing and in the same month Paul I was killed, these are the dodgy tricks that the West is always preparing for us. And ahead of them, a coup d'etat was being prepared by the Freemasons under the guise of a Decembrist uprising, from which the enlightenment of Nicholas I came, and when Pushkin A. S. wrote a letter of repentance to the emperor, in which he agreed with his Manifesto of July 13, 1826, later began to expose the Masonic deeds, for which he was killed.


As you can see, they do not abandon their plans to destroy Russia. The tactics applied to us are uniform and predictable throughout our history, they are military aggression, replacement or overthrow of the leadership and all sorts of tricks in changing the ruling "regime". Since 1917, we already see that the active phase of the occupation and colonization of our living space has begun, and new concepts such as concentration camps, genocide, Holodomor, “white and red terror” have appeared.

Returning to our topic, those Cossacks who were in the service of the sovereign and other part of the Siberian Cossacks, accustomed to living freely, did not want to come into contact with the Tsar's saints - from the moment the Entente entered the war, once again rose to defend their native land from foreign invaders, and together with them the Siberian, Transbaikal, Amur, Ural, Daurian and others, united under red and white flags.

Today it is known that during the Civil War, the Siberian Cossacks sent 15 cavalry regiments, 1 separate Cossack brigade and 3 batteries to the White Army, history is silent about the rest. It got to the extreme, going into battle with the Entente of the Cossacks, the Bolsheviks attacked in the back, and having destroyed them, they themselves entered the battle. Whites with reds, reds with whites, frantically destroying each other, also fought with the Entente, it was a real meat grinder.


According to official statistics, as of January 1, 1904, there were 98 thousand Cossacks, soldiers and officers in the Far East alone. The civil war completely bled the Cossacks of Siberia, the puppeteers of the West managed to destroy their most powerful historical rival, and the subsequent infamous decree of Yakov Sverdlov (Yeshuy Solomonovich Movshovich) on decossackization completely destroyed the military class, but not the national-ethnic group.

In total, there were more than a million invaders on the territory of Russia - 280 thousand Austro-German bayonets and about 850 thousand British, American, French and Japanese. The joint attempt of the Red and White Guard armies and their foreign "allies" to inflict the Russian "Thermidor" cost the Russian people very dear: millions and millions of killed, tortured in concentration camps, died from wounds, hunger and epidemics. The material losses of the country, according to experts, amounted to an astronomical figure - 50 billion gold rubles …
